I've been playing ESL for a little bit now, too, however you need to understand that the only reason you like it so much right now is that it's very new. Eventually, if it lasts as long it will certainly suffer the same sort of problems you're having with hearthstone. Keep in mind hearthstone was once new and exciting, too.
Avid MTG player for 3 and a half years. I'm a Rules Adviser for my playgroup - I love reading into the complexity of games. I've also been playing MTG since season 2.
I do still play both games, MTG and Hearthstone, and I haven't been Free to Play on either game. I tried doing Free to Play for Hearthstone, as my friend is doing right now, but it's just challenging and boring. The grind is never something I cared for during Hearthstone.
1) How is the F2P experience for TESL? 2) Is it easy to get started? 3) I dislike HS's F2P - I'm impatient. Does TESL's F2P lean toward the more patient people? 4) If I pay money, what am I buying - Just booster packs? Are there anything similar to Adventures?
A side question, how are you currently playing? F2P or are you paying for packs?
Thanks for your thoughts about TESL and for answering my questions. I've seen it before hand, but I've been not too inclined to play it. I have played dozens of other card games and the only ones which have stayed is MTG & Hearthstone.
1) it's fine, the awards are very generous, I am F2P 100% and have a few decks I can ladder with with legendaries and most of the needed epics
2) very easy, you will feel comfortable right away
3) i would say so... i mean you won't have it all overnight, but solo arena vs AI gives great rewards 2 packs + gold + random cards and you can grind that to get a nice start (that's what I did
4) not yet... just packs and arena atm
if you like MTG, this is closer to the feel and strategy of MTG than HS...
I've been playing MTG since Ice Age came out with was ah,,, 1995?
Peple here need to understand one thing, Hearthstone isn't F2P friendly. Seriously if you look on games like Elder Scrolls Legends or Shadowverse, it's sad to see how much time HS require from you to get decent collection. I've played hearthstone since early closed beta (before account wipe) hitted legend in 9 seasons, got like 98% collection of useful cards, spend money on each adventure (cuz they are actually worth it's prize) but boy i hate every new expansion that come out to this game, like every single time i have 10-12k gold saved and i get juicy 3 legendaries and few crappy epics for my 3-4 months grind, then i need to waste another 2-3 months to get most of the valuable cards in this expansion, so maybe i can play with every deck i want in last few weeks before another set come out, cool right?
Now let's see TES:Legends, i played it for 3 weeks now and i got 73% of collection as a f2p player. I got 100% commons and 95% rares, more than half of all epics, and 35% of legendaries in the game. There are around 40 legendaries in the game already, that means i have ~14 unique legends after 3 weeks of play. How many of you had that much in HS after 3 weeks? Even soft spenders? i probably have 14 legends after naxxramas came out :) Actually i plan to spend my cash for packs in this game next month just because it rewards me for time i spend there even tho packs themself had as shitty drop rate as Hearthstone (well exept you have much more double rare packs than 40-dust ones, but epics and legendaries have similar drop rate).
In HS you're getting 10 gold for every 3 wins, so if we take 50% win ratio and around 10 min game it's 10 gold per hour. 100 gold per 10 hour, one fucking pack per 10 hours, that's how blizzard reward us for playing their game.
Here you're getting 15-35 gold for 3 wins + a card (most of the time it's common or rare, sometimes you can get epic or full pack, one time i got a Legendary), play time is actually similar to Hearthstone for aggro, tempo decks so it's still 1 reward per hour but here you'll get ~250 gold, 5 Commons, 4 rares and Epic on avg after this 10 hours, so it's worth like 5 packs of value in dust compared to HS. Also there is cap for gold, same like Hearthstone, 30 wins per day but for heavy players that doesn't mean no rewards after that if they wanna play more cuz you still get a card reward after each 3 wins.
Now to sweet this a little more you even get rewards for playing AI, refined aggro deck can beat expert AI in ~7-8 minutes and it gives you 15 Soul Gems (dust), so it's avg. 7 games per hour = 105 Soul Gems. So you can spend 10 hours this way (i know it's boring but hey) to basically farm dust for a legendary or to get ONE pack in Hearthstone.
