Wow, the first page of this thread manages to pack 100 pages of salt thread vitriol into a neat little package.
Marvel Snap is an amazing first offering in a business sense. Regardless of longevity, I imagine the development costs have already been dwarfed by the returns, and introducing Second Dinner as a competent concern is more important than it has ever been in a world where a fairly high percentage of game launches don't begin to deliver as promised (to say nothing of the prominence of early access campaigns which fold without ever offering anything).
That being said, I would love to hear objective justification for the claims made regarding the "mediocre" track record of Hearthstone. Someone made the incredibly cringe "point" of suggesting that Hearthstone's relative obscurity compared to the Metal Gear franchise somehow proves . . . something. I hope that point wasn't doubled down too often in the subsequent pages. For anyone clinging to that brilliance as evidence, allow me to suggest that Hideo Kojima is a bum by your standards, and the real genius is the man/woman/wolfkin/etc behind Candy Crush (name recognition is your metric, not mine).
All this being said, I'm glad the "look out [established game], [month old game] is going to replace you" crowd is still hale and hearty. I've been enjoying those predictions since Aion was to kill World of Warcraft.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Helpful Clarification on Forbidden Topics for Hearthstone Forums:
Enjoying Americans winning in the Olympics is forbidden because it is political. A 14 plus page discussion of state-sponsored lawsuits against a multi-national corporation based on harassment, discrimination, and wrongful death allegations is apparently not political enough to raise an issue.
They are quite different, but i will go with the Snap. The very first thing i noticed after a few days of Snap is the lack of game manipulation. In that game, the random is actually random and noticing how rare are the mambo jambo perfect hits/turns/moves/etc. just confirms my bias against Hearthstone: this game is utterly scripted. I played a lot of card games and what happens in Hearthstone defies maths and statistics.
We'll see how it continues, because at the launch date, Hearthstone was also a good game with well balanced cards and mechanics. It gone broken after a few expansions, by introducing these ultra rare perfect shit, which happens so often that makes me laugh. Maths are just crying watching a game of Hearthstone :)
Wow, the first page of this thread manages to pack 100 pages of salt thread vitriol into a neat little package.
Marvel Snap is an amazing first offering in a business sense. Regardless of longevity, I imagine the development costs have already been dwarfed by the returns, and introducing Second Dinner as a competent concern is more important than it has ever been in a world where a fairly high percentage of game launches don't begin to deliver as promised (to say nothing of the prominence of early access campaigns which fold without ever offering anything).
That being said, I would love to hear objective justification for the claims made regarding the "mediocre" track record of Hearthstone. Someone made the incredibly cringe "point" of suggesting that Hearthstone's relative obscurity compared to the Metal Gear franchise somehow proves . . . something. I hope that point wasn't doubled down too often in the subsequent pages. For anyone clinging to that brilliance as evidence, allow me to suggest that Hideo Kojima is a bum by your standards, and the real genius is the man/woman/wolfkin/etc behind Candy Crush (name recognition is your metric, not mine).
All this being said, I'm glad the "look out [established game], [month old game] is going to replace you" crowd is still hale and hearty. I've been enjoying those predictions since Aion was to kill World of Warcraft.
I think that you are expressing very confusing ideas. The man/woman who made Candy Crush is a genius, yes, because he/she made the perfect money grab able to stay the first app in revenue still today. Anyway, Candy Crush is not art, but a simple game for money grab. I posted the games with the highest reviews for the people, so what you think or what I think it is not very relevant, this list is based on thousands of comments and Metal Gear is inside the list multiple times.
I defined HS "mediocre" because as I already explained, there is no way that you can consider it art. You are talking about revenue, I am talking about art and the games with the highest reviews score from people (so what is worldwide accepted as amazing). I also would like to notice that none of these games are F2P with an in-game shop. In fact, I also don't like this business model at all.
Wow, the first page of this thread manages to pack 100 pages of salt thread vitriol into a neat little package.
Marvel Snap is an amazing first offering in a business sense. Regardless of longevity, I imagine the development costs have already been dwarfed by the returns, and introducing Second Dinner as a competent concern is more important than it has ever been in a world where a fairly high percentage of game launches don't begin to deliver as promised (to say nothing of the prominence of early access campaigns which fold without ever offering anything).
