Obligatory "welcome to the off-topic section of the forums"
The trailer really hit home that the show is now exactly what the author had set out to make the story NOT to be, like a satire that somehow lost its irony along the way. The point of the story is that war sucks, nothing good ever comes out of it and it shouldn't be glamorized the way it is in typical works of fiction. The fact that the final battle is against zombies looks scary, but in reality takes away, in GRRM's words, the real horror of war; that you're taking the lives of real, living people on the other side
Then there's the shot of Varys hiding in the Red Keep. This one really gave me the feels. Remember how in the first few seasons, everyone was using their brain? Remember how blind faith and plot armor isn't rewarded like it usually is in western high fantasy? This unique take on the genre is what drew me to the series in the first place. Now there's nothing left of what once was. Instead we have the chosen ones atop dragons ready for their final battle against an ultimate evil
There was never meant to be an ultimate evil (the Night King doesn't even exist outside the show and the Night's King with an "'s" is someone else entirely). The characters in this story weren't meant to be black and white. The "black" in fantasy are usually dehumanized and faceless; people who are easy to hate and easier to kill. The people in Game of Thrones were meant to be grey, each with their own complexities and sympathetic in their own ways. This is all to drive home the point that people you fight in war are human. But since the books ran out, everyone has been flocking to the extremely good or evil sides of the spectrum. So much that I'm seeing the same personality over multiple characters
The upcoming finale feels like it's going to be such a desecration of the original work and its message. There is no "game" in Game of Thrones anymore. All the players died nonsensically or became nonsensical. All that's left is Zombies vs Dragons. Isn't it a better fitting title for what the trailer is selling us? Both invoke the thought of pure fight choreography and CGI. We already found out last season how many plot holes they were willing to open up just to show us a CGI zombie ice dragon
its a roller coaster show, it goes from set piece to reaction of set piece to next set piece. Its entertaining noise, and I dont expect anything else from it. Its like a superhero movie, Im entertained because I can turn my brain off.
The problem with GoT no one can end the history in a proper way with so many great characters, with extraordinary performances of the cast of the series, even the creator can't do that and give up.
The producers of the series can't give nothing more than fan service and cliches.
That is a shame, Tirion, Cersei, Jon Snow and many others deserve much more than that.
God this community... so many people complaining about Rise of Shadows when a handful of cards were revealed. And now people complaining about the final season of Game of Thrones after seeing a short trailer.
We are more spoiled for affordable entertainment than we have ever been, and yet it seems like people bitch more and more.
To be fair, 95% of this is GRRM's fault. The show runners are actually big fans and followed his material faithfully, or at least as faithfully as can be expected of tv.
Martin had no idea where he was going. If AFFC didn't convince you, and ADWD still somehow didn't convince you, consider that he has basically given up finishing the books. He had no grand master plot. He even admitted he started writing the series because he had this image of a dead wolf with a stag's antler in it's throat. That's all he had when he started.
Killing Eddard Stark was genius. But the red wedding was just dumb. He kept trying to be the shocking author by killing all his best characters, and now he is left with a mangled mess of a story. Why did I suffer so much Iron Islands crap? None of those characters mattered. Danny's entire story is filled with locations and characters that are irrelevant. She could have just flown on top of her dragons to westeros three books ago and the story would be the same.
Bottom line, Game of Thrones was a fun ride with no destination. Enjoy it for what it is, and be happy the show at least has an ending of some sort. For those of us who wasted decades of our lives on his books, an ending is a lot better than the alternative.
Edit: if you want really gritty fantasy that doesn't disappoint, read Joe Abercrombie. His books actually have plots and endings, and he is a better writer than Martin.
We are more spoiled for affordable entertainment than we have ever been, and yet it seems like people bitch more and more.
I kind agree in general with you but not in this case.
The complain of the fans after seem scenes like The Red Weeding and Tirion's Judgment about the quality of the serie drop to a pathetic fan service and rushed scenes (Ravens flying faster than airplanes!!!) is totally justified.
On some level, GRRM okay'd the existence of the Night King, so you can't be upset with the showrunners for "creating" the character. They're following what they've been given, which was a highlight reel of every major plot development that needed to happen; everything else has been an attempt to fill in the blanks. Blame the author for that, and blame him some more for not finishing the books in time.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Behold, foolish interlopers! I am commanding this mortal to spread the will of the Scourge throughout the interwebs, encouraging you to seek out me, Archlich Kel'Thuzad! Now coming to you as the tenth class of Hearthstone!
