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The Great Dark Beyond Cards List & Guide
Neptulon (Battlecry related to murlocs)
Vilefin Inquisitor (replace hero power, rarity)
Charged Hammer (replace hero power, rarity)
'There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact'
Sherlock Holmes
Sideshow Spelleater (cost / restore health)
Reno Jackson (same attack, rarity and unique effect)
Mimiron's Head (Mana+Attack+Health dies to Shadow Word: Pain )
Gurubashi Berserker (similar effect as a class card)
Gahz'rilla (Same artist)
Chillmaw (referencing a popular cartoon in its flavor text)
Because you can't have enough research.
Captain Greenskin (Same attack, Same Health, Same artist)
Evil Heckler (cost, attack, health)
Forgive me, friend. I have failed.
Ancient Brewmaster (same amount of letters)
Your friends will abandon you...Your heart will explode...
Obsidian Destroyer (token summoning effect)
Violet Teacher (same attack and rarity, different cost)
Knife Juggler (green weapon depicted in the card art)
Poisoned Blade (rarity, interacts with hero power)
Coldarra Drake (Tribe, Rarity)
Explosive Shot => Meteor
Power Word: Tentacles => Spikeridged Steed
Twilight Guardian (another guardian)
Fjola Lightbane (more spell synergy)
Eydis Darkbane. I had to :P (another card that deals 3 damage)
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Neptulon (Battlecry related to murlocs)
Vilefin Inquisitor (replace hero power, rarity)
Charged Hammer (replace hero power, rarity)
'There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact'
Sherlock Holmes
Sideshow Spelleater (cost / restore health)
Reno Jackson (same attack, rarity and unique effect)
'There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact'
Sherlock Holmes
Mimiron's Head (Mana+Attack+Health dies to Shadow Word: Pain )
Gurubashi Berserker (similar effect as a class card)
'There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact'
Sherlock Holmes
Gahz'rilla (Same artist)
Chillmaw (referencing a popular cartoon in its flavor text)
Because you can't have enough research.
Captain Greenskin (Same attack, Same Health, Same artist)
Evil Heckler (cost, attack, health)
Forgive me, friend. I have failed.
Ancient Brewmaster (same amount of letters)
Your friends will abandon you...Your heart will explode...
Obsidian Destroyer (token summoning effect)
Forgive me, friend. I have failed.
Violet Teacher (same attack and rarity, different cost)
Knife Juggler (green weapon depicted in the card art)
Poisoned Blade (rarity, interacts with hero power)
Forgive me, friend. I have failed.
Coldarra Drake (Tribe, Rarity)
Explosive Shot => Meteor
Power Word: Tentacles => Spikeridged Steed
Twilight Guardian (another guardian)
Fjola Lightbane (more spell synergy)
Explosive Shot => Meteor
Power Word: Tentacles => Spikeridged Steed
Eydis Darkbane. I had to :P (another card that deals 3 damage)
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