That being said, I would love to hear objective justification for the claims made regarding the "mediocre" track record of Hearthstone. Someone made the incredibly cringe "point" of suggesting that Hearthstone's relative obscurity compared to the Metal Gear franchise somehow proves . . . something. I hope that point wasn't doubled down too often in the subsequent pages. For anyone clinging to that brilliance as evidence, allow me to suggest that Hideo Kojima is a bum by your standards, and the real genius is the man/woman/wolfkin/etc behind Candy Crush (name recognition is your metric, not mine).
All this being said, I'm glad the "look out [established game], [month old game] is going to replace you" crowd is still hale and hearty. I've been enjoying those predictions since Aion was to kill World of Warcraft.
I think that you are expressing very confusing ideas. The man/woman who made Candy Crush is a genius, yes, because he/she made the perfect money grab able to stay the first app in revenue still today. Anyway, Candy Crush is not art, but a simple game for money grab. I posted the games with the highest reviews for the people, so what you think or what I think it is not very relevant, this list is based on thousands of comments and Metal Gear is inside the list multiple times.
I defined HS "mediocre" because as I already explained, there is no way that you can consider it art. You are talking about revenue, I am talking about art and the games with the highest reviews score from people (so what is worldwide accepted as amazing). I also would like to notice that none of these games are F2P with an in-game shop. In fact, I also don't like this business model at all.
I wonder if you are trolling or every post you make is genuine, cause if it is, you seem to be the type of person who listens more and talks less. Gamesnare art and art is subjective. Hearthstone revolutionised card games and changedbthe genre forever: card animations, voice lines, music, card backs, basically the effects of bringing cards to life on board. This is art and most post hearthstone card games borrow ideas from it. Being a cash grab doesn't exclude qrt automatically. While it's pretty niche in the gaming industry as a whole (a lot of my non gamer and some of my gamer friends never heard of it), it is a game changer in the online card game genre, not only through the simple andbpretty aesthetics, but also through introducing elements impossible in physical card games, like discovery, token generation, card creation. Dismissing all of this just reeks of frustration at unaccomplishment in the gqme you follow the forums of daily.
I am not here to discuss whether this is better than HS or not...
So, in conclusion, gg Blizzard, it seems that Ben Brode is doing a far better work than you. Marvel Snap is generating more interest than Hearthstone + Diablo Immortal, combined.
I see what you did there. In any case, this thread probably belongs here. :-)
An almost 10 year old game vs a fresh new game with a super popular IP. Wow OP is so surprised how such turn of events could ever happen. Bad Blizzard bad, your game should have the people’s interest for at least 1 million years.
OP even goes as praising Ben Brode as if Ben Brode didn’t gain work experience from working with Blizzard, both Bad and Good experience that is definitely valuable.
lol OP just want an outlet or a way to project his hate for Blizzard in a “safe” way. I can’t see any other point to your thread than that based on what you wrote.
This post got me wondering what the greatest action movie of all time was. I thought maybe Terminator 2, Aliens, Die Hard…
So I applied Shipmen’s method. Turns out it’s not even close. The best action movie ever is Black Adam. In the week since it came out it’s been talked about more than all the others put together.
Sure. You should adjust your ability in searching, I think.
Are you joking? Hideo Kojima is a terrible example. He designed the history of the games. Brode is a random guy who managed a card game with an overall mediocre success.
Imagine calling hearthstone a mediocre success LOL
I am not here to discuss whether this is better than HS or not. Anyway, I am very very surprised that this game already passed HS in terms of interest (measured by Google Trends). Yes, HS is going badly, but I didn't think so deeply badly. We can argue if this is a good way to measure the interest. It is anyway a good measure the Google searches based on a topic. I also added Diablo Immortal as comparison.
So, in conclusion, gg Blizzard, it seems that Ben Brode is doing a far better work than you. Marvel Snap is generating more interest than Hearthstone + Diablo Immortal, combined.
This is very funny considering that Ben Brode before was working for you. It is even funnier considering that this game, Marvel Snap, costed 2 cents compared to HS and Diablo Immortal. But probably people here don't feel scammed. So, nice strategy, Blizzard. Let's develop more cash grab, things will go perfectly, into the abyss.
This is an absolutely awful comparison. Almost every single video game with a half decent marketing campaign is extremely popular for a couple of weeks after release. This is reflected in Google data and twitch interest. Look at Nickelodeon all star brawl. It had tens of thousands of viewers for the first week or so, and if you look today, it often has absolute zero.