I am a finalist in this Class Creation Competition, so if you could give it a look I would be greatly appreciative <3
its a roller coaster show, it goes from set piece to reaction of set piece to next set piece. Its entertaining noise, and I dont expect anything else from it. Its like a superhero movie, Im entertained because I can turn my brain off.
Spot on. It's exactly like a superhero movie you turn your brain off to watch. Nothing wrong with those but I'm just peeved that it was nothing like this in the beginning. They basically trimmed down the quantity/quality of characters to make it resemble a different genre. Feels like I didn't get what was advertised
And in response to the others with serious answers, you have a good point. There's probably a good reason the next book is taking decades. That said, I really wish the showrunners made more of an effort to stick with the original genre. Especially given that the original was a criticism of the kind of thing it became, I don't think it was appropriate
The decision to transition was a conscious choice, one they likely made because "films where you turn your brain off" are making the big bucks these days. Perhaps the showrunners did try their best with what they had, but only after making the decision to move in a direction the story really should have gone
"I hate the ending of Game of Thrones 3 weeks before the first episode starts." What magic is this?
Well yes, that's how trailers work lol. I see it in my youtube recommendations and got reminded that this show is a thing. I don't know what magic you're referring to but I had the same sentiment and had a conversation about it in someone else's thread on hearthpwn last year
Comments from George Martin is the series will have a 'bitter-sweet' ending. That doesn't sound like the 'superhero' ending you are predicting. But I guess we'll see.
"No, no! The Reveal season of the World's ending feels like same with old tales, I was expecting more. I won't die in an ending like this. I refuse to die now. Go f*** yourselves. I am not dying. I'm staying in this f***ing barren planet ! F*** Apocalypse or else ! Everyone is free to go. I'm staying !!!!"
I really hate humans.. much more now.
Guys, you need to learn entertain yourselves, really...
Series, Shows, Games, Books, They are not about "what you expect". They are about how the creator of them creates. I hate people who thinks they can dare to shape someone's saga.
If you like how it is, then you like. If you don't like some part, You DON'T f***ing like. That's so simple. You don't try to change its parts.
"mmm, let's burn those papers, I like the beginning and some parts after but I didn't like how the story goes. I will write the continuation myself"
If you really are that genius, go craft some saga for yourself and share that with us, or sell it...
Memedeck-seeker. Always tries to build new decks. Hates tournements, streamers, netdecks and poor-o players. ah, but a tournement mode could be great !!!
If you really are that genius, go craft some saga for yourself and share that with us, or sell it...
Play HearthStone without any serious problems (one bug here or there sometimes is acceptable for consumers of this kind of product) for 5 years then play one month with terrible connection issues because lazy Blizzard employees, if you complain about it and someone say:
"If you really that genius, go make your own game and share that with us, or sell it..."
You will agree with that?
Watch the season 1 to 4 then watch the last season, it is a very similar situation, fans are mad and complain a lot because this show put the best scenes and outstanding production value than anything else in TV, the massive drop in the quality of the show is hearth breaking for anyone invested in the history for years.
If you really are that genius, go craft some saga for yourself and share that with us, or sell it...
Play HearthStone without any serious problems (one bug here or there sometimes is acceptable for consumers of this kind of product) for 5 years then play one month with terrible connection issues because lazy Blizzard employees, if you complain about it and someone say:
"If you really that genius, go make your own game and share that with us, or sell it..."
You will agree with that?
Watch the season 1 to 4 then watch the last season, it is a very similar situation, fans are mad and complain a lot because this show put the best scenes and outstanding production value than anything else in TV, the massive drop in the quality of the show is hearth breaking for anyone invested in the history for years.
That's not a very similar situation.
You know what is very similar situation?
You are watching the episode and BOOM!!! black screen. They forgot to put the scene behind 20-25 mins and you pissed like "You had one job guys!!" or you are reading a book and after 120 pages you realize that the book doesn't have 121st-122nd-123rd pages. That's the real very similar situation and you can whine about that.