Now let's go to arenas. There is Solo Arena which is cool, first few tries are good for new players to get into game mechanics and learn a little about deckbuilding before they get stomped by Arena players (or maybe not?) and get some juicy rewards (for 8-9 wins you'll get ~100 gold, 2 packs, 150 dust and maybe and epic or even Legendary so good stuff). But after few wins, around rank 5 (you will increase you rank in solo arena with each 9-win) the AI can be pretty tough, expect basically constructed deck in each enemy + sometimes lane effect or other bonus that favour their deck so if you get shitty draft you'll end with 4-5 wins so it's not easy rewards anymore. I still play it sometimes as a fun AI Tavern Brawl-like thing but versus arena is miles better in terms of reward.
Now let's compare HS arena vs Legends arena (i won't compare 0-3 wins rewards cuz you won't get much stuff here in any of the games, well in Legends you can expect random ~100 dust here and there):
Hearthstone Legends
4 Wins
Pack, 40-60 Gold + random reward Pack,~50 Gold + 3 random rewards from pool - a pack, rare/epic, ~80-150 dust
5 Wins
Pack, 45-60 Gold + random reward 2 Packs, ~80 Gold + 3 random rewards from pool - a pack, rare/epic, ~120-150 dust
6 Wins
Pack, 75-85 Gold + random reward 2 Packs, ~120 Gold + 3 random rewards from pool - a pack, epic, ~140-250 dust
7 Wins
Pack, 150-160 Gold + random reward 3 Packs, ~160-210 Gold + 3 random rewards from pool - a pack, epic/legendary, ~150-500 dust
So yes, standard 7 win reward is like 3 Pack, 200 gold, an Epic/Legendary and 150-200 dust, so it's basically worth more than 12 wins in HS arena in terms of gold value (yes in hs you get a lot of gold on higher wins so you can spend it again for a lot more rewards etc.) Also there are arena ranks, meaning if you hit few 7-wins you get higher rank and you won't be matched with new players.
I won't even go much into gameplay cuz it's basically superior, all i have to say is i see now how 9 classes in Hearthstone are shit design that make this game look like meta didn't change much in last 2 years "oh look, we have new set, your class wil get astounding 3 new cards, OMG META change". In Legends each color start with ~70 cards, that's like how much every class in hearthstone have in disposal after 2,5 years of expansions, if they hit 150 cards expansion you can expect like 25 new cards for each color, that's deck building options, not what we have in hearthstone. Warrior have 4 "different" archetypes right? then why 15 cards in each one are the same? because there are no options, most "innovative" decks in hearthstone have 2 different cards, omg a guy must think on this for like a year, such a deck creator ;) In Legends there are maybe like 3-4 cards that can fit most archetypes for each color, that's still like 10/50 cards not 15/30.
So yes, Legends is Hearthstone 2.0 in terms of gameplay for me, they improved on so many aspects it's really cool. Yes HS is superior in terms of Menu, Collection UI, card animations etc. but for me that's just additional fluff, not the most important thing in a card game. I will probably still play dailies and adventures because i invested hundreds if not thousands of hours into this game, but can't think about myself to waste time and grind another Legend with this gameplay.
Honestly, the fact that you cant drop ranks is what won me over to give the game a try. I play HS since closed beta, I have most of the cards already, I can even live with the shitty rewards you get for your time. But what bothers me the most is that you can dedicate 3 days of your time to get to a rank, and then loose that progress tomorrow after 1 hour of shitty luck. HS needs rank breakpoints badly (like you cant drop off from rank 15, 10, 5 and 2 once you got to it).
Hearthstone was so good at launch - it was everything MTGO needed to be but wasn't.
But that was it... nothing more, no real development that I value at all (new cards I take as a given and Tavern Brawl is simply too silly. Multi platform nice but whether I play on my laptop or ipad is of minor consequence)
Instead they were content they had created the perfect game and needed to change basically nothing.
So it is only natural than someone comes along and changes the things that suck about HS - and voila - sucks out half the player base.
For me it is decision time - I F2P for two years to get the cards on HS - it is gut wrenching to have to start again.
