I'm super glad it worked out for you, and, obviously, you are welcome to make all the corrections you deem necessary. If Nourish isn't working out for you, just drop it for AoLore. Gadgetzan is too slow imo for this metagame, even slower than Nourish I feel.
Nourish is there mostly to stabilize, against Control it's a beast card since it's an instant 3x1 or a 2 turn advantage. Against Aggro, I reckon it's a dead card in a lot of situations where you can't afford to give up a turn. Switch it out as you feel, although, remember, that it can sometimes backfire, someone on this thread commented that they took out Wild Growth for a more expensive card and got a very bad hand in an otherwise strong hand if it had been Wild Growth...
Tbh i'm thinking of replacing wild growth, i know it's a big part of your deck but i'll give you my reasoning and see what you think.
2/30 chance of pulling it (in 10 games with your deck i've used 1 wild growth, all the other times i've used it at 10 mana to get a extra card draw)Then you need to factor into it the fact that the longer it goes without being draw the less it's worth, so at around turn 6 it's not that great.
It's not 2/30, your opening hand is 3 cards so it's : 2/30+2/29+2/28, +2/27 if you go second. That's even before mulligan. Math has been done somewhere else but if you mulligan your whole hand, you have a big chance of drawing into one. Plus it's the deck idea...
Maybe i've just been fucked by rng to many times but it's really starting to piss me off and now i'm just looking for alternatives, i survive early game fine 9/10 as a decent aggro/swarm deck is rare, and most times i play my aggro/swarm decks i get fucked by rng and by the time my murlocks are actualy out doing something (say turn 4/6) my board has been cleared 2-3 times and it's over for me, which is what i'm doing to aggro/swarm decks with your deck.
so i'm thinking replacing wild growth with either some more taunters, or spells, i've managed to get ragnaros out 3 games, 1 game he was mc'ed, 1 game he was instantly removed, the other game he won for me, so pot luck there, tryingin to think of a card to support him a bit more.
Don't play Ragnaros if it can be MC'ed unless it delivers the final blow. Instantly removed still goes for 8 damage and 1 for 1, or 2x1 if it hit a minion.
Edit - After posting this i mulliganed a druid of the claw, nourish, force of nature (my replacement for wildgrowth, got back the same 3 cards, rng at it's best....
You could've had wildgrowth into nourish if you didn't change it :(
You need Tazdingo for the early game stopper, it's hard for this deck to populate the board early against most decks since they have better removals intended to get their tempo going while putting many low cost minions while you have 2 Novice, 2 Harvest and 2 Tazdingos. Almost impossible to have 2 minions by turn 4 for Argus to be good.
Lakisa, are you using Nourish to draw 3 cards too? It's great to recover from Innervate / Wild Growth card deficiency after you stabilize the board, so you are ahead in resources, probably even or better in hand, and your draws are all going to be big presences on the board lategame.
FifthBusiness, I somewhat agree, the % depends on the player, me having 95% win ratio with it doesn't imply you will be able to get the same results.
I'm pretty sure the highest echelons of Ranked are quite different from the rest of the metagame, where people still find Priests or Warriors. At the top of the Ladder, 90% of the decks are your cookie cutter, ManaGrind winner aggro deck, a few OTK Hunters and control Mage.
This deck does great against most of the cookie cutters, has a bit of trouble against control Mage and has bad matchup against OTK Hunter (<75%)
If you wanna climb the ladder, but you don't want to use the same rush Warlock / Rogue / Pally deck everyone uses, this one is a fine start. Tweak it however you like, or don't use it, but don't come here calling it doesn't work because it has too many big drops because it clearly does and did, given I made it to top 13 NA using it almost exclusively (and most loses came from testing other classes, this deck lost like 2-3 games out of 50 the week I played it).
This isn't an aggressive deck by any means, it's anti meta control and works best against some decks (Paladin, Priest, Warlock, Rogue, Warrior, Shaman, Druid) but has handicap against others (Mage, Hunter).
When I posted this deck I was at 31-0 (25-0 streak screenshot on this same thread), after updating the name I was 40-2, losing to a MurLOCK and a Hunter OTK (95%)
Now I've lost a couple more games, seeming that my MMR is high so I'm facing people with very strong decks, with a score of 58-5 (Warlock Aggro, Hunter OTK, Cantrip Rogue). Still a solid 92% and I'd guess a decent size sample?
Obviously it can be refined and adapted to the shifts in the meta as they are produced.