You can whine about connection issues, interface problems, how big the book and you can't hold it, letters' size, resolution of the scene, act of players, how bad the visual effects, bla bla... but can't whine about lore, how story goes, how gameplay will be, how the story ends, how you go through in the story, how the meta will shape, how cards are stated.. You just like them, or not. If you don't like, you quit watching, reading, playing... Noone forces you to do them.
You can only whine about technical problems.
You have really no respect !
You really pissed me off!! I'm editting this comment non-stop. This community makes me rage so hard. I can barely endure this community anymore.
Memedeck-seeker. Always tries to build new decks. Hates tournements, streamers, netdecks and poor-o players. ah, but a tournement mode could be great !!!
remember that time when JOn Snow assembled a suicide squad to go and fight zombie polar bears and then gets rescued by the Clone Army on Geonosis Danny and her dragons and then the Lich Night King summons Sindragosa a zombie dragon because the plot needs to happen.
also things work out for Danny even if she makes the worst decisions possible and Tyrion gets shafted every episode because he uses actual logic and the plot doesn't.
If you really are that genius, go craft some saga for yourself and share that with us, or sell it...
Play HearthStone without any serious problems (one bug here or there sometimes is acceptable for consumers of this kind of product) for 5 years then play one month with terrible connection issues because lazy Blizzard employees, if you complain about it and someone say:
"If you really that genius, go make your own game and share that with us, or sell it..."
You will agree with that?
Watch the season 1 to 4 then watch the last season, it is a very similar situation, fans are mad and complain a lot because this show put the best scenes and outstanding production value than anything else in TV, the massive drop in the quality of the show is hearth breaking for anyone invested in the history for years.
That's not a very similar situation.
You know what is very similar situation?
You are watching the episode and BOOM!!! black screen. They forgot to put the scene behind 20-25 mins and you pissed like "You had one job guys!!" or you are reading a book and after 120 pages you realize that the book doesn't have 121st-122nd-123rd pages. That's the real very similar situation and you can whine about that.
You can whine about connection issues, interface problems, how big the book and you can't hold it, letters' size, resolution of the scene, act of players, how bad the visual effects, bla bla... but can't whine about lore, how story goes, how gameplay will be, how the story ends, how you go through in the story, how the meta will shape, how cards are stated.. You just like them, or not. If you don't like, you quit watching, reading, playing... Noone forces you to do them.
You can only whine about technical problems.
You have really no respect !
You really pissed me off!! I'm editting this comment non-stop. This community makes me rage so hard. I can barely endure this community anymore.
We absolutely can,and must, complain about things that are disappointing like the last seasons of GoT.
If you want to show unconditional love to HBO It Blizzard please do It, but be aware that It is a very nocive point of view.
If you really are that genius, go craft some saga for yourself and share that with us, or sell it...
Play HearthStone without any serious problems (one bug here or there sometimes is acceptable for consumers of this kind of product) for 5 years then play one month with terrible connection issues because lazy Blizzard employees, if you complain about it and someone say:
"If you really that genius, go make your own game and share that with us, or sell it..."
You will agree with that?
Watch the season 1 to 4 then watch the last season, it is a very similar situation, fans are mad and complain a lot because this show put the best scenes and outstanding production value than anything else in TV, the massive drop in the quality of the show is hearth breaking for anyone invested in the history for years.
That's not a very similar situation.
You know what is very similar situation?
You are watching the episode and BOOM!!! black screen. They forgot to put the scene behind 20-25 mins and you pissed like "You had one job guys!!" or you are reading a book and after 120 pages you realize that the book doesn't have 121st-122nd-123rd pages. That's the real very similar situation and you can whine about that.
You can whine about connection issues, interface problems, how big the book and you can't hold it, letters' size, resolution of the scene, act of players, how bad the visual effects, bla bla... but can't whine about lore, how story goes, how gameplay will be, how the story ends, how you go through in the story, how the meta will shape, how cards are stated.. You just like them, or not. If you don't like, you quit watching, reading, playing... Noone forces you to do them.
You can only whine about technical problems.
You have really no respect !
You really pissed me off!! I'm editting this comment non-stop. This community makes me rage so hard. I can barely endure this community anymore.
We absolutely can,and must, complain about things that are disappointing like the last seasons of GoT.
Yeah, ok. Go complain about your girlfriend to her face too and hope that she will change and end up with facing a farewell.
