Looking for some new music and want to get some suggestions and hear about other people's favorite albums. The goal here is to only pick "off the beaten path" albums. Please don't suggest Dark Side of the Moon or Illmatic or Sgt. Pepper's for example. I'm looking for the deeper cuts or things that others may or may not be aware of. Let's say keep it to a maximum of 3 choices. I'll start
Lightning Bolt: Hypermagic Mountain - for those who don't know this is some of the greatest noise rock of all time IMO. Just a drummer and a bassist who distorts the shit out of his bass and makes it sound like the grimiest thing ever. These guys are real artists and if the mood strikes this is some of the best stuff.
Broken Social Scene: Broken Social Scene - self-titled album by a large ensemble group. I like most of their stuff but this album is groovy, it rocks, it's fun, emotional, cool. This is one of my most listened to albums of all time. This can be played on a first date, while just hanging out, at a party or when you're down. It really does it all for me.
Leon Vynehall: Music for the Uninvited - One of my favorite house/deep house albums that has some real resonance to it. One of the first albums that really got me into house music. If you take nothing from this thread, just do me one favor and listen to St. Sinclair from this album. Please.
The band that lead to my username long, long ago. Karma to Burn, with a re-recording of their breakthrough album Karma To Burn, re-titled "Slight Reprise" link: YouTube
This Stoner Rock band got signed to a deal, but they were forced to include a singer. They recorded their debut album with lyrics and singing, and broke up with the singer like a month after the album came out and went back to doing what they were used to, which is perform their songs without the need for pesky singers and their attitudes. Years later and on a new label they recorded their debut album like they had wanted to for year and the way they performed it live.
This is a comfort pick, cause I love this band, and as said, they lead to my username, which seems relevant here. :)
Bit cheaty, cause it's technically 2 albums in 1, but Counting Crows Live album "Across a Wire: Live in New York" link: YouTube
It's live recordings from 2 separate occasions, a largely accoustic session and a "normal" session, with songs from their first 2 albums. I feel strongly that some bands need to be enjoyed Live more so than from their records. Radiohead is such a band, and so is Counting Crows. This is them probably at their very best.
Not very off the beaten path perhaps, since they were a very popular band, but that is by now 20 years ago and more, so I think many people nowadays might not be aware of them.
An album I always bring up with people is "More Skin with Milk-Mouth" by Giraffes? Giraffes! Link: YouTube
If the intro makes you go wtf? then it's probably working as intended. It's Math-Rock, it sounds odd to the ear at first, but when you give it a chance and start following the patterns in the music your mind will be blown in a good way. They have several albums I could have linked, but this is their most mainstream and popular one. (for a given amount of popular, they are not well known)
Probably the most off the path album of these 3 and perhaps the best one artistically too.
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Tight. I feel like I remember Giraffes from around the time when that album came out. I'm big on math rock. Love Dillinger Escape Plan and Fall of Troy and Converge. Putting these in my spotify and will check em out. Thanks!
If you want to hear something really unusual, then i hghly recommend russian "abstract rap" album "макулатура - место". Its text doesn't really matter tbh, it just sounds so great. Its atmosphere, these guitars, just perfect.
Big compilation of electronic and experimental music. Tbh, I love it so much just because of Teal Ranger (this literally one gives me goosebumps everytime i listen to it) by Fah and P1nkf1re. But you may find your own gem here.
I'm bumping this. Didn't take when originally posted so trying again. Looking for new music!
Well, what do you like, roughly?
Might count as a "hidden gem", despite literally being the albums that spawned power metal as genre, but the band pretty much never get metioned - Helloween's Keeper of the 7 keys parts 1 & 2 are always worth mentioning and always worth a listen if you like metal with soaring, clean vocals (and, erm, 40+ second held notes, iirc - Kiske has ridiculous lungs, even now). Their recent eponymous album is also (finally, only three decades after Keepers) one with a similar feel/quality, in part due to being a three-vocalist seven man band now. If you want slightly heavier power metal (yes, still with clean vocals because power metal), then look at their heavier stuff like the Dark ride, Better than Raw, and the Time of the Oath. Other than Chamelion and arguably Pink bubbles go ape (more pop-ish and experimental, heavily maligned by fanbase) and Walls of Jericho (much more speed metal, very different feel to anything after, though revered by a lot of fans who like that sound), most of their stuff is at least decent power metal.
