In Magic: The Gathering there is a format called Pauper. Which is building decks with all common rarity cards. I wanted to discuss the idea of making a Hearthstone variant of this kind of deck building. I already looked through the collection, it looks like most of the format would consist of aggro or tempo decks. Token Druid would be a thing, Face/ Secret Hunter could easily be a thing. Tempo mage would be a thing, Aggro Paladin would be a thing, Zoolock would be strong. The only classes I see suffering in this kind of format would be Rogue and Warrior. But it seems like a fun idea because it would allow you to play hearthstone in a way that is new and refreshing and wouldn't just be the broken daily grind. And I think this would be especially fun for wild players, but I think it would remain fun, healthy and interesting as standard developes as well. What do you guys think?
Blizzard will never endorse a format that encourages less pack buying, ever ever. Cool idea but it'll remain something people organize on their own completely. Also no streamer would endorse it because no big bucks from Blizzard, so there goes your potential audience.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
If you thought you knew what you think I know, then you'd know I knew you knew I know.
I understand what you are saying about this idea not being profitable. Yes, it is not at all profitable for blizzard to do this. But that really wouldn't be the point of the format. This idea would be an excellent way to get new players into the game. Those shitty 4 commons you just opened from that bad pack? All playable now. I want to get every common in the next expansion to build my next deck for this format? I am getting that pre-order just to get those commons. Only recently did games like Magic: The Gathering actually start hosting pauper tournaments and pro tournaments. Until then it was just something you played online or at your local game store Pauper Tourney. The idea of this is not to profit, but provide something to Hearthstone that would make it a more fun and exciting game to play. Something newer players wouldn't be afraid of trying. Its a idea that wouldn't require the idea "I gotta buy that next pack to pop my next legendary so I can ladder with this currently OP Meta deck. It would be something...subtle. Flavorful. A much more sweeter taste in hearthstone's mouth. To be honest Pauper in magic isnt profitable either, but Magic approved it as a official format. Maybe hearthstone just needs to age a bit more before an idea like this is more maintainable.
In theory nothing you said is wrong, but it runs contrary to the business model of "entice with legendary, entice with net deck, repeat", which as a consequence brings in way more money through packs than any other method I can think of. They rely heavily on Arena as a crutch to do everything else that Ranked does not, which as we both agree leaves the game with a lack of modes and variety. I stand by the best way to counteract this is online community organization.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
If you thought you knew what you think I know, then you'd know I knew you knew I know.
Only commons are not enough cards I think. A HS-"Pauper" should also allow rares - so no only no epics and legendaries. So it whould be a "budget decks" mode. I like this idea but I don`t think it whould be popular enough because all you whould see there is Hunter and Zoolock, because theese are the classes which has normally the easiest chance to get good budget deck. Other decks like Control Warrior couldn`t work there.
I whould love to the a official mode in HS like this - but I don`t belive we will ever see it. I think Blizz will not see not enough upside for themselve to make such a format as Dendroid allready mentioned it.
Blizzard should make a special stream lessons or youtube videos in which they explain the the only way hs should be played is with supa dupa 1000 IQ control/combo homebrewed decks and 30 minutes long match is a minimum time period that proves you're not braindead blah blah something etc.
I know this thread has been dead for a while now, but I actually had the same idea for a long time. These days warrior and rogue would be very viable in this sort of format. Pirate Rogue and Pirate warrior would probably be the best decks in this style of play. Parachute Brigand brings enough early game advantage for pirate decks. You don't even need patches. I still think this idea has enormous potential. I think Blizzard should endorse it. Even tho it's not profitable
I mean they brought in classic mode that has a very limited amount of money Blizz can make per player and the vast majority of players didn't really need to spend any money on it anyway. So there could be a chance. But it'll more likely be a one off Tavern Brawl. One that I'd actually enjoy too.
I do wish they added a little casual sandbox mode where there's like a dozen different permanent modes you can play for fun. All commons for one, all rares for another and all legendaries, 15 hp max, 100 hp, start on 3 mana, 5 mana crystals max, only neutrals. Nothing exciting or crazy but enough to come back and play or challenge friends on
I think there actually is a brawl that forbids legendaries and epics, and i doubt this idea will go any further than that. There's already so many modes to split the population in already, adding one extremely specific doesn't really help, just look at where classic ended up.
