I genuinely don't understand why people play Aggro or high tier net decks in casual, especially now that there is no gold farming. Why ruin the fun for people who want to play meme or unrefined decks? why can't you just go to Ranked where you can get rewards? I just can't understand these people's thought process, or lack there of. I'm guessing it's people with small dicks trying to compensate with over masculinity or some shit, typically they emote because "hurdurr I made a good play" yeah nobody cares dickwad.
Good job Blizz with the new reward system, now alot of people are roping first turn and people are AFKing Battlegrounds for XP making it incredibly unbalanced due to giving players a free tavern lvl up. More things to add onto the list of fuck ups.
Is it just me, or do the various Yogg-multi-spellcast-effects seem to rarely be a net negative, or even neutral, for the person using them?
Maybe it's confirmation bias. Maybe the stats say that amongst all the spells, all the effects and all the potential targets, it's more likely to be positive. I don't know. All I know is that it seems whenever someone uses something like Puzzle-Box it doesn't even come close to being a negative outcome.
Case in point: opponent plays Puzzle Box in wild. I'm playing DMH hard control warrior. Opponent gets Jade Idol, and the shuffle option - brutal card for the matchup, which I think would bring it to at least 50/50, if not slightly in their favour, despite the original matchup being majorly in my favour. After that, they get Void Contract, and hit the single DMH still remaining in the deck.
You can't make that stuff up. Getting an awesome counter-card for the deck, then destroying the key card in the deck. WTF.
Edit: I should also point out that this is a new-C'Thun variant, so that Void Contract was just fucking amazing. XD
Yeah New Yogg is better than the old one. I've only managed to play him 3 times out of many games but every time I got a positive outcome.
Your bad luck in that match is mine in a nutshell but with almost every match. But for some reason (probably addiction) I keep coming back to this game.
Why do so many people hover constantly and emote whenever I do a turn that takes longer than 10 seconds? like they drop a big minion or must kill target on the field and for some reason think just because I'm taking longer than usual that I can't deal with it?
Keep your cursor off the battlefield thank you very fucking much you cocky impatient cunts.
Mill Rogue players have to be the most evil narcissistic people ever. The most aggro infested meta there ever was but they don't give a shit about losing to aggro they just wanna watch control players rage and BM them like it's so fucking funny to them. If you are a Mill Rogue player reading this I want you to play Control for the whole day until you run into a Mill Rogue player and see how it feels on the receiving end. It's a really gut wrenching feeling. You don't get to play the game, you watch your opponent play solitaire. You cunts don't make the game any better.
Control is being treated like the kid that gets bullied everyday at school. Can the devs for once throw us a bone and give something really good to control? I'm not asking for anti aggro tools, I'm asking for tools that gives a big middle finger to Mill decks.
I really hope this XP reward for how long you play either gets removed or make turn 1 timer much shorter. I am fucking tired of almost every game people roping on the first turn.
Like just about everytime I play an anti aggro priest deck I go up against really greedy control decks so I just lose. This Tickatus deck I went up against had like, zero early game besides Jailer and School Spirits. I had played the matchup correctly, even used my removal efficiently, kept Archivist Elysiana in the opening hand (so it doesn't get burned by Tickatus) so I definitely should have won but the fucking guy has x2 Felosophy and copies a Sathrovarr that he purposely put in his deck. Fucking. Sathrovarr. Just for his x2 Enhanced Dreadlords. I lost because of that. Had he not had JUST Sathrovarr in his deck I would have won. People like this are so fucking stupid to play such greedy decks in a meta with so much DH and a handful of Aggro decks running around.
Losing to every Mage I come across, I could be in such a winning position way ahead on Tempo but the Mage randomly gets one fucking card to win the game for them entirely.
I sware I have the shittiest luck especially against Mages, the RNG gods must really hate me
Fucking god awful expansion. Alot of the cards suck and the ones that are good they gave to already tier 1 decks. On top of that this fucking Tickatus deck is busted as all hell, you just lose to this deck as Control and they have so much removal that Aggro isn't good enough either.
