This was posted sept 15. AND THEY STILL have not nerfed Sargeras OR discard Warlock. Anyone saying that these are NOT the two strongest decks in wild and standard, are just the exact losers playing these decks to hit legend for the first time in their miserable lives! And it's disgusting! Discard warlock has had a 80% freaking winrate this past week, last time I checked, a deck to have between 60%-67% was on God like status. 80% is just downright the best deck in Hearthstone history, broken beyond recognition. So unfair and advantageous of a deck, that it's a joke and they are a joke to not fix it! And in standard, by far, not EVEN CLOSE, Sargeras is the best card in the entire game. I have conceded 100% of the time after it's played because I have lost hundreds of times and know that a infinite value card played on turn like 3 or 4 is just too broken. The amount of times they play Symphony of sins and get Sargeras at 3 mana is BAFFLING. Both Symphony of Sins and Sargeras don't just need minor nerfs, they need HUGE NERFS. Symphony should cost 7 mana, Sargeras should cost 10 mana, and when they draw their highest cost minion, it should not be reduced in cost, AT ALL. They should be forced to play it at 10 mana, because if they play it at 10 mana they win the game. Also reverberations is broken, the Warlock really needs a priest spell as well? They not only get the strongest titan in the game, they also reverberations YOUR TITAN and get to play BOTH TITANS. Yeah what a joke, please tell me who ever is in controll of making, nerfing, and buffing the cards is not the BIGGEST WARLOCK fan. Huge bias, Warlock is the best class to ever grace this game and I don't even concede after seeing Sargeras or Disco Warlock anymore, I concede to all Warlocks the second I see that I am playing vs a Warlock. Take your free wins you pathetic cowards. Abusing the strongest class, hope you feel good making it to legend with no skill.
This was posted sept 15. AND THEY STILL have not nerfed Sargeras OR discard Warlock. Anyone saying that these are NOT the two strongest decks in wild and standard, are just the exact losers playing these decks to hit legend for the first time in their miserable lives! And it's disgusting! Discard warlock has had a 80% freaking winrate this past week, last time I checked, a deck to have between 60%-67% was on God like status. 80% is just downright the best deck in Hearthstone history, broken beyond recognition. So unfair and advantageous of a deck, that it's a joke and they are a joke to not fix it! And in standard, by far, not EVEN CLOSE, Sargeras is the best card in the entire game. I have conceded 100% of the time after it's played because I have lost hundreds of times and know that a infinite value card played on turn like 3 or 4 is just too broken. The amount of times they play Symphony of sins and get Sargeras at 3 mana is BAFFLING. Both Symphony of Sins and Sargeras don't just need minor nerfs, they need HUGE NERFS. Symphony should cost 7 mana, Sargeras should cost 10 mana, and when they draw their highest cost minion, it should not be reduced in cost, AT ALL. They should be forced to play it at 10 mana, because if they play it at 10 mana they win the game. Also reverberations is broken, the Warlock really needs a priest spell as well? They not only get the strongest titan in the game, they also reverberations YOUR TITAN and get to play BOTH TITANS. Yeah what a joke, please tell me who ever is in controll of making, nerfing, and buffing the cards is not the BIGGEST WARLOCK fan. Huge bias, Warlock is the best class to ever grace this game and I don't even concede after seeing Sargeras or Disco Warlock anymore, I concede to all Warlocks the second I see that I am playing vs a Warlock. Take your free wins you pathetic cowards. Abusing the strongest class, hope you feel good making it to legend with no skill.