I have quite a weird request, but I hope you can help me with that. The thing is, my old nickname - ArgentumNilBright - is unavailable because it's been taken by my old HearthPwn account, and, unfortunately, I can't request a nick change from old account because I had completely lost access to it, like, over a year ago (here's the link to it: click). Could you, please, change my old acc's username to some random one and give me my ArgentumNilBright back? BlessRNG
Indirect, but still a proof that I'm actually that account's owner: Twitch account merged with my current HearthPwn account is ArgentumNilBright. Proofpic attached.
You certainly can, done!
Yo guys can you restore mine? I think it was Ginzo or GinzoIT, I'm not 100% sure ..
Can you change my name to WayOfDom, please?
Please change my nick to ”RIIZPECT”
Could I get my name changed to NayrSlayer to match my Hearthstone account?
Thank you!
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Hi there, could you change my username back to Skyryser please? Many thanks!
I wasn't planning on going for a run today. But those cops came out of nowhere.
Never mind my dear mod, found the solution myself! :)
I wasn't planning on going for a run today. But those cops came out of nowhere.
Can you change my name to Divinspree please?
edit : Thanks!
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
Can you change my name into daveboschy
I would like to be "SavageSoul" again please :)
What happened to change my username anyway? And why can't i acces My collection?
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Fuck yeah i can! Love me some obZen.
After changing my name to the Blizzard account, now here I am 'user-100240359'
Can you change my name into MaCheShow,please?
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Hello! Can I change my username please?
Thank you.