Longevity is far and away the key here, not momentary FOTM fuel. Could marvel snap hold interest? Anything is possible. But just because a cars exterior is shiny and flashy doesn’t mean it can handle the long road.
This post got me wondering what the greatest action movie of all time was. I thought maybe Terminator 2, Aliens, Die Hard…
So I applied Shipmen’s method. Turns out it’s not even close. The best action movie ever is Black Adam. In the week since it came out it’s been talked about more than all the others put together.
Sure. You should adjust your ability in searching, I think.
This post got me wondering what the greatest action movie of all time was. I thought maybe Terminator 2, Aliens, Die Hard…
So I applied Shipmen’s method. Turns out it’s not even close. The best action movie ever is Black Adam. In the week since it came out it’s been talked about more than all the others put together.
Sure. You should adjust your ability in searching, I think.
They are quite different, but i will go with the Snap. The very first thing i noticed after a few days of Snap is the lack of game manipulation. In that game, the random is actually random and noticing how rare are the mambo jambo perfect hits/turns/moves/etc. just confirms my bias against Hearthstone: this game is utterly scripted. I played a lot of card games and what happens in Hearthstone defies maths and statistics.
We'll see how it continues, because at the launch date, Hearthstone was also a good game with well balanced cards and mechanics. It gone broken after a few expansions, by introducing these ultra rare perfect shit, which happens so often that makes me laugh. Maths are just crying watching a game of Hearthstone :)
So ... you created a new account here just to prove to everyone that you know nothing about mathematics or statistics? Well played, I guess.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
The fact that are thousands of threads pointing at the same behaviour: RNG in Hearthstone defies maths, it's a statistic itself that proves my point. You can hide behind "you can't prove it", but when 1% chances are happening as 99% chances, game after game, that's not random. Not at all.
There are literally threads with math stats that proves certain patterns are highly visible, for example in Battlegrounds, certain cards are sniped in a 7 vs 7 board with a very clear and visible predilection. You can call it bad luck, i call it clear evidence of scripting.
Funny at face value, yeah, but it's worth remembering that TrustPilot has one of almost the worst reputations on the internet for being almost completely filled with fake reviews intended to smeer companies - mostly from disgruntled ex-employees who have axes to grind. It's certainly not limited to Blizzard there. So I probably really wouldn't take this as any sort of indication of anything other than the fact that people love to be nasty on the internet. :-)
Im playing Marvel SNAP for a month now, while with Hearthstone its an on/off kinda relationship.
Marvel SNAP is rlly easy to get the whole pool1&2 cards quickly (3 is a literal pain). Thing is you Play against opponents with around the Same collection Level as you, so even with a Low lvl you only Fight people with Low lvls. Thats the pro, the con is its getting old rlly fast and the Locations can screw your Deck so hard that its Impossible to win. The Games are either 4,6 or 7 Turns long.
Control Playstyle means sth completly different to Hearthstone, since you got No spells and you cant Go the Long game. They Point it Out as a pro, but thats only true for a certain playerbase. Which is fine, it doesnt need to suit everyone.
My biggest issues with Hearthstone was Always the cost. In the beginning i spent huge amounts to have an Always full collection, but with Standard i didnt bother anymore. I will preorder the DK bundle and i will Play Hearthstone again and sprinkle in Marvel SNAP for the daylies. SNAP is nothing to Play 24/7 at least for me, but its good enough to Play it mobile on the Go cause the Matches are so short.
Im playing Marvel SNAP for a month now, while with Hearthstone its an on/off kinda relationship.
Marvel SNAP is rlly easy to get the whole pool1&2 cards quickly (3 is a literal pain). Thing is you Play against opponents with around the Same collection Level as you, so even with a Low lvl you only Fight people with Low lvls. Thats the pro, the con is its getting old rlly fast and the Locations can screw your Deck so hard that its Impossible to win. The Games are either 4,6 or 7 Turns long.
Control Playstyle means sth completly different to Hearthstone, since you got No spells and you cant Go the Long game. They Point it Out as a pro, but thats only true for a certain playerbase. Which is fine, it doesnt need to suit everyone.