Hearthstone is only better in maybe 2 respects. First it doesn't take itself too seriously and therefore has a lot of humor, which "could" be better than the more serious TES. Second, Hearthstone has more card options currently. Other than that, TES is better. However, it is still very nearly a clone and I don't want to reward it because frankly it is not innovative enough. Think DOTA vs. LOL. Pick your preference.
Hearthstone is only better in maybe 2 respects. First it doesn't take itself too seriously and therefore has a lot of humor, which "could" be better than the more serious TES. Second, Hearthstone has more card options currently. Other than that, TES is better. However, it is still very nearly a clone and I don't want to reward it because frankly it is not innovative enough. Think DOTA vs. LOL. Pick your preference.
Hearthstone is only better in maybe 2 respects. First it doesn't take itself too seriously and therefore has a lot of humor, which "could" be better than the more serious TES. Second, Hearthstone has more card options currently. Other than that, TES is better. However, it is still very nearly a clone and I don't want to reward it because frankly it is not innovative enough. Think DOTA vs. LOL. Pick your preference.
A clone? Get a grip mate.
HS and TESL are both clones of MtG.
Hearthstone was innovative because it was the first to make a digital version of Magic that didn't suck, and greatly increased the popularity of the genre. I don't see that level of innovation with TES. Seems legit.
1. Healing effects can put you over 30 health. In hearthstone there is a class called Warrior, whose hero power would be strictly worse than priest if this was the case.
2. Get something for each win...Agree
3. 2 modes of Arena...Agree. AI arena is great for newcomers, or people who are generally uncomfortable with PVP arena or people who just enjoy PVE.
4. Losing doesn't feel as bad. Subjective, also ESL is in beta. When decks become as tight and refined as HS, I think the meta will be much different.
5. Less RNG. Remember that Hearthstone has released several expansions and adventures so far, if just looking at the classic set there is actually substantially less RNG than ESL classic set. Also ESL besides current Hearthstone has more RNG than any other card game, so still a lot.
6. Bigger deck size (50-70). Yes allows for more variety along with the 2 color system. However this is one of the things that will make it very imposing for casual card players to get into the game.
7. Legendary cost. Yes ESL is slightly cheaper, but you fail to mention that other than uniques people can run 3 copies of legendaries in a deck. So if there is a staple legendary for a deck, likely you need 3 copies as opposed to 1.
8. Ongoing effects. Yes like MTG and Shadowverse (and I'm sure other card games) you have ongoing effect cards. It does add depth.
9. You don't lose rank. Yes but it takes more wins to rank up (though there are fewer total ranks).
thanks for the response
i didnt feel like you were disagreeing really
to go into more detail, legendaries have 2 types in ESL, some can have up to 3, but some are 1 ofs
sure, warrior can go over 30 health, but the other 8 classes cant and healing spells have 0 value when you are at 30... thats what bothers me
I'm just gonna be the guy who says, mage can use ice barrier and druid can use it's hero power and a few cards, to get above 30 HP.
1. The % stat in ESL is faulty, yeah you probably have most of the commons, but what about the legendaries? It also doesn't account for having multiple copies (of which you can include 3 of any card in the deck).
2. Building a collection in most card games takes a lot of time. Fighting games are very time intensive in terms of getting good, but once you buy any one of them....everything is unlocked and ready to go. Card games, well there is never an even playing field. You have to build your collection to get closer and closer evening the playing field in addition to learning the game. Card games are unlike any other competitive game in that aspect. For FPS, sports, fighting, etc you only have to learn the game, you don't also have to acquire the tools. Well here is Ryu, but you have to grind to be able to use a fireball, and then grind more to be able to get a DP...while you face people with all the moves unlocked. That is what it is like. You are also never done...cause expansions keep being released.
Re #1: I've (FTPer) been playing less than a week and I've already gotten two top-tier unique legedaries and have made two interesting hybrid competitive decks from them. Compare that to my HS experience in which I had to play a month before getting 1 legendary and my decks were a vanilla grind.
Avid MTG player for 3 and a half years. I'm a Rules Adviser for my playgroup - I love reading into the complexity of games. I've also been playing MTG Hearthstone since season 2.