In Magic: The Gathering there is a format called Pauper. Which is building decks with all common rarity cards. I wanted to discuss the idea of making a Hearthstone variant of this kind of deck building. I already looked through the collection, it looks like most of the format would consist of aggro or tempo decks. Token Druid would be a thing, Face/ Secret Hunter could easily be a thing. Tempo mage would be a thing, Aggro Paladin would be a thing, Zoolock would be strong. The only classes I see suffering in this kind of format would be Rogue and Warrior. But it seems like a fun idea because it would allow you to play hearthstone in a way that is new and refreshing and wouldn't just be the broken daily grind. And I think this would be especially fun for wild players, but I think it would remain fun, healthy and interesting as standard developes as well. What do you guys think?
Blizzard will never endorse a format that encourages less pack buying, ever ever. Cool idea but it'll remain something people organize on their own completely. Also no streamer would endorse it because no big bucks from Blizzard, so there goes your potential audience.
If you thought you knew what you think I know, then you'd know I knew you knew I know.
I understand what you are saying about this idea not being profitable. Yes, it is not at all profitable for blizzard to do this. But that really wouldn't be the point of the format. This idea would be an excellent way to get new players into the game. Those shitty 4 commons you just opened from that bad pack? All playable now. I want to get every common in the next expansion to build my next deck for this format? I am getting that pre-order just to get those commons. Only recently did games like Magic: The Gathering actually start hosting pauper tournaments and pro tournaments. Until then it was just something you played online or at your local game store Pauper Tourney. The idea of this is not to profit, but provide something to Hearthstone that would make it a more fun and exciting game to play. Something newer players wouldn't be afraid of trying. Its a idea that wouldn't require the idea "I gotta buy that next pack to pop my next legendary so I can ladder with this currently OP Meta deck. It would be something...subtle. Flavorful. A much more sweeter taste in hearthstone's mouth. To be honest Pauper in magic isnt profitable either, but Magic approved it as a official format. Maybe hearthstone just needs to age a bit more before an idea like this is more maintainable.
In theory nothing you said is wrong, but it runs contrary to the business model of "entice with legendary, entice with net deck, repeat", which as a consequence brings in way more money through packs than any other method I can think of. They rely heavily on Arena as a crutch to do everything else that Ranked does not, which as we both agree leaves the game with a lack of modes and variety. I stand by the best way to counteract this is online community organization.
If you thought you knew what you think I know, then you'd know I knew you knew I know.
Only commons are not enough cards I think. A HS-"Pauper" should also allow rares - so no only no epics and legendaries. So it whould be a "budget decks" mode. I like this idea but I don`t think it whould be popular enough because all you whould see there is Hunter and Zoolock, because theese are the classes which has normally the easiest chance to get good budget deck. Other decks like Control Warrior couldn`t work there.
I whould love to the a official mode in HS like this - but I don`t belive we will ever see it. I think Blizz will not see not enough upside for themselve to make such a format as Dendroid allready mentioned it.
I know this thread has been dead for a while now, but I actually had the same idea for a long time. These days warrior and rogue would be very viable in this sort of format. Pirate Rogue and Pirate warrior would probably be the best decks in this style of play. Parachute Brigand brings enough early game advantage for pirate decks. You don't even need patches. I still think this idea has enormous potential. I think Blizzard should endorse it. Even tho it's not profitable
I just love how Priest wasn't even mentioned...
I mean they brought in classic mode that has a very limited amount of money Blizz can make per player and the vast majority of players didn't really need to spend any money on it anyway. So there could be a chance. But it'll more likely be a one off Tavern Brawl. One that I'd actually enjoy too.
I do wish they added a little casual sandbox mode where there's like a dozen different permanent modes you can play for fun. All commons for one, all rares for another and all legendaries, 15 hp max, 100 hp, start on 3 mana, 5 mana crystals max, only neutrals. Nothing exciting or crazy but enough to come back and play or challenge friends on
id rather have a format to play only leenndaries :D
I think there actually is a brawl that forbids legendaries and epics, and i doubt this idea will go any further than that. There's already so many modes to split the population in already, adding one extremely specific doesn't really help, just look at where classic ended up.
Custom Games (still missing) + Social Groups (needs improvement)
Enough said.