My biggest issues with Hearthstone was Always the cost. In the beginning i spent huge amounts to have an Always full collection, but with Standard i didnt bother anymore. I will preorder the DK bundle and i will Play Hearthstone again and sprinkle in Marvel SNAP for the daylies. SNAP is nothing to Play 24/7 at least for me, but its good enough to Play it mobile on the Go cause the Matches are so short.
Thats my take.
I also started with Snap. I am in pool 3, I am level 820, and I have more or less 20 cards of pool 3. I am purchasing the battle pass, I purchased two of them, Spider-Man and Black Panther. (I played a lot of this game in the past days). So these are my conclusions:
The game is very diversified. There are a lot of features and things. There are decks to destroy opponent's win condition, to summon big things, to destroy and buffs your minions to lock things, to bounce stuffs in your hand, to cycle thing, discard deck, token deck and so on
There is obviously an HS contamination in it. It is clearly made by Brode. You have cards with "on reveal" which is the "battlecry" the "ongoing" which is in HS the cards with text and no specific keyword (so the effect is on if the card is alive) and you have cards with deathrattle (like Bucky Barnes). You also have the silence, like Enchantress
Free to play in Snap is really possible. You need time to unlock everything. Around 4 months is the estimate for F2P.
The game is constantly updated. Every month there is a new card and with it, generally a new deck. Last month the new card was Spider-Man (Miles Morales) and this month Black Panther.
The concept of snap is amazing. It is amazing because it is a bet, it reminds me of poker when someone goes all in, and you call it
If you know the Marvel world, this game is also amazing. The relationship between cards effects, cards and real characters is awesome
Wow, the first page of this thread manages to pack 100 pages of salt thread vitriol into a neat little package.
Marvel Snap is an amazing first offering in a business sense. Regardless of longevity, I imagine the development costs have already been dwarfed by the returns, and introducing Second Dinner as a competent concern is more important than it has ever been in a world where a fairly high percentage of game launches don't begin to deliver as promised (to say nothing of the prominence of early access campaigns which fold without ever offering anything).
That being said, I would love to hear objective justification for the claims made regarding the "mediocre" track record of Hearthstone. Someone made the incredibly cringe "point" of suggesting that Hearthstone's relative obscurity compared to the Metal Gear franchise somehow proves . . . something. I hope that point wasn't doubled down too often in the subsequent pages. For anyone clinging to that brilliance as evidence, allow me to suggest that Hideo Kojima is a bum by your standards, and the real genius is the man/woman/wolfkin/etc behind Candy Crush (name recognition is your metric, not mine).
All this being said, I'm glad the "look out [established game], [month old game] is going to replace you" crowd is still hale and hearty. I've been enjoying those predictions since Aion was to kill World of Warcraft.
Helpful Clarification on Forbidden Topics for Hearthstone Forums:
Enjoying Americans winning in the Olympics is forbidden because it is political. A 14 plus page discussion of state-sponsored lawsuits against a multi-national corporation based on harassment, discrimination, and wrongful death allegations is apparently not political enough to raise an issue.
They are quite different, but i will go with the Snap. The very first thing i noticed after a few days of Snap is the lack of game manipulation. In that game, the random is actually random and noticing how rare are the mambo jambo perfect hits/turns/moves/etc. just confirms my bias against Hearthstone: this game is utterly scripted. I played a lot of card games and what happens in Hearthstone defies maths and statistics.
We'll see how it continues, because at the launch date, Hearthstone was also a good game with well balanced cards and mechanics. It gone broken after a few expansions, by introducing these ultra rare perfect shit, which happens so often that makes me laugh. Maths are just crying watching a game of Hearthstone :)
I think that you are expressing very confusing ideas. The man/woman who made Candy Crush is a genius, yes, because he/she made the perfect money grab able to stay the first app in revenue still today. Anyway, Candy Crush is not art, but a simple game for money grab. I posted the games with the highest reviews for the people, so what you think or what I think it is not very relevant, this list is based on thousands of comments and Metal Gear is inside the list multiple times.
I defined HS "mediocre" because as I already explained, there is no way that you can consider it art. You are talking about revenue, I am talking about art and the games with the highest reviews score from people (so what is worldwide accepted as amazing). I also would like to notice that none of these games are F2P with an in-game shop. In fact, I also don't like this business model at all.