I do still play both games, MTG and Hearthstone, and I haven't been Free to Play on either game. I tried doing Free to Play for Hearthstone, as my friend is doing right now, but it's just challenging and boring. The grind is never something I cared for during Hearthstone.
1) How is the F2P experience for TESL? 2) Is it easy to get started? 3) I dislike HS's F2P - I'm impatient. Does TESL's F2P lean toward the more patient people? 4) If I pay money, what am I buying - Just booster packs? Are there anything similar to Adventures?
A side question, how are you currently playing? F2P or are you paying for packs?
Thanks for your thoughts about TESL and for answering my questions. I've seen it before hand, but I've been not too inclined to play it. I have played dozens of other card games and the only ones which have stayed is MTG & Hearthstone.
1) See my reply to Dragon above
2) Yes
3) I don't think so, but your and my definition of "impatient" might be different
4) You can buy boosters or arena with money. The arena is one of the many upgrades from HS as you can choose to play vs, AI or real peeps. As for "adventure," there's a single player narrative that you have to play when you get started - and yes it had an adventure feel to it.
I've been an MTGer since Arabians and I'd be shocked if you didn't fall in love with this game (like I have).
I've been playing ESL for a little bit now, too, however you need to understand that the only reason you like it so much right now is that it's very new. Eventually, if it lasts as long it will certainly suffer the same sort of problems you're having with hearthstone. Keep in mind hearthstone was once new and exciting, too.
HS was once new and exciting too, agreed, but I can honestly say I was nowhere near as stoked about HS when I first started playing it as I am about TESL after one week.
Hearthstone is only better in maybe 2 respects. First it doesn't take itself too seriously and therefore has a lot of humor, which "could" be better than the more serious TES. Second, Hearthstone has more card options currently. Other than that, TES is better. However, it is still very nearly a clone and I don't want to reward it because frankly it is not innovative enough. Think DOTA vs. LOL. Pick your preference.
A clone? Get a grip mate.
HS and TESL are both clones of MtG.
Hearthstone was innovative because it was the first to make a digital version of Magic that didn't suck, and greatly increased the popularity of the genre. I don't see that level of innovation with TES. Seems legit.
TESL: better intro to the game (narrative), better theme (colors & hybrid decks), better FTP, better rewards, better looking board, better arena, better ranking system, better...(you get the picture)...
If 'HS vastly improving MtGOL' is "innovation," how is TESL not?
Hearthstone is only better in maybe 2 respects. First it doesn't take itself too seriously and therefore has a lot of humor, which "could" be better than the more serious TES. Second, Hearthstone has more card options currently. Other than that, TES is better. However, it is still very nearly a clone and I don't want to reward it because frankly it is not innovative enough. Think DOTA vs. LOL. Pick your preference.
A clone? Get a grip mate.
HS and TESL are both clones of MtG.
Hearthstone was innovative because it was the first to make a digital version of Magic that didn't suck, and greatly increased the popularity of the genre. I don't see that level of innovation with TES. Seems legit.
I am sorry but you are delusional if you think that.
Hearthstone has such a limited design space and that's one of the reasons it has so many problems with aggro.
ES-Legends has the Shadow lane, Runes and Prophecies, no stupid classes that only limit deck building, not to mention you can heal past 30. If you see no innovation, then you are blind.
If 'HS vastly improving MtGOL' is "innovation," how is TESL not?
It is great that you like TES (and I do too), but I'd say that after a few years of Hearthstone dominating the scene a new game that is incrementally better is still somewhat disappointing. Look at the gameplay - TES has the same weaknesses that Hearthstone has. I care about interactivity, and Hearthstone was just plain faster than Magic - the phase and response checks in Magic ruined the experience for many players. But while those improvements made Hearthstone actually playable online, today the game feels too slow and unpleasant. You spend most of the game doing nothing meaningful. Your opponent has too much time, and TES has the same game interactions without any new interactivity. I was hopeful that TES was going to finally fix this once and for all, but for all the incremental improvements it inherited the single most glaring Hearthstone gameplay issue. Limited interactivity.