Senjin Shieldmaster is generally used to hold off for a turn, but I agree he's one of the weakest links here, Arcanite Reaper, Shadow Word: Pain, any 3 drop with an Iron Dwarf, Kill Command, etc. A possible replacement would be Mogu'shan Warden, but I can't tell how it would work given it's minimal attack and how much more mileage would the extra 2 life get. I'm thinking that Abomination can be a really good card in this deck, although having that many 5 drops is a big risk. Twilight Drakes? Although no taunt hurts, they work best in a buff oriented Druid deck.
For the moment, though, there aren't many good defensive 4 drops, so Tazdingo is the only option, and you need 4 drops if you get no Innervate or Wild Growth. You can sub one Naturalize for a Wild Growth and still do fine I guess, you don't have any direct removal or silence against big gamechanging minions, so after the Mind Control nerf, when everyone gets back to their big drops, you'll have to sub in either Naturalize or BGH (or both!).
Consider Power of the Wild as an alternative for Novice Engineer, it can give you decent board presence early and huge potential buff lategame, overall a flexible card. Haven't tested it yet but seems like a reasonable tradeoff.
Ancient of Lore is decent tech against Frost Mages which generally give you a hard time if you can't put pressure fast enough. Abomination buys you time against OTK, probably the hardest matchup for this deck since it's a slow, control based deck that won't be able to do much against no minions, and is easily overrun by turn 9-10 OTK.
Cards that are replaceable / non essential: 1xStarfall, Hogger, Ysera, 2xNovice Engineer
Replacements: Starfire, Ragnaros, Bloodmage Thalnos, Power of the Wild / Acidic Swamp Ooze / Faerie Dragon
Most often you can stabilize even after really bad hand openers, which I said on this thread somewhere.
But yes, you don't have to use it if you don't want it, the win ratio is true and that's the reason I got to top 13 on the NA ladder, and I faced many strong rush decks with it and they all fell flat after 2-3 turns of constant big taunts.
Never had any trouble with rushes, the only decks I've lost to are Hunter OTKs because I'm too slow to kill them before turn 7.
The opening hand is important in order to survive, and it depends on which class you are going against:
Good cards to have in your opening hand: Wild Growth, Wrath, Harvest Golem, Novice Engineer.
Try to avoid Innervate and Wild Growth at the same time, and try to get a taunter in the board fast. Keep their minion count low with Swipes and Hero Power and that's it.
You get way fast to turn 5 with this deck to use early cards like Claw that lose you tempo. I haven't found myself without answers against aggro decks even when I had hands like Druid of the Claw, Azure Drake, Sunwalker.
Turn 2 will always be Wild Growth if you have it in hand. If you get it afterwards you will generally lose too much tempo to play it, so save it for a turn you have 2 mana free and no need to Hero Power.
The replacements seem OK, I would like to test either Cenarius or Ragnaros for Ysera, kick Hogger out and put a Bloodmage Thalnos. You can put anything instead of the Hogger/Silver Hand Knight, just a high mana cost one so it works in Ramp (Don't fall for Claw since it's a lot worse than it looks like).
You are right that it's pretty close and I would love to have Ragnaros and Bloodmage on this deck instead of Ysera and Hogger (both too slow), but I don't own them.
Although, there a few different choices in the decks that break it appart:
2x Wild Growth: This is what makes the deck Ramp, it gives you a really strong turn 3 and 4, and you will almost always get the initiative back from your opponent, going first or second doesn't matter (unless against another Ramp).
No Claw: I used to love Claw, versatile card that lets you do nifty tricks with your Hero Power, early removal and what not. Thing is, if you are ramping, you shouldn't have a 1 mana spell that does almost nothing lategame, and having the card associated to your Hero Power is actually bad since you can't target multiple things, which is crucial in this metagame: your Hero Power should be only used to take care of 1 life minions, nothing more. Every card is important in slowing down the enemy until you can overrun him with 4 damage minions.
No Naturalize: Too much of a penalty and I've never had any trouble eliminating any threat. Only Ysera and Malygos can be hard to deal with if you don't have any big minions down (which is really hard to happen since when Opponent hits 9 mana, you did that 3 turns ago and played like 4-5 4 attack minions).
No Starfire: 6 Mana is really steep for single target removal. If needed, Starfall will do the same, for 1 less and no draw. The draw is good but isn't necessary most often (enough draw from the rest, 2 Nourishes!) and the 6 mana cost means you can only play 4 mana the rest of the turn, which limits your options severely.