It revealed it's obvious i can't fix your biggest bugs.
Edit: Oh, and what is the "MUST" for ?
Edit 2: Saw your edit yet. I really didnt understand what you wrote. HBO or Blizzard you meant ? and nocive= naive ?
Firstly, Why I have to guess what you've said ? That was really funny, tho.
and for the point you re trying to come; I'm not showing anyone to my love. I'm not a fangirl or sth. like that. I'm just respectful what someone do. It is about respect.
I'm thinking about same which i hate. Like Naruto. I hate the anime but I'm just not watching it. I'm not trying to make it different. I'm not trying to change its core lore, characters etc. I don't like it how it is or I like something how they are. You need to do that for the things which you are choosing to entertain yourself. With your way, You can't even enjoy sth. All the things bore you like hell in time. And most of the crowd is doing that whine because community do. You're just jumping the whine-train. You don't even care why you are whining. You just want to be a part of the community. That's really the most pathetic part of those whines. It is just... miserable..
Respect is the core thing here and you have none. I'm even respectful what i hate. You can't even respect what you love! (lol, It became like a poet, I should put this in my signature :P )
Memedeck-seeker. Always tries to build new decks. Hates tournements, streamers, netdecks and poor-o players. ah, but a tournement mode could be great !!!
To post a comment, please login or register a new account.
Obligatory "welcome to the off-topic section of the forums"
The trailer really hit home that the show is now exactly what the author had set out to make the story NOT to be, like a satire that somehow lost its irony along the way. The point of the story is that war sucks, nothing good ever comes out of it and it shouldn't be glamorized the way it is in typical works of fiction. The fact that the final battle is against zombies looks scary, but in reality takes away, in GRRM's words, the real horror of war; that you're taking the lives of real, living people on the other side
Then there's the shot of Varys hiding in the Red Keep. This one really gave me the feels. Remember how in the first few seasons, everyone was using their brain? Remember how blind faith and plot armor isn't rewarded like it usually is in western high fantasy? This unique take on the genre is what drew me to the series in the first place. Now there's nothing left of what once was. Instead we have the chosen ones atop dragons ready for their final battle against an ultimate evil
There was never meant to be an ultimate evil (the Night King doesn't even exist outside the show and the Night's King with an "'s" is someone else entirely). The characters in this story weren't meant to be black and white. The "black" in fantasy are usually dehumanized and faceless; people who are easy to hate and easier to kill. The people in Game of Thrones were meant to be grey, each with their own complexities and sympathetic in their own ways. This is all to drive home the point that people you fight in war are human. But since the books ran out, everyone has been flocking to the extremely good or evil sides of the spectrum. So much that I'm seeing the same personality over multiple characters
The upcoming finale feels like it's going to be such a desecration of the original work and its message. There is no "game" in Game of Thrones anymore. All the players died nonsensically or became nonsensical. All that's left is Zombies vs Dragons. Isn't it a better fitting title for what the trailer is selling us? Both invoke the thought of pure fight choreography and CGI. We already found out last season how many plot holes they were willing to open up just to show us a CGI zombie ice dragon
Legend with : S65 Freeze Mage, S57 Maly Gonk Druid, S57 "Okay" Shaman, S53 Boom-zooka Hunter, S53 Maly Tog Druid, S52 Wild Tog Druid ft.Blingtron, S50 Quest Rogue, S49 Dead Man's Warrior, S41 Wild Clown Fiesta Druid, S41 Hadronox Jade Druid, S40 Wild OTK Dragon Druid, S35 SMOrc Shaman, S33 Jade Druid, S22 Control Priest, S19 Control Priest
its a roller coaster show, it goes from set piece to reaction of set piece to next set piece. Its entertaining noise, and I dont expect anything else from it. Its like a superhero movie, Im entertained because I can turn my brain off.
"I hate the ending of Game of Thrones 3 weeks before the first episode starts." What magic is this?
The problem with GoT no one can end the history in a proper way with so many great characters, with extraordinary performances of the cast of the series, even the creator can't do that and give up.
The producers of the series can't give nothing more than fan service and cliches.
That is a shame, Tirion, Cersei, Jon Snow and many others deserve much more than that.
God this community... so many people complaining about Rise of Shadows when a handful of cards were revealed. And now people complaining about the final season of Game of Thrones after seeing a short trailer.
