I was hoping after the nerfs Mages would cease to exist but NOPE like I said if Deck of Lunacy cost 6 mana the deck would still be viable due to Refreshing Spring Water and Incanter's Flow. And to add more salt to the wound and just as I feared people are starting to catch on and pick up Control Warlock due to the Pen Flinger nerf and now it is nigh unstoppable. Aggro decks lost alot of burst damage so Warlocks are able to comfortably stay healthy throughout the entire match all the while infinitely spawning 6/6's, and due to Tickatus you auto win vs control and combo. The deck effectively beats almost an entire archetype trifecta. Aggro? loads of healing and AoE for pretty much any board situation (May I remind you of Hysteria and Cascading Diaster, the most broken removal in the game) Control? Tickatus. Combo? Tickatus. Midrange? Only Clown Druid can beat it comfortably. I would wager this is the best Control has ever gotten and the most broken it will ever be.
Mage is at 1 health but of course I can't get the damage I needed and wins off of perfect RNG. Now is a bad time to play HS if you are a Mage hater like me, I'm taking a break until Mage gets the nerf bat. Not sure if it'll matter anyways, Deck of Lunacy could be 6 mana and people would still play that cancerous deck.
Here to once again voice my complaints about Warlock in the coming days, with how strong Control Warlock is gonna be they just have to be at least thinking about nerfing Tickatus. I keep saying this but what reason is there to play any other control deck? I'm not even talking about just viability, it's so unfair to play against Control Warlock with pretty much any slow deck and that's not including combo decks too. It is the fucking dream for a Control deck to be able to shut down other control decks and combo, I can't think of any other control deck that was capable of pulling this feat off with just 2 cards (Tickatus and soon to be Jaraxxus) and the class got more healing and still has a boat load of removal including the overpowered Cascading Disaster under their belt, so they still got a decent shot at beating aggro and decks that play big minions. Control Warlock disrupts the entire archetype trifecta with just Tickatus alone, even it's mere existence as it is now is a concern, even if Tickatus doesn't get played as much it's still a threat that other people will put in their deck and will stomp on alot of decks outside of aggro.
Fucking mind boggling how I get killed Mozaki Mage on turn 8 at 43 health. Only 1 Sorcerer's apprentice needed, didn't draw any cards until they were actually doing the combo. Fucking disgusted by this and the deck. Who's bright idea was it to print Mana Biscuit at the same time Sorcer's apprentice and Mozaki is in standard? At least they did the smart thing and take Sorcerer's Bitch out of the core set, but this deck's existence is a huge mistake
Holy shit dude, I guess I'm a Pure Paladin main until the expansion hits. I'm already bored to tears with this deck. Praying they nerf Tickatus in the next balance patch.
Dear Team 5: Why do you keep on giving Control Warlock the best cards? and why haven't you nerfed Tickatus yet? why would you give the best control tools for a class with the best hero power in the game that is also really good for control decks?
Signed, A fan of Hearthstone that's been with you since classic and a control player of a variety of classes.
LOL you gave them 9 hours to nerf a card? Shocking that didn't happen.
Have you tried playing Tickatus? I have. It's rare in this meta to even make it to turn 7 let alone have the cards in hand.
Bottom line is that it doesn't matter what deck you play or how overpowered the cards are. The ZTG programming that controls the entire game determines the winner before the mulligan.
I have too and I felt disgusting. I'm not a bully so I don't stoop to their level. I'm not saying Tickatus is OP, but it feels bad to play against with any slow deck, not just a bad matchup but soul crushing. I dunno about you but I don't like my cards disappearing as if I don't get to play the game.
End of story. Don't care what you think it will never change my mind.
Why did I bother playing Duels today? My run with an insane deck ended at 6 to 3 warlock. The last one was a dick and had so many copies of Tickatus, Completely ignored the Knife Juggler in Dude Paladin and just went face (disrespecting the Knife Juggler...he wasn't taking me seriously at all) And whaddya know had the weapon that gives you a mage spell each turn and killed me with it because he got alot of face spells. Seems without even facing a Mage I still run into the same soul crushing bad luck that has anything to do with a Mage RNG card.
Ranked was fun though. Highlander Druid has been the most fun I've had lately, but per usual lost to 2 Mages, the only ones I came across. That's a normal day for me.
I'm kinda spamming, but this is my last post for today.
God speed control players. May your struggle against the tyrannical Control Warlock be in your favour, and don't be that guy to just run Control Warlock because it's the best control class. Spice up your life with a little variety.
Dear Team 5: Why do you keep on giving Control Warlock the best cards? and why haven't you nerfed Tickatus yet? why would you give the best control tools for a class with the best hero power in the game that is also really good for control decks?
Signed, A fan of Hearthstone that's been with you since classic and a control player of a variety of classes.
I hate this standard meta so much, I'd rather go back to Secret Paladin meta. Cheese Paladin and token druid are un-counterable, fail to clear exactly 1 turn of up to just 4 2/2s and you lose on the spot, and for Paladin's namesake auto lose on an Alura turn. Then you have these degenerate Tickatus players that play awful cards like Felosophy and Demonic Studies just to support Tickatus and LITERALLYBULLY non-aggro decks as if they don't get bullied enough already by this god awful meta, really drives the nail in the coffin for any non-aggro player, you can just forget about playing those decks. Even fucking aggressive decks are running weapon removal. Does Evolve shaman REALLY have to tech in a Stickyfinger just to get their weapon back after their opponent sticky finger'd them? fucking baffling. Teching 1 card to counter the same fucking card.
Fuck this shit. God I hope they do nerf Tickatus in the next patch. And thank the lord Cheese Paladin won't exist anymore next expansion. I can't take one more month of this crap.
