This is not my deck, I simply took out the bite kithros had in it for big game hunter. I have run Sunwalker and against aggro it's better due to taunt but against big control decks Cairne is better. Remember all mages have to do to take down divine shield is ping and pally control can run a token into it. In addition after pally or priest pulls of there sweet board wipe you get a 4/5. Ancient of war is a big threat vs. pally and mage and also has the bonus of breaking aggro decks. The idea is to retain flexibility w/o having bad matchups vs. any one deck.
No starfall, leaving only Swipe and Wrath for buff targets and i figure the 2/1 on loot hoarder is more usefull against rush decks. The deck is made mainly to beat mage and I only lost one time to aggro mage with a double mana wyrm opener and me with no claw,wrath,swipe, innervate. I also don't have thalnos right now but loot is better against rush decks in this version. The deck is ok vs. everything but the mirror as this version is less gready. No azure drakes,ysera,starfall,thalnos,hogger,wild growth etc..
True. I think 1 starfall is necessary too though. I adjusted your deck a little bit, put in 1 starfall and thalnos and removed 1 loot hoarder and 1 farseer. I think maybe you could drop 1 ancient of lore too.. i don't think i've ever been in a game where I could drop 2 of those things in 1 match
I was thinking 1 faceless manipulator instead of 1 ancient of war or golem. You seemed to tune the deck to beat aggro better although i would rather have loot hoarder then thalnos in my opening hand. I would tune it to beat pally control which is sick at the higher rankings also since this version doesn't run the greedy legendaries at five crystals faceless manipulator is a good way to punish them. Imagine they drop Ysera or something and you Faceless then big game hunter and just win. As for thalnos it's a very slight difference. I might run him myself if i had one. I dusted him on accident. while trying to build my pally deck. I wouldn't mess with the life gain cause thats how you beat mages. I find you need it all.
No starfall, leaving only Swipe and Wrath for buff targets and i figure the 2/1 on loot hoarder is more usefull against rush decks. The deck is made mainly to beat mage and I only lost one time to aggro mage with a double mana wyrm opener and me with no claw,wrath,swipe, innervate. I also don't have thalnos right now but loot is better against rush decks in this version. The deck is ok vs. everything but the mirror as this version is less gready. No azure drakes,ysera,starfall,thalnos,hogger,wild growth etc..
I got the beta last week and since I am fond of the whole druid theme I have made an effort to create this deck! I just love how the druid cards let you choose what you want to do with them so you can better suit each individual situation.
I don't have any of the ancient's at the moment but will probably look to get some of them next. (Nelf player in Warcraft 3 - Ancients - fond memory! :) )
I am wondering if you have any tips on what I can add/change out in the deck for now, and which of the ancients would be better to add eventually?
I am using a yeti and a dark iron dwarf for now since I felt they are giving me a good boost in the early/middle game, specially if I can coin/innervate them out early. Though I feel I lack some of the end game heavy hitters, so do you think it would be smart to add something more 'lategamish' ?
Ragnaros is great but usually I don't get off more than one of the proccs due to hex/poly etc.
I apologize if you find this question silly!
All tips appriciated!
Your deck seems kind of scattered. If you plan on playing for the early middle game why not add 2.Shattered Sun Clerics 2. Defender of Argus 2. Harvest golem. -1 Abomination -2 tazdingo -1 sunwalker -1 nourish. -1 one of something else.
Mark of the wild is not in the deck. I must have miss clicked. It's 2 starfall. Auctioneer is to slow against aggro decks and more situational then Nourish.The point with Nourish is that you can cast it and still have 5 mana crystals left to play around with. Lore at 7 slows down things too much and i don't care about the 5/5. The life gain on lore is nice but you will still have a hard matchup vs. mage stall. Aggro mage is a good match-up w/o lore, mage tends to run out of polymorphs b4 you run out of taunts. I wouldn't want to see lore or nourish in my hand till late game against aggro. One or the other is needed against control. As far as MC goes you play Ancient as a 10/5 or just kill them with 4/4s but priest is a good matchup anyways, so who cares.