No Ironbark or Lore: The cost is prohibitive. You know why Mind Control is bad? Because it takes your whole turn. Guess who does that too? Ironbark. And with no immediate effect, so it gets poly and you just lost your turn, it's like you just gave your opponent a free turn, not good. And it's easily tradeable for 2 4s, so it's not that strong.
The thing about this deck is that you get to 10 mana really fast, and then you can start dropping 2 5 mana cost cards per turn:
Azure Drake + Starfall
Double Druid of the Claw
Nourish + Drake or Druid of the Claw
And suddenly you get 3 more cards and a 4/4 or 4/6 and your opponent is sitting at 7-8 mana. Too hard to stop.
Anyways, I got to top 13 NA this week which is really awesome, and this deck has a lot to do with it (+95% win ratio).
Hey guys, I'm here to show you a deck I've been playing a bit these days, after watching some vids from the ManaGrind tournaments.
I've played Druid before, more lategame control with Ironbarks, but the abundance of Priest Controls and my lack of Ancients and some bad cards I had in my deck, lead me to a really bad win ratio (20 points below my average) and I felt the class overall was extremely weak.
Since then, I crafted some rares, made a couple of really strong decks with +85% winratio (Pally and Warlock Aggro) and decided to give Druid another try.
With the meta shifting to insanely fast aggro decks and few to none Priest Control and single target minion destruction (like Poly or Assasinate), I thought maybe give Ramp Druid a try? Plus it's fun and a very different experience from the traditional aggro Cleric Dwarf Argus deck.
So far, I've played it around 25-30 games and haven't lost. I had some very bad hands (4 minions of cost 4+), and still recovered fast enough and hold my ground.
It needs more playtest against Aggro decks since I haven't been facing that many, but the ones I did, I outlasted with the early Druid of the Claws, Tazdingos and Sunwalkers. The ramp is really strong against aggro decks and the Druid's AoE is premier.
Nourish is necessity to replenish your hand against control decks so I wouldn't take it out.
POSSIBLE REPLACEMENTS: Thalnos > Hogger Ragnaros > Ysera Ancient of War = Sunwalkers (Risky because you can't play Swipe or KotG in the same turn) Most 2 drops for Novice Engineer: Faerie Dragon, Acidic Swamp Ooze, Power of the Wild) Experimental, might work better against aggro and worse against control. Starfall can be changed for Starfires but I would be really worried about swarm decks. Although it's one of the least useful rares on this deck.
I would love to add a Thalnos once I get it, and possibly a Ragnaros too, for Ysera.
Having mostly 2 of everything gives the deck consistency, and the toolbox is big enough to hold most types of decks.
I don't have the Ancients to playtest them but so far I've been doing so well that I don't know how would they perform. Although if you have AoW, they are natural Sunwalker replacements. Lores are harder to fit due to no Taunt, but can fill for Ysera and Hogger if you don't have those.
Two options, trade Tazdingo for Mogushan or Azure Drakes for Yetis.
You can go with some 2/3s 2 manacost to help deal with the early shenanigans Rogue has, specially Defias.
I'm super glad it worked out for you, and, obviously, you are welcome to make all the corrections you deem necessary. If Nourish isn't working out for you, just drop it for AoLore. Gadgetzan is too slow imo for this metagame, even slower than Nourish I feel.
Nourish is there mostly to stabilize, against Control it's a beast card since it's an instant 3x1 or a 2 turn advantage. Against Aggro, I reckon it's a dead card in a lot of situations where you can't afford to give up a turn. Switch it out as you feel, although, remember, that it can sometimes backfire, someone on this thread commented that they took out Wild Growth for a more expensive card and got a very bad hand in an otherwise strong hand if it had been Wild Growth...
You need Tazdingo for the early game stopper, it's hard for this deck to populate the board early against most decks since they have better removals intended to get their tempo going while putting many low cost minions while you have 2 Novice, 2 Harvest and 2 Tazdingos. Almost impossible to have 2 minions by turn 4 for Argus to be good.
Lakisa, are you using Nourish to draw 3 cards too? It's great to recover from Innervate / Wild Growth card deficiency after you stabilize the board, so you are ahead in resources, probably even or better in hand, and your draws are all going to be big presences on the board lategame.
FifthBusiness, I somewhat agree, the % depends on the player, me having 95% win ratio with it doesn't imply you will be able to get the same results.
I'm pretty sure the highest echelons of Ranked are quite different from the rest of the metagame, where people still find Priests or Warriors. At the top of the Ladder, 90% of the decks are your cookie cutter, ManaGrind winner aggro deck, a few OTK Hunters and control Mage.