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I genuinely don't understand why people play Aggro or high tier net decks in casual, especially now that there is no gold farming. Why ruin the fun for people who want to play meme or unrefined decks? why can't you just go to Ranked where you can get rewards? I just can't understand these people's thought process, or lack there of. I'm guessing it's people with small dicks trying to compensate with over masculinity or some shit, typically they emote because "hurdurr I made a good play" yeah nobody cares dickwad.
God I hate Clown Druid. I draw through 2/3 of my deck but didn't get any of my Brawls for the clowns. My typical luck.
Lost to Quest Rogue in standard because opponent got Tickatus. Milled my C'thun too.
I fucking hate this game, I'm so fed up with losing to bullshit RNG and bad players.
Can I ever draw the cards I need? my opponent always has what they need.
Also can I ever stop getting emoting fucktards that get stressed out whenever I do a turn that is longer than usual?
Good job Blizz with the new reward system, now alot of people are roping first turn and people are AFKing Battlegrounds for XP making it incredibly unbalanced due to giving players a free tavern lvl up. More things to add onto the list of fuck ups.
Yeah New Yogg is better than the old one. I've only managed to play him 3 times out of many games but every time I got a positive outcome.
Your bad luck in that match is mine in a nutshell but with almost every match. But for some reason (probably addiction) I keep coming back to this game.
Mage. Fucking. Mage.
Nuff' said.
Call me when Tickatus gets nerfed (hopefully unplayable)
Why do so many people hover constantly and emote whenever I do a turn that takes longer than 10 seconds? like they drop a big minion or must kill target on the field and for some reason think just because I'm taking longer than usual that I can't deal with it?
Keep your cursor off the battlefield thank you very fucking much you cocky impatient cunts.
Mill Rogue players have to be the most evil narcissistic people ever. The most aggro infested meta there ever was but they don't give a shit about losing to aggro they just wanna watch control players rage and BM them like it's so fucking funny to them. If you are a Mill Rogue player reading this I want you to play Control for the whole day until you run into a Mill Rogue player and see how it feels on the receiving end. It's a really gut wrenching feeling. You don't get to play the game, you watch your opponent play solitaire. You cunts don't make the game any better.
Control is being treated like the kid that gets bullied everyday at school. Can the devs for once throw us a bone and give something really good to control? I'm not asking for anti aggro tools, I'm asking for tools that gives a big middle finger to Mill decks.
I really hope this XP reward for how long you play either gets removed or make turn 1 timer much shorter. I am fucking tired of almost every game people roping on the first turn.
Like just about everytime I play an anti aggro priest deck I go up against really greedy control decks so I just lose. This Tickatus deck I went up against had like, zero early game besides Jailer and School Spirits. I had played the matchup correctly, even used my removal efficiently, kept Archivist Elysiana in the opening hand (so it doesn't get burned by Tickatus) so I definitely should have won but the fucking guy has x2 Felosophy and copies a Sathrovarr that he purposely put in his deck. Fucking. Sathrovarr. Just for his x2 Enhanced Dreadlords. I lost because of that. Had he not had JUST Sathrovarr in his deck I would have won. People like this are so fucking stupid to play such greedy decks in a meta with so much DH and a handful of Aggro decks running around.
Losing to every Mage I come across, I could be in such a winning position way ahead on Tempo but the Mage randomly gets one fucking card to win the game for them entirely.
I sware I have the shittiest luck especially against Mages, the RNG gods must really hate me
WTF I finished a quest but didn't get any XP :/ fucking fix your game blizzard!
Fucking god awful expansion. Alot of the cards suck and the ones that are good they gave to already tier 1 decks. On top of that this fucking Tickatus deck is busted as all hell, you just lose to this deck as Control and they have so much removal that Aggro isn't good enough either.