The problem with lore is if you use it to gain life you are on the back foot. You have a 5/5; great but that's infinitely more manageable then a 5/10. I 'm finding i need my minions to stick around to gain board control and really what top tier deck has silence in it. Yes you drew two cards but they are still most likely to win when you are at < 10 life.Even against control, no shadow word death, great , your screwed. OTK?, better to have a 5/10 taunt, the upside is crazy value when they don't have a silence, which is rare. I agree Thalnos and Ragnaros belong in any late game control deck. Class doesn't mater. I spent some money and this is my updated version.
This thread seems to be turning into a defense or debunk of this particular druid deck instead of what we can do to improve it. I for one don't think it was as good as it was 2 weeks ago. BanderitaUSA is not even in the top 100 currently. Currently this is my dream list (since i don't have the legendaries right now). I play a few of one ofs as I wanna draw a combination of them but never two. I'm considering 1 argent crusader or sunwalker for Ysera as she is often a win more card. I think ancient of war is better then Lore right now due to it's ability to completely shut out aggro decks and it's usually a two for one in the mirror. Even if they silence it you still have a 5/5. The deck has enough card draw as it is.If anyone who has a Ysera in there druid deck can tell me how good it is that would be great.
There is a version that priests run with Sunfury Protectors, Defender of Argus and Ancient watchers. They also run holy fire along with 2 Mcs. It beats druid ramp but all other versions of priest is a good matchup. It got top 4 in a managrind tourney and was used by idipinurpink at 2p NA vs. CN. Here is RumHam losing with his ramp deck to it.
Yeah, I based this on one night of playing rogue decks with god draws. Further games reveal it's not a bad match-up at all. Warlock is pretty bad match-up, however this version is slightly stronger due to all the taunts and harvest golem and even novice engineer. The format seems to be shifting now that MC has been kinda countered by rush decks and with the nerf coming up, I expect to see a bit more of mid-game and late game decks running more legendaries. I don't think the deck would able to afford running Tazdingos, Harvest Golems and sunwalkers. There will be to many decks with better late game. Innervating out Sunwalker on turn four or five is not gonna cut it anymore. Probobly gonna have to play Claws and a shit of legendaries. On the bright side I think this all means less Warlock rush.
Been playing this deck alot and winning 75% of 3 masters games with this. I didn't make any changes other then testing claw for Tazdingo. I found i lost more games due to claw damage, so i changed it back. I have been beating every deck but rogues w/ cantrips. How to beat this deck? They can kill your taunts and have alot of creatures out of starfall and swipe range (It's hard to clear there board). By the time I can control the board Im already below 10 life. My record is less then 50%. Anyone with the same problems or am i just playing it wrong?
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This is not my deck, I simply took out the bite kithros had in it for big game hunter. I have run Sunwalker and against aggro it's better due to taunt but against big control decks Cairne is better. Remember all mages have to do to take down divine shield is ping and pally control can run a token into it. In addition after pally or priest pulls of there sweet board wipe you get a 4/5. Ancient of war is a big threat vs. pally and mage and also has the bonus of breaking aggro decks. The idea is to retain flexibility w/o having bad matchups vs. any one deck.
I was thinking 1 faceless manipulator instead of 1 ancient of war or golem. You seemed to tune the deck to beat aggro better although i would rather have loot hoarder then thalnos in my opening hand. I would tune it to beat pally control which is sick at the higher rankings also since this version doesn't run the greedy legendaries at five crystals faceless manipulator is a good way to punish them. Imagine they drop Ysera or something and you Faceless then big game hunter and just win. As for thalnos it's a very slight difference. I might run him myself if i had one. I dusted him on accident. while trying to build my pally deck. I wouldn't mess with the life gain cause thats how you beat mages. I find you need it all.