This deck does great against most of the cookie cutters, has a bit of trouble against control Mage and has bad matchup against OTK Hunter (<75%)
If you wanna climb the ladder, but you don't want to use the same rush Warlock / Rogue / Pally deck everyone uses, this one is a fine start. Tweak it however you like, or don't use it, but don't come here calling it doesn't work because it has too many big drops because it clearly does and did, given I made it to top 13 NA using it almost exclusively (and most loses came from testing other classes, this deck lost like 2-3 games out of 50 the week I played it).
This isn't an aggressive deck by any means, it's anti meta control and works best against some decks (Paladin, Priest, Warlock, Rogue, Warrior, Shaman, Druid) but has handicap against others (Mage, Hunter).
When I posted this deck I was at 31-0 (25-0 streak screenshot on this same thread), after updating the name I was 40-2, losing to a MurLOCK and a Hunter OTK (95%)
Now I've lost a couple more games, seeming that my MMR is high so I'm facing people with very strong decks, with a score of 58-5 (Warlock Aggro, Hunter OTK, Cantrip Rogue). Still a solid 92% and I'd guess a decent size sample?
Obviously it can be refined and adapted to the shifts in the meta as they are produced.
Senjin Shieldmaster is generally used to hold off for a turn, but I agree he's one of the weakest links here, Arcanite Reaper, Shadow Word: Pain, any 3 drop with an Iron Dwarf, Kill Command, etc. A possible replacement would be Mogu'shan Warden, but I can't tell how it would work given it's minimal attack and how much more mileage would the extra 2 life get. I'm thinking that Abomination can be a really good card in this deck, although having that many 5 drops is a big risk. Twilight Drakes? Although no taunt hurts, they work best in a buff oriented Druid deck.
For the moment, though, there aren't many good defensive 4 drops, so Tazdingo is the only option, and you need 4 drops if you get no Innervate or Wild Growth. You can sub one Naturalize for a Wild Growth and still do fine I guess, you don't have any direct removal or silence against big gamechanging minions, so after the Mind Control nerf, when everyone gets back to their big drops, you'll have to sub in either Naturalize or BGH (or both!).
Consider Power of the Wild as an alternative for Novice Engineer, it can give you decent board presence early and huge potential buff lategame, overall a flexible card. Haven't tested it yet but seems like a reasonable tradeoff.
Ancient of Lore is decent tech against Frost Mages which generally give you a hard time if you can't put pressure fast enough. Abomination buys you time against OTK, probably the hardest matchup for this deck since it's a slow, control based deck that won't be able to do much against no minions, and is easily overrun by turn 9-10 OTK.
Cards that are replaceable / non essential: 1xStarfall, Hogger, Ysera, 2xNovice Engineer
Replacements: Starfire, Ragnaros, Bloodmage Thalnos, Power of the Wild / Acidic Swamp Ooze / Faerie Dragon
There you go CCninja86, if you have any particular case you wanna discuss, just shoot.
Most often you can stabilize even after really bad hand openers, which I said on this thread somewhere.
But yes, you don't have to use it if you don't want it, the win ratio is true and that's the reason I got to top 13 on the NA ladder, and I faced many strong rush decks with it and they all fell flat after 2-3 turns of constant big taunts.
Never had any trouble with rushes, the only decks I've lost to are Hunter OTKs because I'm too slow to kill them before turn 7.
The opening hand is important in order to survive, and it depends on which class you are going against:
Good cards to have in your opening hand: Wild Growth, Wrath, Harvest Golem, Novice Engineer.
Try to avoid Innervate and Wild Growth at the same time, and try to get a taunter in the board fast. Keep their minion count low with Swipes and Hero Power and that's it.
You get way fast to turn 5 with this deck to use early cards like Claw that lose you tempo. I haven't found myself without answers against aggro decks even when I had hands like Druid of the Claw, Azure Drake, Sunwalker.
Turn 2 will always be Wild Growth if you have it in hand. If you get it afterwards you will generally lose too much tempo to play it, so save it for a turn you have 2 mana free and no need to Hero Power.
The replacements seem OK, I would like to test either Cenarius or Ragnaros for Ysera, kick Hogger out and put a Bloodmage Thalnos.
You can put anything instead of the Hogger/Silver Hand Knight, just a high mana cost one so it works in Ramp (Don't fall for Claw since it's a lot worse than it looks like).
