Hoping for the day they print a neutral tech card that reads, "remove all copies of target card from both players hand and deck" so I can shit on Mill decks and not fear playing any value or control deck in wild. Like c'mon at least give us counterplay to mill instead of resorting to play Aggro out of fear.
Wow so Dean openly admitted they make some cards for the degenerate player base that plays decks like Mill Rogue and Tickatus. So basically they want the very low minority to ruin fun for everyone else. Nice. Admirable to try to appeal to all kinds of players, but these players don't deserve any bone thrown to them. Just leave them to figure out how to make their own degenerate decks and tell them to go jack off to Coldlight Oracle.
I draw a perfect hand as Control Warrior but still can't beat Darkglare Warlock. Fucking broken deck, can we nerf Darkglare to 4 mana and flesh Giant to 10 please and thank you?
Pure pallys can go suck a chode fucking smorcing against a deck with lots of heals but lucky him I DON'T DRAW ANY OF THEM FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! also like 100% of the time turn 1 and turn 2 plays how the fuck...??
The amount of times Power of Creation single handedly won the game against me is staggering. Either from getting the nuts or I just so happen to not have even 1 card out of the plethora of removal in my deck. *sigh* I really wish the card would get nerfed but that's wishful thinking. Hoping they at least print some shitty 6 drops soon...
I'm starting to believe the matchmaking system is rigged. It is next to impossible to get to Legend from Rank 5 Diamond, not because the game matches you with same skill level (How can this game detect skill level anyways?) but I believe the system in place is actually counter queue. Why else would I get value Mages and Rogues, two of the best classes and decks to beat control decks that I mostly play. And then the moment I switch to a value deck I get matched against alot of aggro, it's so consistent only around Rank 5 Diamond it's too uncanny to be just a coincidence.
Fucking DH in Duels is so goddamn busted. There is 0 ways to counter them, Priest can't heal enough to beat them they just hit you for 5+ every single turn. The nerfs did nothing to hinder them.
Man why does just about every gold portrait Rogue player get so aggravated? I wish the hovering highlighting could be turned off. I can tell they get salty because of continuously hovering over cards I play. Like that one time I played Ironbeak Owl against a Rogue and they just hovered over it as if to say, "what the fuck is that doing in your deck?" well maybe if you had a brain you would figure out that it's for Rattlegore in the CW mirror. Like zero fucking chill. Their stress is stressing me out.
Still can't believe they printed Tickatus the way they did. Like what was the discussion in the design room? "Let's give people some fun cards but also give misanthropes a card that burns 1/3 of those cards!" Just an awful feeling to lose a game to that.
Misanthrope is a wrong choice of words. I believe you are looking for "narcissistic."
I'd rather face anything than any Mage deck. Every single time they are in a seemingly unwinnable position only to play 1 or 2 cards from perfect RNG that completely turns the tide of the game into their favour. Or discover 20+ burn damage. Or has their OTK combo assembled by turn 6 without even drawing much cards.
The matchmaking system just has to be rigged. How do I get a good win streak then the next day a lose streak? usually this happens with a deck a new deck I make. How is that every time I switch decks I get counter queued? Why is it so fucking hard to get out of and stay out of Rank 5 Diamond? And don't get me started on perfect RNG at the exact moment it matters most.
Oh yeah did I mention I despise Mages?
It's official, the card I hate the most is Power of Creation. Close second is Survival of the Fittest.
I dunno what it is with my luck but literally every single Mage I come across I lose to. From now on if I get matched up against a Mage I'm just gonna concede straight away since I always lose so might as well not go through the stress.
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Hoping for the day they print a neutral tech card that reads, "remove all copies of target card from both players hand and deck" so I can shit on Mill decks and not fear playing any value or control deck in wild. Like c'mon at least give us counterplay to mill instead of resorting to play Aggro out of fear.
Wow so Dean openly admitted they make some cards for the degenerate player base that plays decks like Mill Rogue and Tickatus. So basically they want the very low minority to ruin fun for everyone else. Nice. Admirable to try to appeal to all kinds of players, but these players don't deserve any bone thrown to them. Just leave them to figure out how to make their own degenerate decks and tell them to go jack off to Coldlight Oracle.
I draw a perfect hand as Control Warrior but still can't beat Darkglare Warlock. Fucking broken deck, can we nerf Darkglare to 4 mana and flesh Giant to 10 please and thank you?
I would get Pyroblasted created by Babbling Book for exact lethal by a Mage....
Pure pallys can go suck a chode fucking smorcing against a deck with lots of heals but lucky him I DON'T DRAW ANY OF THEM FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! also like 100% of the time turn 1 and turn 2 plays how the fuck...??
The amount of times Power of Creation single handedly won the game against me is staggering. Either from getting the nuts or I just so happen to not have even 1 card out of the plethora of removal in my deck. *sigh* I really wish the card would get nerfed but that's wishful thinking. Hoping they at least print some shitty 6 drops soon...
I'm starting to believe the matchmaking system is rigged. It is next to impossible to get to Legend from Rank 5 Diamond, not because the game matches you with same skill level (How can this game detect skill level anyways?) but I believe the system in place is actually counter queue. Why else would I get value Mages and Rogues, two of the best classes and decks to beat control decks that I mostly play. And then the moment I switch to a value deck I get matched against alot of aggro, it's so consistent only around Rank 5 Diamond it's too uncanny to be just a coincidence.
The amount of times I've lost to one Power of Creation is staggering.
Fucking DH in Duels is so goddamn busted. There is 0 ways to counter them, Priest can't heal enough to beat them they just hit you for 5+ every single turn. The nerfs did nothing to hinder them.
Rank 5 Diamond and beyond is elo hell there just has to be rigging involved here
Man why does just about every gold portrait Rogue player get so aggravated? I wish the hovering highlighting could be turned off. I can tell they get salty because of continuously hovering over cards I play. Like that one time I played Ironbeak Owl against a Rogue and they just hovered over it as if to say, "what the fuck is that doing in your deck?" well maybe if you had a brain you would figure out that it's for Rattlegore in the CW mirror. Like zero fucking chill. Their stress is stressing me out.
Misanthrope is a wrong choice of words. I believe you are looking for "narcissistic."
I'd rather face anything than any Mage deck. Every single time they are in a seemingly unwinnable position only to play 1 or 2 cards from perfect RNG that completely turns the tide of the game into their favour. Or discover 20+ burn damage. Or has their OTK combo assembled by turn 6 without even drawing much cards.
The matchmaking system just has to be rigged. How do I get a good win streak then the next day a lose streak? usually this happens with a deck a new deck I make. How is that every time I switch decks I get counter queued? Why is it so fucking hard to get out of and stay out of Rank 5 Diamond? And don't get me started on perfect RNG at the exact moment it matters most.
Oh yeah did I mention I despise Mages?
It's official, the card I hate the most is Power of Creation. Close second is Survival of the Fittest.
I dunno what it is with my luck but literally every single Mage I come across I lose to. From now on if I get matched up against a Mage I'm just gonna concede straight away since I always lose so might as well not go through the stress.