We are more spoiled for affordable entertainment than we have ever been, and yet it seems like people bitch more and more.
Mmmmmmm.... Shadowy thoughts.
Go away troll.
To be fair, 95% of this is GRRM's fault. The show runners are actually big fans and followed his material faithfully, or at least as faithfully as can be expected of tv.
Martin had no idea where he was going. If AFFC didn't convince you, and ADWD still somehow didn't convince you, consider that he has basically given up finishing the books. He had no grand master plot. He even admitted he started writing the series because he had this image of a dead wolf with a stag's antler in it's throat. That's all he had when he started.
Killing Eddard Stark was genius. But the red wedding was just dumb. He kept trying to be the shocking author by killing all his best characters, and now he is left with a mangled mess of a story. Why did I suffer so much Iron Islands crap? None of those characters mattered. Danny's entire story is filled with locations and characters that are irrelevant. She could have just flown on top of her dragons to westeros three books ago and the story would be the same.
Bottom line, Game of Thrones was a fun ride with no destination. Enjoy it for what it is, and be happy the show at least has an ending of some sort. For those of us who wasted decades of our lives on his books, an ending is a lot better than the alternative.
Edit: if you want really gritty fantasy that doesn't disappoint, read Joe Abercrombie. His books actually have plots and endings, and he is a better writer than Martin.
I kind agree in general with you but not in this case.
The complain of the fans after seem scenes like The Red Weeding and Tirion's Judgment about the quality of the serie drop to a pathetic fan service and rushed scenes (Ravens flying faster than airplanes!!!) is totally justified.
On some level, GRRM okay'd the existence of the Night King, so you can't be upset with the showrunners for "creating" the character. They're following what they've been given, which was a highlight reel of every major plot development that needed to happen; everything else has been an attempt to fill in the blanks. Blame the author for that, and blame him some more for not finishing the books in time.
Behold, foolish interlopers! I am commanding this mortal to spread the will of the Scourge throughout the interwebs, encouraging you to seek out me, Archlich Kel'Thuzad! Now coming to you as the tenth class of Hearthstone!
I am a finalist in this Class Creation Competition, so if you could give it a look I would be greatly appreciative <3
Spot on. It's exactly like a superhero movie you turn your brain off to watch. Nothing wrong with those but I'm just peeved that it was nothing like this in the beginning. They basically trimmed down the quantity/quality of characters to make it resemble a different genre. Feels like I didn't get what was advertised
And in response to the others with serious answers, you have a good point. There's probably a good reason the next book is taking decades. That said, I really wish the showrunners made more of an effort to stick with the original genre. Especially given that the original was a criticism of the kind of thing it became, I don't think it was appropriate
The decision to transition was a conscious choice, one they likely made because "films where you turn your brain off" are making the big bucks these days. Perhaps the showrunners did try their best with what they had, but only after making the decision to move in a direction the story really should have gone
Well yes, that's how trailers work lol. I see it in my youtube recommendations and got reminded that this show is a thing. I don't know what magic you're referring to but I had the same sentiment and had a conversation about it in someone else's thread on hearthpwn last year
Legend with : S65 Freeze Mage, S57 Maly Gonk Druid, S57 "Okay" Shaman, S53 Boom-zooka Hunter, S53 Maly Tog Druid, S52 Wild Tog Druid ft.Blingtron, S50 Quest Rogue, S49 Dead Man's Warrior, S41 Wild Clown Fiesta Druid, S41 Hadronox Jade Druid, S40 Wild OTK Dragon Druid, S35 SMOrc Shaman, S33 Jade Druid, S22 Control Priest, S19 Control Priest
Comments from George Martin is the series will have a 'bitter-sweet' ending. That doesn't sound like the 'superhero' ending you are predicting. But I guess we'll see.
Let's get back to discussion after the show ends
The goal of all life is death.
That's a real thread.
Next whine of this community should be;
"No, no! The Reveal season of the World's ending feels like same with old tales, I was expecting more. I won't die in an ending like this. I refuse to die now. Go f*** yourselves. I am not dying. I'm staying in this f***ing barren planet ! F*** Apocalypse or else ! Everyone is free to go. I'm staying !!!!"
I really hate humans.. much more now.
