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The Great Dark Beyond Cards List & Guide
Anodized Robo Cub (2 cost mech)
I'm just another one of those. You know, those who do things. Things that need to be done by those that do these things in order to do those things that don't do these things themselves. Has the word 'things' lost meaning to you already?
[Game] Name another card that has the same...
Tirion Fordring (8-drop)
Ragnaros, Lightlord (same health and cost)
Ragnaros the Firelord (Deal damage to a random enemy)
Sorry, was way behind.
Eydis Darkbane (Mana/Attack/Health, not mech)
Fjola Lightbane (the use of second person singular in their summoning talk - You have been measured and found wanting.)
Eadric the Pure (7-drop, same amount of total stats, class card)
Cairne Bloodhoof when played against Garrosh: You are not fit to rule the Hoard!
(Mana/Health/Rarity no deathrattle)
Quote from Charlylp88 >> Eadric the Pure (7-drop, same amount of total stats, class card)
Ancient of War
Quote from BrigadierSolo >> (Mana/Health/Rarity no deathrattle)
The Black Knight (Taunt or Taunt interaction)
Defender of Argus (Same mana, total stats, no battlecry)
Mini-Mage (health/stealth)
Forgive me, friend. I have failed.
Patient Assassin (stealth, rarity)
Patient Assassin (rarity/attack)
Junkbot (gains a buff when another minion dies and has same attack)
'There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact'
Sherlock Holmes
Bolvar Fordragon (total stats (mana cost + attack + hp))
Cult Apothecary (another cultist, different set)
Dark Cultist (another deathrattle, class-specific card)
Webspinner (health/taunt)
Faceless Shambler (rarity, taunt)
Earth Elemental (same amount of overload}
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Anodized Robo Cub (2 cost mech)
I'm just another one of those. You know, those who do things. Things that need to be done by those that do these things in order to do those things that don't do these things themselves. Has the word 'things' lost meaning to you already?
[Game] Name another card that has the same...
Tirion Fordring (8-drop)
Ragnaros, Lightlord (same health and cost)
Ragnaros the Firelord (Deal damage to a random enemy)
Sorry, was way behind.
Eydis Darkbane (Mana/Attack/Health, not mech)
Fjola Lightbane (the use of second person singular in their summoning talk - You have been measured and found wanting.)
Eadric the Pure (7-drop, same amount of total stats, class card)
Cairne Bloodhoof when played against Garrosh: You are not fit to rule the Hoard!
(Mana/Health/Rarity no deathrattle)
Ancient of War
The Black Knight (Taunt or Taunt interaction)
Defender of Argus (Same mana, total stats, no battlecry)
Mini-Mage (health/stealth)
Forgive me, friend. I have failed.
Patient Assassin (stealth, rarity)
Patient Assassin (rarity/attack)
Junkbot (gains a buff when another minion dies and has same attack)
'There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact'
Sherlock Holmes
Bolvar Fordragon (total stats (mana cost + attack + hp))
Cult Apothecary (another cultist, different set)
'There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact'
Sherlock Holmes
Dark Cultist (another deathrattle, class-specific card)
Webspinner (health/taunt)
Faceless Shambler (rarity, taunt)
Earth Elemental (same amount of overload}