Anybody who says Tickatus isn't broken can go jump off a cliff. This card should never have existed especially in standard. This card just sais fuck you to any deck that isn't aggro. Every single deck that doesn't play more than 3 minions a turn is likely to just lose and watch as your deck just gets deleted before your eyes as if you were taking out cards from your deck in the deckbuilder.
I wish somebody out there can get the HS team to realize that Tickatus is actually a huge fucking problem causing many frustration among their playerbase. Haven't they addressed situations like this before? there better be a nerf to Tickatus in the next patch. Fucking gut it like a fish, 8 mana, only discard 3 cards and get rid of the Corrupt on it. Fucking hate this card more than Coldlight Oracle and I literally quit HS for a year because of that Mill Rogue deck. I don't get to play the fucking game.
I'm so livid right now, of COURSE I would face against the most toxic warlock deck I've ever seen, x2 ALL disruption cards in standard. All of them. The fucking 3/8 mech, 5/6 that casts a spell from your hand, the 4/3 demon that causes you to burn a card from your hand, every card to support Tickatus..fuck this degenerate asshole.
Oh yeah, this ws the first game I played when I got on. Felt good about playing Highlander Druid since I'm at rank 5 no stars, but whaddya know this cunt comes along to ruin my fun. Yay.
Running Kill Everything Priest because Fuck you Cheese Paladin and Token Druid that's why
Still lose to them most of the time because where the fuck is the plethora of removal when I need them? I even run x2 Novice Engineer just so I can draw into these AoE more frequently, but nope still shitty luck with draws. Can't clear Token Druid boards more times than they just refill, fail to clear up to 4 2/2s for even one turn and you just get Savage Roar/Arbor up'd to death
Pointless to try and counter these broken "strategies"
Killed from double savage roar at 35 health. With a 6 health taunt in the way. Nice game Blizzard. Wtf is the point of all this AoE if I can't beat Token Druid? fucking bullshit. I'm done.
I come back, but still keep on losing to alot of Mages.. Yep, not much has changed.
Actually I decided to try out this Control Mage just to try and counter the meta, it has nova+doomsayer which comes down on turn 5 and almost always clears an early Tip the Scales, if that doesn't come by then I got tons of armor gain, Flame Ward, C'thun AoE, Rolling Fireball, some freeze to stall for answers, weaken the board or sometimes locking the board. Polymorph effects for Ress Priest and Libram Paladin, and C'thun for most control matchups (except Tickatus ofc but I haven't seen much of them lately) It's been pretty successful....but I still lose to other Mages :/ funny how that works...
I fucking quit this game I am so tired of losing to perfect RNG from mages so often, no matter what I do no matter how far ahead I maybe my opponent just plays one or 2 cards and GG. :/ just lost to the most awful mage player in duels ONLY because they had the best treasures and combos with them they could possibly double every first spell, 7 damage to all with spells cost 1 less, meanwhile I'm just playing a meme deck. Like that's so fucking unfair. Oh yeah also lots of tryhards in casual duels :/ ironic....
I'm just gonna go back to playing modded Skyrim lol
Always getting matched up against value decks with control decks :/ where the fuck is all DH, Token Druid, Weapon Rogue, Murlocadin or even fucking hunters at!? shouldn't there be an infestation of them? apparently not. Guess I'll switch to some midrange deck or something. I say that and get matched up against all the aggro in the world. Fuck me Blizzard
Fucking Deck of Lunacy Reno Mage easily wins because gets the perfect answers just off of DOL cards. 6 mana insane value Plague of Death and 4 mana Soul Mirror, 8 mana Mind Control for my big minion, a Shadowflame to also clear my big board, gets really good Puzzle Box and TO RUB IT ALL IN GETS THE CARD I HATE THE MOST: Power of Creation. And whaddya know they win off the back of that card like they always do against me. This kind of game pretty much sums up every single match I have against a Mage. It also boggles my mind how these greedy mages have the steel balls to play the deck in a very aggressive meta. Like they probably just auto lose to Weapon Rogue and Highlander Hunter on turn 4. That can't be fun at all for them so dunno why they go through that, must really be masochists.
Yep leave it to my luck and mages to always pull a win out of their ass. For starters, why do so many people play such greedy mage decks when this is the most aggro meta ever? that's literally shooting yourself in the foot. It's one thing that I always lose to mages but it's another when I for some reason am a magnet for Mages, I sware my luck is so brutal it puts Thijs to shame.
I miss the times where people would just chill the fuck out and stop trying to communicate their ignorant thoughts by hovering an emoting. Like literally every player I go up against does this nowadays. That or they are fucking jittery crack addicts who can't keep their fucking cursor still and gotta fidget like some ADHD child.
Anybody who says Tickatus isn't broken can go jump off a cliff. This card should never have existed especially in standard. This card just sais fuck you to any deck that isn't aggro. Every single deck that doesn't play more than 3 minions a turn is likely to just lose and watch as your deck just gets deleted before your eyes as if you were taking out cards from your deck in the deckbuilder.
