Every fucking game, mage mage mage mage, fuck off with that bullshit
I've had my salty moments in this game since beta but this post just sums up my sentiment directly. I just got burst down from 30 to zero in one turn. And the deck I was piloting was supposed to have a high win rate against it. And it's enough to make me uninstall the game. For now at least,, I've had enough. Maybe the skillcap is too much for me, maybe I need to learn the meta more. Fuck knows. But I don't think I'm prepared to invest anymore time in the game in its current state.
Hope you all have a better experience than me with this expansion.
It;s time for Priest to be nerfed into the ground. Everything is pretty balanced, but priest is just stupid. Especially cleric. So many OP combo that make you lose the gaem on turn 2-3
Entire fucking class should be removed as far I'm concerned. Or put an actual cost on circle of healing.
I'd love to win a game this morning. Just quests and paladin decks today. Go into casual for some relief and jesus christ. Talk about EXACTLY THE FUCKING SAME THING.
Wanna know why discover is shit? Because a fucking mage can discover three extra freeze spells and just lock you out of the fucking game. Is that skill? No it fucking isn't
Many years ago, I thought that the emote were a good idea. Now, they just trigger me. So, yes, you top decked the right lethal or a great taunt. Nice one wanker. Why emote spam like a inebbriarte and think MADZ SKILLZ"
Seriously, if you take a Tier One deck like say, Control Warrior or Mid-range Hunter and emote spam like a fucking child. You really need to grow up. I've had a string of losses this morning with an Experimental Brightwing Controk Shaman and run into the meta heavy hitters.
Sure, run over me if you like, use your highly tuned knock off. But spamming like a fucking child. Hopefully auto-squelch will be here soon.
Seven match loosing streak. Switch deck to counter and get a face hunter. Playing control priest and do I get any AOE? Do I fuck. He wins by turn 5 and I've got a hand Wilder would be proud of.
This game rarely gets me uber angry but that was a flat uninstall.
I've had my salty moments in this game since beta but this post just sums up my sentiment directly. I just got burst down from 30 to zero in one turn. And the deck I was piloting was supposed to have a high win rate against it. And it's enough to make me uninstall the game. For now at least,, I've had enough. Maybe the skillcap is too much for me, maybe I need to learn the meta more. Fuck knows. But I don't think I'm prepared to invest anymore time in the game in its current state.
Hope you all have a better experience than me with this expansion.
Golden Hero Collections thus far; -
Europe: Druid, Hunter, Paladin, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior (9/9)
Americas: Druid, Mage, Paladin Shaman (4/9)
Everywhere else: Workin on it.. (0/9)
Entire fucking class should be removed as far I'm concerned. Or put an actual cost on circle of healing.
Golden Hero Collections thus far; -
Europe: Druid, Hunter, Paladin, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior (9/9)
Americas: Druid, Mage, Paladin Shaman (4/9)
Everywhere else: Workin on it.. (0/9)
Day long losing streak. Misplays and LOTS of tilt, but it does feel like whenever I switch a deck...I get queued against the perfect counter.
Golden Hero Collections thus far; -
Europe: Druid, Hunter, Paladin, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior (9/9)
Americas: Druid, Mage, Paladin Shaman (4/9)
Everywhere else: Workin on it.. (0/9)
I'd love to win a game this morning. Just quests and paladin decks today. Go into casual for some relief and jesus christ. Talk about EXACTLY THE FUCKING SAME THING.
Golden Hero Collections thus far; -
Europe: Druid, Hunter, Paladin, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior (9/9)
Americas: Druid, Mage, Paladin Shaman (4/9)
Everywhere else: Workin on it.. (0/9)
Wanna know why discover is shit? Because a fucking mage can discover three extra freeze spells and just lock you out of the fucking game. Is that skill? No it fucking isn't
Golden Hero Collections thus far; -
Europe: Druid, Hunter, Paladin, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior (9/9)
Americas: Druid, Mage, Paladin Shaman (4/9)
Everywhere else: Workin on it.. (0/9)
I've just come here to complain about this. Oh look., little mech hunter. Fuck all standard cards. No need to go control.
Really makes me wish there was an auto squelch.
Golden Hero Collections thus far; -
Europe: Druid, Hunter, Paladin, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior (9/9)
Americas: Druid, Mage, Paladin Shaman (4/9)
Everywhere else: Workin on it.. (0/9)
Many years ago, I thought that the emote were a good idea. Now, they just trigger me. So, yes, you top decked the right lethal or a great taunt. Nice one wanker. Why emote spam like a inebbriarte and think MADZ SKILLZ"
Where's auto-squelch?
Golden Hero Collections thus far; -
Europe: Druid, Hunter, Paladin, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior (9/9)
Americas: Druid, Mage, Paladin Shaman (4/9)
Everywhere else: Workin on it.. (0/9)
if you take a rank one deck into casual. Go fuck yourself. Seriously.
Golden Hero Collections thus far; -
Europe: Druid, Hunter, Paladin, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior (9/9)
Americas: Druid, Mage, Paladin Shaman (4/9)
Everywhere else: Workin on it.. (0/9)
Has someone recently popularised some form of Undertakah Deathrattle priest of late? The fucking latter is swarming with them.
Golden Hero Collections thus far; -
Europe: Druid, Hunter, Paladin, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior (9/9)
Americas: Druid, Mage, Paladin Shaman (4/9)
Everywhere else: Workin on it.. (0/9)
If you play Cyclone mage, I hope that your genitalia, in some way, shape or form, gets stuck between a hammer and an anvil.
Golden Hero Collections thus far; -
Europe: Druid, Hunter, Paladin, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior (9/9)
Americas: Druid, Mage, Paladin Shaman (4/9)
Everywhere else: Workin on it.. (0/9)
Seriously, if you take a Tier One deck like say, Control Warrior or Mid-range Hunter and emote spam like a fucking child. You really need to grow up. I've had a string of losses this morning with an Experimental Brightwing Controk Shaman and run into the meta heavy hitters.
Sure, run over me if you like, use your highly tuned knock off. But spamming like a fucking child. Hopefully auto-squelch will be here soon.
Golden Hero Collections thus far; -
Europe: Druid, Hunter, Paladin, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior (9/9)
Americas: Druid, Mage, Paladin Shaman (4/9)
Everywhere else: Workin on it.. (0/9)
Is there any point trying to play anything original in casual?
Golden Hero Collections thus far; -
Europe: Druid, Hunter, Paladin, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior (9/9)
Americas: Druid, Mage, Paladin Shaman (4/9)
Everywhere else: Workin on it.. (0/9)
Oh look. Bomb Warrior. Never seen that before.
Golden Hero Collections thus far; -
Europe: Druid, Hunter, Paladin, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior (9/9)
Americas: Druid, Mage, Paladin Shaman (4/9)
Everywhere else: Workin on it.. (0/9)
Seven match loosing streak. Switch deck to counter and get a face hunter. Playing control priest and do I get any AOE? Do I fuck. He wins by turn 5 and I've got a hand Wilder would be proud of.
This game rarely gets me uber angry but that was a flat uninstall.
Golden Hero Collections thus far; -
Europe: Druid, Hunter, Paladin, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior (9/9)
Americas: Druid, Mage, Paladin Shaman (4/9)
Everywhere else: Workin on it.. (0/9)
Some streamer somewhere must be playing mage? They're all I'm seeing on the ladder,
Golden Hero Collections thus far; -
Europe: Druid, Hunter, Paladin, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior (9/9)
Americas: Druid, Mage, Paladin Shaman (4/9)
Everywhere else: Workin on it.. (0/9)