On a more folk metal vibe, or if you fancy something depressing, Orden Ogan are top notch - particularly their first three albums. Vale and To the end are absolutely excellent, and Easton Hope is more experimental and orchestral, though underrated. Ravenhead is a decent album, Gunmen is notably heavier (though also excellent), and Final days is... not my taste. Feels more pop-ish, and just doesn't seem to have the depth of their earlier stuff. Again, a band that I feel don't get the recognition that they deserve, particularly in the UK - struggled to fill a small venue (and the queue was so small that we had people asking if it was the right one - though my waistcoat and pocketwatch probably added to the confusion!), and have only ever played two UK gigs, AFAIK.
Third suggestion is purely for Americans - pretty much anything by Thin Lizzy after the first two albums. Somehow they didn't get big across the pond, I believe. Classic rock with blues-y feel. Wouldn't really count as hidden gem in UK/Ireland, but might in the US. Like Helloween, not really sure if it counts, might depend on where you live.
I already posted here the first time, but I got some fun new sugggestions.
I've been on a serious live performance kick lately, and the 2 things I had most fun with are basically anything by the band The Smile (Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood from Radiohead). They have a bunch of partial and full performances from the last 6 months (they started touring in May I think) on YouTube. 1 example:
The second suggestion is the the Super Deluxe Edition of the Album "Core" by Stone Temple Pilots. The album has obviously not changed in 20 years, but there's an album's worth of live performances on that edition that capture the raw STP experience really well. I found it on Spotify, but I'm sure other purveyors will probably have it too.
I'll throw in a 3rd one for S 'n G, cause I'm listening to it right now: Cypress Hill, Live at the Fillmore. Love the fusion of live rock band with Cypress Hill's usual grooves.
Good luck!
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Looking for some new music and want to get some suggestions and hear about other people's favorite albums. The goal here is to only pick "off the beaten path" albums. Please don't suggest Dark Side of the Moon or Illmatic or Sgt. Pepper's for example. I'm looking for the deeper cuts or things that others may or may not be aware of. Let's say keep it to a maximum of 3 choices. I'll start
Lightning Bolt: Hypermagic Mountain - for those who don't know this is some of the greatest noise rock of all time IMO. Just a drummer and a bassist who distorts the shit out of his bass and makes it sound like the grimiest thing ever. These guys are real artists and if the mood strikes this is some of the best stuff.
Broken Social Scene: Broken Social Scene - self-titled album by a large ensemble group. I like most of their stuff but this album is groovy, it rocks, it's fun, emotional, cool. This is one of my most listened to albums of all time. This can be played on a first date, while just hanging out, at a party or when you're down. It really does it all for me.
Leon Vynehall: Music for the Uninvited - One of my favorite house/deep house albums that has some real resonance to it. One of the first albums that really got me into house music. If you take nothing from this thread, just do me one favor and listen to St. Sinclair from this album. Please.
Cool thread. My suggestions:
The band that lead to my username long, long ago. Karma to Burn, with a re-recording of their breakthrough album Karma To Burn, re-titled "Slight Reprise" link: YouTube
This Stoner Rock band got signed to a deal, but they were forced to include a singer. They recorded their debut album with lyrics and singing, and broke up with the singer like a month after the album came out and went back to doing what they were used to, which is perform their songs without the need for pesky singers and their attitudes. Years later and on a new label they recorded their debut album like they had wanted to for year and the way they performed it live.
This is a comfort pick, cause I love this band, and as said, they lead to my username, which seems relevant here. :)
Bit cheaty, cause it's technically 2 albums in 1, but Counting Crows Live album "Across a Wire: Live in New York" link: YouTube
It's live recordings from 2 separate occasions, a largely accoustic session and a "normal" session, with songs from their first 2 albums. I feel strongly that some bands need to be enjoyed Live more so than from their records. Radiohead is such a band, and so is Counting Crows. This is them probably at their very best.
Not very off the beaten path perhaps, since they were a very popular band, but that is by now 20 years ago and more, so I think many people nowadays might not be aware of them.
An album I always bring up with people is "More Skin with Milk-Mouth" by Giraffes? Giraffes! Link: YouTube
If the intro makes you go wtf? then it's probably working as intended. It's Math-Rock, it sounds odd to the ear at first, but when you give it a chance and start following the patterns in the music your mind will be blown in a good way. They have several albums I could have linked, but this is their most mainstream and popular one. (for a given amount of popular, they are not well known)
Probably the most off the path album of these 3 and perhaps the best one artistically too.