Now TES does have 2 lanes and the rune draw, which are interesting, but they haven't touched the interface or gameplay. The new features are gimmicky, like Hearthstones's weapon/hero power. If I was a new player, I would probably play only TES (because it is basically the latest version), but if I was invested in Hearthstone, TES doesn't offer me much more for my money. For TES, that is a problem if they can't convert those invested casual players.
I will give TES credit for being a rare newcomer that actually created a fun card game with a solid interface after a long string of weak card games. If Hearthstone rates a "B" then TES is a "B+".
If 'HS vastly improving MtGOL' is "innovation," how is TESL not?
It is great that you like TES (and I do too), but I'd say that after a few years of Hearthstone dominating the scene a new game that is incrementally better is still somewhat disappointing. Look at the gameplay - TES has the same weaknesses that Hearthstone has. I care about interactivity, and Hearthstone was just plain faster than Magic - the phase and response checks in Magic ruined the experience for many players. But while those improvements made Hearthstone actually playable online, today the game feels too slow and unpleasant. You spend most of the game doing nothing meaningful. Your opponent has too much time, and TES has the same game interactions without any new interactivity. I was hopeful that TES was going to finally fix this once and for all, but for all the incremental improvements it inherited the single most glaring Hearthstone gameplay issue. Limited interactivity.
Now TES does have 2 lanes and the rune draw, which are interesting, but they haven't touched the interface or gameplay. The new features are gimmicky, like Hearthstones's weapon/hero power. If I was a new player, I would probably play only TES (because it is basically the latest version), but if I was invested in Hearthstone, TES doesn't offer me much more for my money. For TES, that is a problem if they can't convert those invested casual players.
I will give TES credit for being a rare newcomer that actually created a fun card game with a solid interface after a long string of weak card games. If Hearthstone rates a "B" then TES is a "B+".
I'm not clear on what your definition of "interactivity" is. Do you mean you want a game like MtG where you can react/play a card at any time? (i.e. your opponent's turn?) And if so, isn't that what made MtGOL weak? (i.e. an online game is always going to be clunky if the design allows for time for an opponent to react to everything).
Whatever your definition, I'm curious what your "A+" game would look like?
The biggest complaint about Hearthstone is high RNG, and ESL follows in this tradition. A 1 drop with deal 3 damage to a random enemy on death, a 6 drop summon a random animal (some are insanely huge some suck), summon a random anarach, equip a random artifact, your minions gain random keywords, and so forth. Yes it has less RNG than current hearthstone, but much more than when Hearthstone started (the classic/soulbound set).
For those asking about the game, try it out. Go through the tutorial/solo campaign, do some solo arena runs, then play some casual or ranked matches. Do arena. See if you love the game, and love it enough to invest serious time into it.
There are so many card games, so if you don't absolutely love a game, there is no need to play it. The choices are endless.
I'm not clear on what your definition of "interactivity" is. Do you mean you want a game like MtG where you can react/play a card at any time? (i.e. your opponent's turn?) And if so, isn't that what made MtGOL weak? (i.e. an online game is always going to be clunky if the design allows for time for an opponent to react to everything).
Whatever your definition, I'm curious what your "A+" game would look like?
Well, I would define interactivity as an opportunity for a player to change the game state. The types of interaction are basically playing cards and attacking, and the period of interaction is the "turn." My point is that the design space for interactivity in TES is identical to HS, and that is exactly where innovation needs to occur. You could change/increase the types of interaction and you can change the period in which interaction is possible. Magic was not designed for online play, but there are other ways to explore this space.
As far as what an A+ game would look like today, I think it would be faster paced for more advanced players and it would change what people expect card games to look like, like how Hearthstone first explored deck manipulation and game effects that just weren't possible with the physical game. I think borrowing great ideas from other games is important, but a great game will be a unique identity that can be felt when it is first experienced where it alters your soul, forever changing your personal gaming landscape.
i can talk hours about why TES legends is better than hearthstone but i will say my personal reason. i prefer elders scrolls cause people who play it dont BM. yeah in like 100 games 2-3 guys BMed me with behaviour that it was obviously mocking. after 2 days of not playing hearthstone at all my first opponent was otk warrior who roped me in every turn.