I wonder if you are trolling or every post you make is genuine, cause if it is, you seem to be the type of person who listens more and talks less. Gamesnare art and art is subjective. Hearthstone revolutionised card games and changedbthe genre forever: card animations, voice lines, music, card backs, basically the effects of bringing cards to life on board. This is art and most post hearthstone card games borrow ideas from it. Being a cash grab doesn't exclude qrt automatically. While it's pretty niche in the gaming industry as a whole (a lot of my non gamer and some of my gamer friends never heard of it), it is a game changer in the online card game genre, not only through the simple andbpretty aesthetics, but also through introducing elements impossible in physical card games, like discovery, token generation, card creation. Dismissing all of this just reeks of frustration at unaccomplishment in the gqme you follow the forums of daily.
I see what you did there.
In any case, this thread probably belongs here. :-)
An almost 10 year old game vs a fresh new game with a super popular IP. Wow OP is so surprised how such turn of events could ever happen. Bad Blizzard bad, your game should have the people’s interest for at least 1 million years.
OP even goes as praising Ben Brode as if Ben Brode didn’t gain work experience from working with Blizzard, both Bad and Good experience that is definitely valuable.
lol OP just want an outlet or a way to project his hate for Blizzard in a “safe” way. I can’t see any other point to your thread than that based on what you wrote.
Sign Here
Sure. You should adjust your ability in searching, I think.
Imagine calling hearthstone a mediocre success LOL
This is an absolutely awful comparison. Almost every single video game with a half decent marketing campaign is extremely popular for a couple of weeks after release. This is reflected in Google data and twitch interest. Look at Nickelodeon all star brawl. It had tens of thousands of viewers for the first week or so, and if you look today, it often has absolute zero.
Longevity is far and away the key here, not momentary FOTM fuel. Could marvel snap hold interest? Anything is possible. But just because a cars exterior is shiny and flashy doesn’t mean it can handle the long road.
Lmfao! XD
So, that was Dwayne’s and maybe Josh’s method not mine.
So ... you created a new account here just to prove to everyone that you know nothing about mathematics or statistics? Well played, I guess.
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
Even elephants poop better than Blizzard and their stupidity at the development.
Yap. Exactly.
The fact that are thousands of threads pointing at the same behaviour: RNG in Hearthstone defies maths, it's a statistic itself that proves my point. You can hide behind "you can't prove it", but when 1% chances are happening as 99% chances, game after game, that's not random. Not at all.
There are literally threads with math stats that proves certain patterns are highly visible, for example in Battlegrounds, certain cards are sniped in a 7 vs 7 board with a very clear and visible predilection. You can call it bad luck, i call it clear evidence of scripting.
Funny at face value, yeah, but it's worth remembering that TrustPilot has one of almost the worst reputations on the internet for being almost completely filled with fake reviews intended to smeer companies - mostly from disgruntled ex-employees who have axes to grind.
It's certainly not limited to Blizzard there.
So I probably really wouldn't take this as any sort of indication of anything other than the fact that people love to be nasty on the internet. :-)
that's such a nosense comparison...
HS it's 8yrs old now. Check Snap interest next year at least... Do you know what HYPE is?
Im playing Marvel SNAP for a month now, while with Hearthstone its an on/off kinda relationship.
Marvel SNAP is rlly easy to get the whole pool1&2 cards quickly (3 is a literal pain). Thing is you Play against opponents with around the Same collection Level as you, so even with a Low lvl you only Fight people with Low lvls. Thats the pro, the con is its getting old rlly fast and the Locations can screw your Deck so hard that its Impossible to win. The Games are either 4,6 or 7 Turns long.
Control Playstyle means sth completly different to Hearthstone, since you got No spells and you cant Go the Long game. They Point it Out as a pro, but thats only true for a certain playerbase. Which is fine, it doesnt need to suit everyone.
My biggest issues with Hearthstone was Always the cost. In the beginning i spent huge amounts to have an Always full collection, but with Standard i didnt bother anymore. I will preorder the DK bundle and i will Play Hearthstone again and sprinkle in Marvel SNAP for the daylies. SNAP is nothing to Play 24/7 at least for me, but its good enough to Play it mobile on the Go cause the Matches are so short.
Thats my take.
Imagine being into marvel.
I also started with Snap. I am in pool 3, I am level 820, and I have more or less 20 cards of pool 3. I am purchasing the battle pass, I purchased two of them, Spider-Man and Black Panther. (I played a lot of this game in the past days). So these are my conclusions:
So, I really like the game.