If you see a bad post on the forum use the report function under it, so I or someone else of the moderation team can take care of it!
Rebel 6 - Dats dat Rude Boy Shamanistical Music!
Tight. I feel like I remember Giraffes from around the time when that album came out. I'm big on math rock. Love Dillinger Escape Plan and Fall of Troy and Converge. Putting these in my spotify and will check em out. Thanks!
Matthew Liam Nicholson: Nine Movements
I'm bumping this. Didn't take when originally posted so trying again. Looking for new music!
If you want to hear something really unusual, then i hghly recommend russian "abstract rap" album "макулатура - место". Its text doesn't really matter tbh, it just sounds so great. Its atmosphere, these guitars, just perfect.
Various Artists - Born Into Madness 2
Big compilation of electronic and experimental music. Tbh, I love it so much just because of Teal Ranger (this literally one gives me goosebumps everytime i listen to it) by Fah and P1nkf1re. But you may find your own gem here.
Well, what do you like, roughly?
Might count as a "hidden gem", despite literally being the albums that spawned power metal as genre, but the band pretty much never get metioned - Helloween's Keeper of the 7 keys parts 1 & 2 are always worth mentioning and always worth a listen if you like metal with soaring, clean vocals (and, erm, 40+ second held notes, iirc - Kiske has ridiculous lungs, even now). Their recent eponymous album is also (finally, only three decades after Keepers) one with a similar feel/quality, in part due to being a three-vocalist seven man band now. If you want slightly heavier power metal (yes, still with clean vocals because power metal), then look at their heavier stuff like the Dark ride, Better than Raw, and the Time of the Oath. Other than Chamelion and arguably Pink bubbles go ape (more pop-ish and experimental, heavily maligned by fanbase) and Walls of Jericho (much more speed metal, very different feel to anything after, though revered by a lot of fans who like that sound), most of their stuff is at least decent power metal.
On a more folk metal vibe, or if you fancy something depressing, Orden Ogan are top notch - particularly their first three albums. Vale and To the end are absolutely excellent, and Easton Hope is more experimental and orchestral, though underrated. Ravenhead is a decent album, Gunmen is notably heavier (though also excellent), and Final days is... not my taste. Feels more pop-ish, and just doesn't seem to have the depth of their earlier stuff. Again, a band that I feel don't get the recognition that they deserve, particularly in the UK - struggled to fill a small venue (and the queue was so small that we had people asking if it was the right one - though my waistcoat and pocketwatch probably added to the confusion!), and have only ever played two UK gigs, AFAIK.
Third suggestion is purely for Americans - pretty much anything by Thin Lizzy after the first two albums. Somehow they didn't get big across the pond, I believe. Classic rock with blues-y feel. Wouldn't really count as hidden gem in UK/Ireland, but might in the US. Like Helloween, not really sure if it counts, might depend on where you live.
I already posted here the first time, but I got some fun new sugggestions.
I've been on a serious live performance kick lately, and the 2 things I had most fun with are basically anything by the band The Smile (Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood from Radiohead). They have a bunch of partial and full performances from the last 6 months (they started touring in May I think) on YouTube. 1 example:
The second suggestion is the the Super Deluxe Edition of the Album "Core" by Stone Temple Pilots. The album has obviously not changed in 20 years, but there's an album's worth of live performances on that edition that capture the raw STP experience really well. I found it on Spotify, but I'm sure other purveyors will probably have it too.
I'll throw in a 3rd one for S 'n G, cause I'm listening to it right now: Cypress Hill, Live at the Fillmore. Love the fusion of live rock band with Cypress Hill's usual grooves.
Good luck!
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I’ll throw in my suggestions for live albums:
The Who Live at Leeds
Lou Reed Rock n Roll Animal
Rolling Stones Get Your Ya-Ya’s Out
Talking Heads Stop Making Sense
They aren’t that obscure of albums but they are definitive live performances.
If you're into metal (the more melodic side of it, specifically) I suggest:
Scar Symmetry - Pitch Black Progress
Dark Tranquillity - Haven
Mors Principium Est - ...And Death Said Live
Stratovarius - Visions