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I've been playing ESL for a little bit now, too, however you need to understand that the only reason you like it so much right now is that it's very new. Eventually, if it lasts as long it will certainly suffer the same sort of problems you're having with hearthstone. Keep in mind hearthstone was once new and exciting, too.
Nightblade Argent Lance Flame Imp
Argent Watchman Argent Squire Frost Giant
Aviana Hogger Snipe Sea Giant
Peple here need to understand one thing, Hearthstone isn't F2P friendly. Seriously if you look on games like Elder Scrolls Legends or Shadowverse, it's sad to see how much time HS require from you to get decent collection. I've played hearthstone since early closed beta (before account wipe) hitted legend in 9 seasons, got like 98% collection of useful cards, spend money on each adventure (cuz they are actually worth it's prize) but boy i hate every new expansion that come out to this game, like every single time i have 10-12k gold saved and i get juicy 3 legendaries and few crappy epics for my 3-4 months grind, then i need to waste another 2-3 months to get most of the valuable cards in this expansion, so maybe i can play with every deck i want in last few weeks before another set come out, cool right?
Now let's see TES:Legends, i played it for 3 weeks now and i got 73% of collection as a f2p player. I got 100% commons and 95% rares, more than half of all epics, and 35% of legendaries in the game. There are around 40 legendaries in the game already, that means i have ~14 unique legends after 3 weeks of play. How many of you had that much in HS after 3 weeks? Even soft spenders? i probably have 14 legends after naxxramas came out :) Actually i plan to spend my cash for packs in this game next month just because it rewards me for time i spend there even tho packs themself had as shitty drop rate as Hearthstone (well exept you have much more double rare packs than 40-dust ones, but epics and legendaries have similar drop rate).
In HS you're getting 10 gold for every 3 wins, so if we take 50% win ratio and around 10 min game it's 10 gold per hour. 100 gold per 10 hour, one fucking pack per 10 hours, that's how blizzard reward us for playing their game.
Here you're getting 15-35 gold for 3 wins + a card (most of the time it's common or rare, sometimes you can get epic or full pack, one time i got a Legendary), play time is actually similar to Hearthstone for aggro, tempo decks so it's still 1 reward per hour but here you'll get ~250 gold, 5 Commons, 4 rares and Epic on avg after this 10 hours, so it's worth like 5 packs of value in dust compared to HS. Also there is cap for gold, same like Hearthstone, 30 wins per day but for heavy players that doesn't mean no rewards after that if they wanna play more cuz you still get a card reward after each 3 wins.
Now to sweet this a little more you even get rewards for playing AI, refined aggro deck can beat expert AI in ~7-8 minutes and it gives you 15 Soul Gems (dust), so it's avg. 7 games per hour = 105 Soul Gems. So you can spend 10 hours this way (i know it's boring but hey) to basically farm dust for a legendary or to get ONE pack in Hearthstone.
Now let's go to arenas. There is Solo Arena which is cool, first few tries are good for new players to get into game mechanics and learn a little about deckbuilding before they get stomped by Arena players (or maybe not?) and get some juicy rewards (for 8-9 wins you'll get ~100 gold, 2 packs, 150 dust and maybe and epic or even Legendary so good stuff). But after few wins, around rank 5 (you will increase you rank in solo arena with each 9-win) the AI can be pretty tough, expect basically constructed deck in each enemy + sometimes lane effect or other bonus that favour their deck so if you get shitty draft you'll end with 4-5 wins so it's not easy rewards anymore. I still play it sometimes as a fun AI Tavern Brawl-like thing but versus arena is miles better in terms of reward.