No starfall, leaving only Swipe and Wrath for buff targets and i figure the 2/1 on loot hoarder is more usefull against rush decks. The deck is made mainly to beat mage and I only lost one time to aggro mage with a double mana wyrm opener and me with no claw,wrath,swipe, innervate. I also don't have thalnos right now but loot is better against rush decks in this version. The deck is ok vs. everything but the mirror as this version is less gready. No azure drakes,ysera,starfall,thalnos,hogger,wild growth etc..
Been running this. Based on Kithros druid deck.
Your deck seems kind of scattered. If you plan on playing for the early middle game why not add 2.Shattered Sun Clerics 2. Defender of Argus 2. Harvest golem. -1 Abomination -2 tazdingo -1 sunwalker -1 nourish. -1 one of something else.
Mark of the wild is not in the deck. I must have miss clicked. It's 2 starfall. Auctioneer is to slow against aggro decks and more situational then Nourish.The point with Nourish is that you can cast it and still have 5 mana crystals left to play around with. Lore at 7 slows down things too much and i don't care about the 5/5. The life gain on lore is nice but you will still have a hard matchup vs. mage stall. Aggro mage is a good match-up w/o lore, mage tends to run out of polymorphs b4 you run out of taunts. I wouldn't want to see lore or nourish in my hand till late game against aggro. One or the other is needed against control. As far as MC goes you play Ancient as a 10/5 or just kill them with 4/4s but priest is a good matchup anyways, so who cares.
The problem with lore is if you use it to gain life you are on the back foot. You have a 5/5; great but that's infinitely more manageable then a 5/10. I 'm finding i need my minions to stick around to gain board control and really what top tier deck has silence in it. Yes you drew two cards but they are still most likely to win when you are at < 10 life.Even against control, no shadow word death, great , your screwed. OTK?, better to have a 5/10 taunt, the upside is crazy value when they don't have a silence, which is rare. I agree Thalnos and Ragnaros belong in any late game control deck. Class doesn't mater. I spent some money and this is my updated version.
This thread seems to be turning into a defense or debunk of this particular druid deck instead of what we can do to improve it. I for one don't think it was as good as it was 2 weeks ago. BanderitaUSA is not even in the top 100 currently. Currently this is my dream list (since i don't have the legendaries right now). I play a few of one ofs as I wanna draw a combination of them but never two. I'm considering 1 argent crusader or sunwalker for Ysera as she is often a win more card. I think ancient of war is better then Lore right now due to it's ability to completely shut out aggro decks and it's usually a two for one in the mirror. Even if they silence it you still have a 5/5. The deck has enough card draw as it is.If anyone who has a Ysera in there druid deck can tell me how good it is that would be great.
There is a version that priests run with Sunfury Protectors, Defender of Argus and Ancient watchers. They also run holy fire along with 2 Mcs. It beats druid ramp but all other versions of priest is a good matchup. It got top 4 in a managrind tourney and was used by idipinurpink at 2p NA vs. CN. Here is RumHam losing with his ramp deck to it.
Yeah, I based this on one night of playing rogue decks with god draws. Further games reveal it's not a bad match-up at all. Warlock is pretty bad match-up, however this version is slightly stronger due to all the taunts and harvest golem and even novice engineer. The format seems to be shifting now that MC has been kinda countered by rush decks and with the nerf coming up, I expect to see a bit more of mid-game and late game decks running more legendaries. I don't think the deck would able to afford running Tazdingos, Harvest Golems and sunwalkers. There will be to many decks with better late game. Innervating out Sunwalker on turn four or five is not gonna cut it anymore. Probobly gonna have to play Claws and a shit of legendaries. On the bright side I think this all means less Warlock rush.
Been playing this deck alot and winning 75% of 3 masters games with this. I didn't make any changes other then testing claw for Tazdingo. I found i lost more games due to claw damage, so i changed it back. I have been beating every deck but rogues w/ cantrips. How to beat this deck? They can kill your taunts and have alot of creatures out of starfall and swipe range (It's hard to clear there board). By the time I can control the board Im already below 10 life. My record is less then 50%. Anyone with the same problems or am i just playing it wrong?