I wish somebody out there can get the HS team to realize that Tickatus is actually a huge fucking problem causing many frustration among their playerbase. Haven't they addressed situations like this before? there better be a nerf to Tickatus in the next patch. Fucking gut it like a fish, 8 mana, only discard 3 cards and get rid of the Corrupt on it. Fucking hate this card more than Coldlight Oracle and I literally quit HS for a year because of that Mill Rogue deck. I don't get to play the fucking game.
I'm so livid right now, of COURSE I would face against the most toxic warlock deck I've ever seen, x2 ALL disruption cards in standard. All of them. The fucking 3/8 mech, 5/6 that casts a spell from your hand, the 4/3 demon that causes you to burn a card from your hand, every card to support Tickatus..fuck this degenerate asshole.
Oh yeah, this ws the first game I played when I got on. Felt good about playing Highlander Druid since I'm at rank 5 no stars, but whaddya know this cunt comes along to ruin my fun. Yay.
Went up against an aggro DH with C'thun . ?????????????
He proceeded to click quit when he lost to rope me. This guy is the biggest turd ever.
Running Kill Everything Priest because Fuck you Cheese Paladin and Token Druid that's why
Still lose to them most of the time because where the fuck is the plethora of removal when I need them? I even run x2 Novice Engineer just so I can draw into these AoE more frequently, but nope still shitty luck with draws. Can't clear Token Druid boards more times than they just refill, fail to clear up to 4 2/2s for even one turn and you just get Savage Roar/Arbor up'd to death
Pointless to try and counter these broken "strategies"
Alura nerf did nothing, should have been 6 mana.
Killed from double savage roar at 35 health. With a 6 health taunt in the way. Nice game Blizzard. Wtf is the point of all this AoE if I can't beat Token Druid? fucking bullshit. I'm done.
I come back, but still keep on losing to alot of Mages.. Yep, not much has changed.
Actually I decided to try out this Control Mage just to try and counter the meta, it has nova+doomsayer which comes down on turn 5 and almost always clears an early Tip the Scales, if that doesn't come by then I got tons of armor gain, Flame Ward, C'thun AoE, Rolling Fireball, some freeze to stall for answers, weaken the board or sometimes locking the board. Polymorph effects for Ress Priest and Libram Paladin, and C'thun for most control matchups (except Tickatus ofc but I haven't seen much of them lately) It's been pretty successful....but I still lose to other Mages :/ funny how that works...
I fucking quit this game I am so tired of losing to perfect RNG from mages so often, no matter what I do no matter how far ahead I maybe my opponent just plays one or 2 cards and GG. :/ just lost to the most awful mage player in duels ONLY because they had the best treasures and combos with them they could possibly double every first spell, 7 damage to all with spells cost 1 less, meanwhile I'm just playing a meme deck. Like that's so fucking unfair. Oh yeah also lots of tryhards in casual duels :/ ironic....
I'm just gonna go back to playing modded Skyrim lol
Okay High Abbess Alura needs a nerf to 6 mana, I knew Tip the Scales would be OP once again.
Always getting matched up against value decks with control decks :/ where the fuck is all DH, Token Druid, Weapon Rogue, Murlocadin or even fucking hunters at!? shouldn't there be an infestation of them? apparently not. Guess I'll switch to some midrange deck or something. I say that and get matched up against all the aggro in the world. Fuck me Blizzard
Fucking Deck of Lunacy Reno Mage easily wins because gets the perfect answers just off of DOL cards. 6 mana insane value Plague of Death and 4 mana Soul Mirror, 8 mana Mind Control for my big minion, a Shadowflame to also clear my big board, gets really good Puzzle Box and TO RUB IT ALL IN GETS THE CARD I HATE THE MOST: Power of Creation. And whaddya know they win off the back of that card like they always do against me. This kind of game pretty much sums up every single match I have against a Mage. It also boggles my mind how these greedy mages have the steel balls to play the deck in a very aggressive meta. Like they probably just auto lose to Weapon Rogue and Highlander Hunter on turn 4. That can't be fun at all for them so dunno why they go through that, must really be masochists.
Yep leave it to my luck and mages to always pull a win out of their ass. For starters, why do so many people play such greedy mage decks when this is the most aggro meta ever? that's literally shooting yourself in the foot. It's one thing that I always lose to mages but it's another when I for some reason am a magnet for Mages, I sware my luck is so brutal it puts Thijs to shame.
I miss the times where people would just chill the fuck out and stop trying to communicate their ignorant thoughts by hovering an emoting. Like literally every player I go up against does this nowadays. That or they are fucking jittery crack addicts who can't keep their fucking cursor still and gotta fidget like some ADHD child.
Spotted someone who has nothing better to do than antagonize people
Would be nice if I could stop getting the trying to tell me something by hovering ass clowns