I was hoping after the nerfs Mages would cease to exist but NOPE like I said if Deck of Lunacy cost 6 mana the deck would still be viable due to Refreshing Spring Water and Incanter's Flow. And to add more salt to the wound and just as I feared people are starting to catch on and pick up Control Warlock due to the Pen Flinger nerf and now it is nigh unstoppable. Aggro decks lost alot of burst damage so Warlocks are able to comfortably stay healthy throughout the entire match all the while infinitely spawning 6/6's, and due to Tickatus you auto win vs control and combo. The deck effectively beats almost an entire archetype trifecta. Aggro? loads of healing and AoE for pretty much any board situation (May I remind you of Hysteria and Cascading Diaster, the most broken removal in the game) Control? Tickatus. Combo? Tickatus. Midrange? Only Clown Druid can beat it comfortably. I would wager this is the best Control has ever gotten and the most broken it will ever be.
"Hey Loser!" has now given me more PTSD than "Everyone, get in here!"
Mage is at 1 health but of course I can't get the damage I needed and wins off of perfect RNG. Now is a bad time to play HS if you are a Mage hater like me, I'm taking a break until Mage gets the nerf bat. Not sure if it'll matter anyways, Deck of Lunacy could be 6 mana and people would still play that cancerous deck.
Here to once again voice my complaints about Warlock in the coming days, with how strong Control Warlock is gonna be they just have to be at least thinking about nerfing Tickatus. I keep saying this but what reason is there to play any other control deck? I'm not even talking about just viability, it's so unfair to play against Control Warlock with pretty much any slow deck and that's not including combo decks too. It is the fucking dream for a Control deck to be able to shut down other control decks and combo, I can't think of any other control deck that was capable of pulling this feat off with just 2 cards (Tickatus and soon to be Jaraxxus) and the class got more healing and still has a boat load of removal including the overpowered Cascading Disaster under their belt, so they still got a decent shot at beating aggro and decks that play big minions. Control Warlock disrupts the entire archetype trifecta with just Tickatus alone, even it's mere existence as it is now is a concern, even if Tickatus doesn't get played as much it's still a threat that other people will put in their deck and will stomp on alot of decks outside of aggro.
Well shit, OTK Worgen Warrior is fucking busted in Standard right now. Thank the lord this won't be around for long.
"Well Played" no it wasn't. You didn't play well and you stomped me. Maybe in their mind they mean well but you're still a cunt.
Fucking mind boggling how I get killed Mozaki Mage on turn 8 at 43 health. Only 1 Sorcerer's apprentice needed, didn't draw any cards until they were actually doing the combo. Fucking disgusted by this and the deck. Who's bright idea was it to print Mana Biscuit at the same time Sorcer's apprentice and Mozaki is in standard? At least they did the smart thing and take Sorcerer's Bitch out of the core set, but this deck's existence is a huge mistake
Holy shit dude, I guess I'm a Pure Paladin main until the expansion hits. I'm already bored to tears with this deck. Praying they nerf Tickatus in the next balance patch.
0-3 in arena cuz all my opponents had an answer for everything I had 2 of which were Mages discovering shit left and right what else is new
I play around a bunch of secret's from Mage, and just when I need to play my Expensive spells NOW he starts drawing into Counterspell.
I have too and I felt disgusting. I'm not a bully so I don't stoop to their level. I'm not saying Tickatus is OP, but it feels bad to play against with any slow deck, not just a bad matchup but soul crushing. I dunno about you but I don't like my cards disappearing as if I don't get to play the game.
End of story. Don't care what you think it will never change my mind.
Why did I bother playing Duels today? My run with an insane deck ended at 6 to 3 warlock. The last one was a dick and had so many copies of Tickatus, Completely ignored the Knife Juggler in Dude Paladin and just went face (disrespecting the Knife Juggler...he wasn't taking me seriously at all) And whaddya know had the weapon that gives you a mage spell each turn and killed me with it because he got alot of face spells. Seems without even facing a Mage I still run into the same soul crushing bad luck that has anything to do with a Mage RNG card.
Ranked was fun though. Highlander Druid has been the most fun I've had lately, but per usual lost to 2 Mages, the only ones I came across. That's a normal day for me.
I'm kinda spamming, but this is my last post for today.
God speed control players. May your struggle against the tyrannical Control Warlock be in your favour, and don't be that guy to just run Control Warlock because it's the best control class. Spice up your life with a little variety.
Dear Team 5: Why do you keep on giving Control Warlock the best cards? and why haven't you nerfed Tickatus yet? why would you give the best control tools for a class with the best hero power in the game that is also really good for control decks?
Signed, A fan of Hearthstone that's been with you since classic and a control player of a variety of classes.
I hate this standard meta so much, I'd rather go back to Secret Paladin meta. Cheese Paladin and token druid are un-counterable, fail to clear exactly 1 turn of up to just 4 2/2s and you lose on the spot, and for Paladin's namesake auto lose on an Alura turn. Then you have these degenerate Tickatus players that play awful cards like Felosophy and Demonic Studies just to support Tickatus and LITERALLY BULLY non-aggro decks as if they don't get bullied enough already by this god awful meta, really drives the nail in the coffin for any non-aggro player, you can just forget about playing those decks. Even fucking aggressive decks are running weapon removal. Does Evolve shaman REALLY have to tech in a Stickyfinger just to get their weapon back after their opponent sticky finger'd them? fucking baffling. Teching 1 card to counter the same fucking card.
Fuck this shit. God I hope they do nerf Tickatus in the next patch. And thank the lord Cheese Paladin won't exist anymore next expansion. I can't take one more month of this crap.