Guys, you need to learn entertain yourselves, really...
Series, Shows, Games, Books, They are not about "what you expect". They are about how the creator of them creates. I hate people who thinks they can dare to shape someone's saga.
If you like how it is, then you like. If you don't like some part, You DON'T f***ing like. That's so simple. You don't try to change its parts.
"mmm, let's burn those papers, I like the beginning and some parts after but I didn't like how the story goes. I will write the continuation myself"
If you really are that genius, go craft some saga for yourself and share that with us, or sell it...
Memedeck-seeker. Always tries to build new decks. Hates tournements, streamers, netdecks and poor-o players.
ah, but a tournement mode could be great !!!
*grabs knife*
For the Watch...
Play HearthStone without any serious problems (one bug here or there sometimes is acceptable for consumers of this kind of product) for 5 years then play one month with terrible connection issues because lazy Blizzard employees, if you complain about it and someone say:
"If you really that genius, go make your own game and share that with us, or sell it..."
You will agree with that?
Watch the season 1 to 4 then watch the last season, it is a very similar situation, fans are mad and complain a lot because this show put the best scenes and outstanding production value than anything else in TV, the massive drop in the quality of the show is hearth breaking for anyone invested in the history for years.
Season 1-4 godly
Season 5-8 shite
That's not a very similar situation.
You know what is very similar situation?
You are watching the episode and BOOM!!! black screen. They forgot to put the scene behind 20-25 mins and you pissed like "You had one job guys!!" or you are reading a book and after 120 pages you realize that the book doesn't have 121st-122nd-123rd pages. That's the real very similar situation and you can whine about that.
You can whine about connection issues, interface problems, how big the book and you can't hold it, letters' size, resolution of the scene, act of players, how bad the visual effects, bla bla... but can't whine about lore, how story goes, how gameplay will be, how the story ends, how you go through in the story, how the meta will shape, how cards are stated.. You just like them, or not. If you don't like, you quit watching, reading, playing...
Noone forces you to do them.
You can only whine about technical problems.
You have really no respect !
You really pissed me off!! I'm editting this comment non-stop. This community makes me rage so hard. I can barely endure this community anymore.
Memedeck-seeker. Always tries to build new decks. Hates tournements, streamers, netdecks and poor-o players.
ah, but a tournement mode could be great !!!
remember that time when JOn Snow assembled a suicide squad to go and fight zombie polar bears and then gets rescued by the
Clone Army on GeonosisDanny and her dragons and then theLichNight King summonsSindragosaa zombie dragon because the plot needs to happen.also things work out for Danny even if she makes the worst decisions possible and Tyrion gets shafted every episode because he uses actual logic and the plot doesn't.
I tried having fun once. It was awful.
We absolutely can,and must, complain about things that are disappointing like the last seasons of GoT.
If you want to show unconditional love to HBO It Blizzard please do It, but be aware that It is a very nocive point of view.
Yeah, ok. Go complain about your girlfriend to her face too and hope that she will change and end up with facing a farewell.
It revealed it's obvious i can't fix your biggest bugs.
Edit: Oh, and what is the "MUST" for ?
Edit 2: Saw your edit yet. I really didnt understand what you wrote. HBO or Blizzard you meant ? and nocive= naive ?
Firstly, Why I have to guess what you've said ? That was really funny, tho.
and for the point you re trying to come; I'm not showing anyone to my love. I'm not a fangirl or sth. like that. I'm just respectful what someone do. It is about respect.
I'm thinking about same which i hate. Like Naruto. I hate the anime but I'm just not watching it. I'm not trying to make it different. I'm not trying to change its core lore, characters etc. I don't like it how it is or I like something how they are. You need to do that for the things which you are choosing to entertain yourself. With your way, You can't even enjoy sth. All the things bore you like hell in time. And most of the crowd is doing that whine because community do. You're just jumping the whine-train. You don't even care why you are whining. You just want to be a part of the community. That's really the most pathetic part of those whines. It is just... miserable..
Respect is the core thing here and you have none. I'm even respectful what i hate. You can't even respect what you love!
(lol, It became like a poet, I should put this in my signature :P )
Memedeck-seeker. Always tries to build new decks. Hates tournements, streamers, netdecks and poor-o players.
ah, but a tournement mode could be great !!!