Just went up against Token Druid that had had Gibberling into Embiggen into Lightning Bloom+coin and end with Viracious Reader on turn 1. AGAIN!!!!! HOW DO MY OPPONENTS ALWAYS GET SO FUCKING LUCKY!? I SWARE I HAVE A CURSE
I hate cocky bastards that hover over their minions repeatedly and emote when I'm taking my time to think out my turn as if to say "Oh you can't deal with this?" fuck off twats. Of course with my luck I don't get any justice.
People (if you can call them that) who play net deck Face decks on day 1 of the new expansion in casual mode need to go see a shrink. Either that or not play this game if you're here to just gold farm and suck the fun out of the game (which btw is alot worse now) yet these cunts still play 1 year old decks. LIKE C'MON at least play fucking Zoo or something, the deck got lots of good cards that are cheap to craft! I'd take that deck over any other net deck any fucking day of the week right now.
I fucking hate mage with a passion. Hate them in Ranked, Arena, and now Duels. Fucking annoying class. Just constantly freezes, chucks burn at your face and pulls win out of their asses from a losing position thanks to bullshit RNG cards. And people think aggro is the most degenerate...
How do my opponents always get the nut draw!? against aggro druid and has gibberling, embiggen lightning bloom coin into Reader on the very first fuckign turn.
9/10 I lose to mages. I have the absolute worst luck when it comes to RNG. I get shit hands, while my opponent is having a field day, rubs it in my face by emoting me. Forget about DH or fucking aggro, RNG mages are the absolute worst. I can stomach losing to a good hand by aggro but when the mage pulls a win out of their ass I feel like smashing my computer.
How the fuck do I keep losing to these greedy decks!? Ran into a Priest with 2 Mind Control, Lucina and Twilight Drakes makes multiple bad plays and trades but he wins by a thread because luck, he had 6 bombs out of 9 cards in his deck at 4 health but doesn't draw one. Fuck off game..
This fucking guy kept telling me I make a mistake for not attacking his totems. Yeah like I'm gonna waste 5+ damage every turn to kill something absolutely irrelevant. fucking twat.
Just went up against Token Druid that had had Gibberling into Embiggen into Lightning Bloom+coin and end with Viracious Reader on turn 1. AGAIN!!!!! HOW DO MY OPPONENTS ALWAYS GET SO FUCKING LUCKY!? I SWARE I HAVE A CURSE
I hate cocky bastards that hover over their minions repeatedly and emote when I'm taking my time to think out my turn as if to say "Oh you can't deal with this?" fuck off twats. Of course with my luck I don't get any justice.
People (if you can call them that) who play net deck Face decks on day 1 of the new expansion in casual mode need to go see a shrink. Either that or not play this game if you're here to just gold farm and suck the fun out of the game (which btw is alot worse now) yet these cunts still play 1 year old decks. LIKE C'MON at least play fucking Zoo or something, the deck got lots of good cards that are cheap to craft! I'd take that deck over any other net deck any fucking day of the week right now.
I fucking hate mage with a passion. Hate them in Ranked, Arena, and now Duels. Fucking annoying class. Just constantly freezes, chucks burn at your face and pulls win out of their asses from a losing position thanks to bullshit RNG cards. And people think aggro is the most degenerate...
Thanks for ruining the game Blizz with this stupid reward system now everybody is roping every fucking turn
My opponent: Gets the literal god draw
Me: Bad hand never draws the cards when I need them
Losing to bad DH players sure is fun.
Hey ho
Back to rank 5 I go
Am I gonna get to legend? hell no!
How do my opponents always get the nut draw!? against aggro druid and has gibberling, embiggen lightning bloom coin into Reader on the very first fuckign turn.
9/10 I lose to mages. I have the absolute worst luck when it comes to RNG. I get shit hands, while my opponent is having a field day, rubs it in my face by emoting me. Forget about DH or fucking aggro, RNG mages are the absolute worst. I can stomach losing to a good hand by aggro but when the mage pulls a win out of their ass I feel like smashing my computer.
Cocky little shitheads saying well played cuz they think they win, no fucking justice because RNG hates me
How the fuck do I keep losing to these greedy decks!? Ran into a Priest with 2 Mind Control, Lucina and Twilight Drakes makes multiple bad plays and trades but he wins by a thread because luck, he had 6 bombs out of 9 cards in his deck at 4 health but doesn't draw one. Fuck off game..
Opponent: *Hovers over their own card repeatedly insinuating they think that was a good play and that I can't respond to it*
Why do so many fucking people do this?
This fucking guy kept telling me I make a mistake for not attacking his totems. Yeah like I'm gonna waste 5+ damage every turn to kill something absolutely irrelevant. fucking twat.
Fucking always losing to greedy ass decks...