Now let's compare HS arena vs Legends arena (i won't compare 0-3 wins rewards cuz you won't get much stuff here in any of the games, well in Legends you can expect random ~100 dust here and there):
Hearthstone Legends
4 Wins
Pack, 40-60 Gold + random reward Pack,~50 Gold + 3 random rewards from pool - a pack, rare/epic, ~80-150 dust
5 Wins
Pack, 45-60 Gold + random reward 2 Packs, ~80 Gold + 3 random rewards from pool - a pack, rare/epic, ~120-150 dust
6 Wins
Pack, 75-85 Gold + random reward 2 Packs, ~120 Gold + 3 random rewards from pool - a pack, epic, ~140-250 dust
7 Wins
Pack, 150-160 Gold + random reward 3 Packs, ~160-210 Gold + 3 random rewards from pool - a pack, epic/legendary, ~150-500 dust
So yes, standard 7 win reward is like 3 Pack, 200 gold, an Epic/Legendary and 150-200 dust, so it's basically worth more than 12 wins in HS arena in terms of gold value (yes in hs you get a lot of gold on higher wins so you can spend it again for a lot more rewards etc.) Also there are arena ranks, meaning if you hit few 7-wins you get higher rank and you won't be matched with new players.
I won't even go much into gameplay cuz it's basically superior, all i have to say is i see now how 9 classes in Hearthstone are shit design that make this game look like meta didn't change much in last 2 years "oh look, we have new set, your class wil get astounding 3 new cards, OMG META change". In Legends each color start with ~70 cards, that's like how much every class in hearthstone have in disposal after 2,5 years of expansions, if they hit 150 cards expansion you can expect like 25 new cards for each color, that's deck building options, not what we have in hearthstone. Warrior have 4 "different" archetypes right? then why 15 cards in each one are the same? because there are no options, most "innovative" decks in hearthstone have 2 different cards, omg a guy must think on this for like a year, such a deck creator ;) In Legends there are maybe like 3-4 cards that can fit most archetypes for each color, that's still like 10/50 cards not 15/30.
So yes, Legends is Hearthstone 2.0 in terms of gameplay for me, they improved on so many aspects it's really cool. Yes HS is superior in terms of Menu, Collection UI, card animations etc. but for me that's just additional fluff, not the most important thing in a card game. I will probably still play dailies and adventures because i invested hundreds if not thousands of hours into this game, but can't think about myself to waste time and grind another Legend with this gameplay.
Honestly, the fact that you cant drop ranks is what won me over to give the game a try. I play HS since closed beta, I have most of the cards already, I can even live with the shitty rewards you get for your time. But what bothers me the most is that you can dedicate 3 days of your time to get to a rank, and then loose that progress tomorrow after 1 hour of shitty luck. HS needs rank breakpoints badly (like you cant drop off from rank 15, 10, 5 and 2 once you got to it).
Hearthstone was so good at launch - it was everything MTGO needed to be but wasn't.
But that was it... nothing more, no real development that I value at all (new cards I take as a given and Tavern Brawl is simply too silly. Multi platform nice but whether I play on my laptop or ipad is of minor consequence)
Instead they were content they had created the perfect game and needed to change basically nothing.
So it is only natural than someone comes along and changes the things that suck about HS - and voila - sucks out half the player base.
For me it is decision time - I F2P for two years to get the cards on HS - it is gut wrenching to have to start again.
Hearthstone is only better in maybe 2 respects. First it doesn't take itself too seriously and therefore has a lot of humor, which "could" be better than the more serious TES. Second, Hearthstone has more card options currently. Other than that, TES is better. However, it is still very nearly a clone and I don't want to reward it because frankly it is not innovative enough. Think DOTA vs. LOL. Pick your preference.
The biggest complaint about Hearthstone is high RNG, and ESL follows in this tradition. A 1 drop with deal 3 damage to a random enemy on death, a 6 drop summon a random animal (some are insanely huge some suck), summon a random anarach, equip a random artifact, your minions gain random keywords, and so forth. Yes it has less RNG than current hearthstone, but much more than when Hearthstone started (the classic/soulbound set).
For those asking about the game, try it out. Go through the tutorial/solo campaign, do some solo arena runs, then play some casual or ranked matches. Do arena. See if you love the game, and love it enough to invest serious time into it.
There are so many card games, so if you don't absolutely love a game, there is no need to play it. The choices are endless.
i can talk hours about why TES legends is better than hearthstone but i will say my personal reason. i prefer elders scrolls cause people who play it dont BM. yeah in like 100 games 2-3 guys BMed me with behaviour that it was obviously mocking. after 2 days of not playing hearthstone at all my first opponent was otk warrior who roped me in every turn.