When I didn't find the auto-complete button, I opened constructed, picked game mode and clicked on unfinished deck. Got question "Do you want to finish it automatically" - Done!
Oh, right! I remember, it's not too long ago that I encountered this. That's why I thought it was still in the client. Looks more like a remnant though if you can only auto-complete a deck with this workaround.
Tested it out a bit, though not in great depth. The results are interesting, When given no suggestions whatsoever and asking it to find 30 cards for Standard Priest, Hunter or Warrior, It seems to be very fond of Core Set neutrals, like Stranglethorn Tiger, Lifedrinker, Stormwind Champion or Sleepy Dragon. Asking for a 30 card Wild deck for Priest resulted in 30 basic/core cards with vanilla all stars like Sen'jin and Yeti. Trust me, I have better cards for Priest.
However, asking for a 30 cards Wild deck for Druid, and I get a weird sort of miracle combo Druid, that seems outdated but includes cards from Whizbangs Workshop.
### Custom Druid2 # Class: Druid # Format: Wild # # 2x (0) Aquatic Form # 2x (0) Innervate # 2x (0) Lightning Bloom # 2x (0) Moonfire # 2x (0) Pounce # 2x (1) Biology Project # 2x (1) Funnel Cake # 2x (1) Living Roots # 2x (1) Magical Dollhouse # 2x (1) Moonbeam # 2x (2) Lifebinder's Gift # 1x (2) Moonlit Guidance # 2x (2) Solar Eclipse # 2x (3) Pendant of Earth # 1x (5) Barnes # 2x (7) Gadgetzan Auctioneer # AAEBAZICAoW4Aq+ABA7TA6QHj/YCxoYD8NQDiuADrp8ErsAE1dIEgdQEoukF/Y0GmqAGlLEGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
I tried feeding it cards like Therazane, Kangor and Projection Orb, which works somewhat, but not too well. When asking for a spell Mage, there were still minions in there. When I want an Elemental Shaman, and I get Walking Mountains, Colifero and Al'akir, but also Jazz Basses with almost no Overload, an E.T.C with no band, and two Fairy Tale Forests, for a total of 3 Battlecries in the deck (of which E.T.C. won't even work).
When I asked to make an Elemental Shaman in Wild, with two Granite Forgeborn to get started, it gave me an old Frog Shaman combo list, with some odd inclusions and two useless Granite Forgeborn.
So... cool? I might try it out a bit more, but I feel like there's a reason why you don't find that button in the collection manager anymore.
I had not noticed it was gone. I was 99% sure it was just harder to find and launched the game to check, but I can't find it anymore either.
If it's any consolation, the auto-complete feature was pretty useless for a long time already and about as "useful" as the deck helper is now. For years, it would always suggest the exact same cards in Wild (like Plated Beetle, Green Jelly and Violet Wurm) regardless of class or initial cards you put in, and Standard wasn't working much better, from what I can remember.
Initially I had hoped it would work by utilizing Blizzard's own data, checking which cards are commonly played together and giving you an idea of decks that might work and are just not played commonly, and always be up to date. But it eventually became painfully clear that whatever mechanism was put in place to make it work was handcrafted at a specific point in time, and could not adapt at all to newer card sets and nobody ever bothered to update it. Looks like it was the pet project of one developer (or a small team) who no longer works there (as with so many other things in the game).
Then again, hardly anyone ever brought it up and yours is the first comment I see lamenting the missing of the feature. I also can't find any mentioning of it in official posts. I guess it was axed without notice because they did not want to make it work again and nobody was going to miss it anyway.
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Oh, right! I remember, it's not too long ago that I encountered this. That's why I thought it was still in the client. Looks more like a remnant though if you can only auto-complete a deck with this workaround.
Tested it out a bit, though not in great depth. The results are interesting, When given no suggestions whatsoever and asking it to find 30 cards for Standard Priest, Hunter or Warrior, It seems to be very fond of Core Set neutrals, like Stranglethorn Tiger, Lifedrinker, Stormwind Champion or Sleepy Dragon. Asking for a 30 card Wild deck for Priest resulted in 30 basic/core cards with vanilla all stars like Sen'jin and Yeti. Trust me, I have better cards for Priest.
However, asking for a 30 cards Wild deck for Druid, and I get a weird sort of miracle combo Druid, that seems outdated but includes cards from Whizbangs Workshop.
### Custom Druid2
# Class: Druid
# Format: Wild
# 2x (0) Aquatic Form
# 2x (0) Innervate
# 2x (0) Lightning Bloom
# 2x (0) Moonfire
# 2x (0) Pounce
# 2x (1) Biology Project
# 2x (1) Funnel Cake
# 2x (1) Living Roots
# 2x (1) Magical Dollhouse
# 2x (1) Moonbeam
# 2x (2) Lifebinder's Gift
# 1x (2) Moonlit Guidance
# 2x (2) Solar Eclipse
# 2x (3) Pendant of Earth
# 1x (5) Barnes
# 2x (7) Gadgetzan Auctioneer
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
I tried feeding it cards like Therazane, Kangor and Projection Orb, which works somewhat, but not too well. When asking for a spell Mage, there were still minions in there. When I want an Elemental Shaman, and I get Walking Mountains, Colifero and Al'akir, but also Jazz Basses with almost no Overload, an E.T.C with no band, and two Fairy Tale Forests, for a total of 3 Battlecries in the deck (of which E.T.C. won't even work).
When I asked to make an Elemental Shaman in Wild, with two Granite Forgeborn to get started, it gave me an old Frog Shaman combo list, with some odd inclusions and two useless Granite Forgeborn.
So... cool? I might try it out a bit more, but I feel like there's a reason why you don't find that button in the collection manager anymore.
I had not noticed it was gone. I was 99% sure it was just harder to find and launched the game to check, but I can't find it anymore either.
If it's any consolation, the auto-complete feature was pretty useless for a long time already and about as "useful" as the deck helper is now. For years, it would always suggest the exact same cards in Wild (like Plated Beetle, Green Jelly and Violet Wurm) regardless of class or initial cards you put in, and Standard wasn't working much better, from what I can remember.
Initially I had hoped it would work by utilizing Blizzard's own data, checking which cards are commonly played together and giving you an idea of decks that might work and are just not played commonly, and always be up to date. But it eventually became painfully clear that whatever mechanism was put in place to make it work was handcrafted at a specific point in time, and could not adapt at all to newer card sets and nobody ever bothered to update it. Looks like it was the pet project of one developer (or a small team) who no longer works there (as with so many other things in the game).
Then again, hardly anyone ever brought it up and yours is the first comment I see lamenting the missing of the feature. I also can't find any mentioning of it in official posts. I guess it was axed without notice because they did not want to make it work again and nobody was going to miss it anyway.