Happens all the time bud and as Corax said, there are ones that do copy from hand so it's easy to get confused. Just the other day I summoned the 6 mana 5/5 deathrattle: summon a 5 cost from the past, got exactly that, a minion from the past and screenshotted it thinking it was a bug, I completely misread the card😅
Happens all the time bud and as Corax said, there are ones that do copy from hand so it's easy to get confused. Just the other day I summoned the 6 mana 5/5 deathrattle: summon a 5 cost from the past, got exactly that, a minion from the past and screenshotted it thinking it was a bug, I completely misread the card😅
It copies from your deck not hand, you might've had one there