You are right that it's pretty close and I would love to have Ragnaros and Bloodmage on this deck instead of Ysera and Hogger (both too slow), but I don't own them.
Although, there a few different choices in the decks that break it appart:
2x Wild Growth: This is what makes the deck Ramp, it gives you a really strong turn 3 and 4, and you will almost always get the initiative back from your opponent, going first or second doesn't matter (unless against another Ramp).
No Claw: I used to love Claw, versatile card that lets you do nifty tricks with your Hero Power, early removal and what not. Thing is, if you are ramping, you shouldn't have a 1 mana spell that does almost nothing lategame, and having the card associated to your Hero Power is actually bad since you can't target multiple things, which is crucial in this metagame: your Hero Power should be only used to take care of 1 life minions, nothing more. Every card is important in slowing down the enemy until you can overrun him with 4 damage minions.
No Naturalize: Too much of a penalty and I've never had any trouble eliminating any threat. Only Ysera and Malygos can be hard to deal with if you don't have any big minions down (which is really hard to happen since when Opponent hits 9 mana, you did that 3 turns ago and played like 4-5 4 attack minions).
No Starfire: 6 Mana is really steep for single target removal. If needed, Starfall will do the same, for 1 less and no draw. The draw is good but isn't necessary most often (enough draw from the rest, 2 Nourishes!) and the 6 mana cost means you can only play 4 mana the rest of the turn, which limits your options severely.
No Ironbark or Lore: The cost is prohibitive. You know why Mind Control is bad? Because it takes your whole turn. Guess who does that too? Ironbark. And with no immediate effect, so it gets poly and you just lost your turn, it's like you just gave your opponent a free turn, not good. And it's easily tradeable for 2 4s, so it's not that strong.
The thing about this deck is that you get to 10 mana really fast, and then you can start dropping 2 5 mana cost cards per turn:
Azure Drake + Starfall
Double Druid of the Claw
Nourish + Drake or Druid of the Claw
And suddenly you get 3 more cards and a 4/4 or 4/6 and your opponent is sitting at 7-8 mana. Too hard to stop.
Anyways, I got to top 13 NA this week which is really awesome, and this deck has a lot to do with it (+95% win ratio).
Some evidence of the deck strength:
25 wins straight that day, had 20 the day before and lost one only at the end, so 45-1, pretty decent.
Masters3 of course.
Hey guys, I'm here to show you a deck I've been playing a bit these days, after watching some vids from the ManaGrind tournaments.
I've played Druid before, more lategame control with Ironbarks, but the abundance of Priest Controls and my lack of Ancients and some bad cards I had in my deck, lead me to a really bad win ratio (20 points below my average) and I felt the class overall was extremely weak.
Since then, I crafted some rares, made a couple of really strong decks with +85% winratio (Pally and Warlock Aggro) and decided to give Druid another try.
With the meta shifting to insanely fast aggro decks and few to none Priest Control and single target minion destruction (like Poly or Assasinate), I thought maybe give Ramp Druid a try? Plus it's fun and a very different experience from the traditional aggro Cleric Dwarf Argus deck.
Without any more introduction, the decklist:
So far, I've played it around 25-30 games and haven't lost.
I had some very bad hands (4 minions of cost 4+), and still recovered fast enough and hold my ground.
It needs more playtest against Aggro decks since I haven't been facing that many, but the ones I did, I outlasted with the early Druid of the Claws, Tazdingos and Sunwalkers. The ramp is really strong against aggro decks and the Druid's AoE is premier.
Nourish is necessity to replenish your hand against control decks so I wouldn't take it out.
Thalnos > Hogger
Ragnaros > Ysera
Ancient of War = Sunwalkers (Risky because you can't play Swipe or KotG in the same turn)
Most 2 drops for Novice Engineer: Faerie Dragon, Acidic Swamp Ooze, Power of the Wild) Experimental, might work better against aggro and worse against control.
Starfall can be changed for Starfires but I would be really worried about swarm decks. Although it's one of the least useful rares on this deck.
I would love to add a Thalnos once I get it, and possibly a Ragnaros too, for Ysera.
Having mostly 2 of everything gives the deck consistency, and the toolbox is big enough to hold most types of decks.
I don't have the Ancients to playtest them but so far I've been doing so well that I don't know how would they perform. Although if you have AoW, they are natural Sunwalker replacements. Lores are harder to fit due to no Taunt, but can fill for Ysera and Hogger if you don't have those.
Any comment is welcome :)