The rules are simple: the user above you has a card, let's say it is Wisp. If they say (health), you must find a card that has the same health as Wisp does. If they say (attack), or (cost), you do the same, but for attack or cost respectively. You can also name a keyword or (part of) the effect, but try to only do this when there are cards with (a part of) the same effect, or else we'll get stuck. Also, for minions-weapons, health=durability.
I'm just another one of those. You know, those who do things. Things that need to be done by those that do these things in order to do those things that don't do these things themselves. Has the word 'things' lost meaning to you already?
I'm just another one of those. You know, those who do things. Things that need to be done by those that do these things in order to do those things that don't do these things themselves. Has the word 'things' lost meaning to you already?
I'm just another one of those. You know, those who do things. Things that need to be done by those that do these things in order to do those things that don't do these things themselves. Has the word 'things' lost meaning to you already?
The rules are simple: the user above you has a card, let's say it is Wisp. If they say (health), you must find a card that has the same health as Wisp does. If they say (attack), or (cost), you do the same, but for attack or cost respectively. You can also name a keyword or (part of) the effect, but try to only do this when there are cards with (a part of) the same effect, or else we'll get stuck. Also, for minions-weapons, health=durability.
So, now let's start with: Chillwind Yeti (attack)
Your task: find a card that has 4 attack.
I'm just another one of those. You know, those who do things. Things that need to be done by those that do these things in order to do those things that don't do these things themselves. Has the word 'things' lost meaning to you already?
[Game] Name another card that has the same...
Malygos (Cost)
Mekgineer Thermaplugg (Health)
Predominantly an Arena player.. But Ranked is fun too... Sometimes.. When Secret Paladins don't ruin your day!
BattleTag KeatingGuy#1482
Mogu'shan Warden (effect/taunt)
Shieldbearer (Attack)
Predominantly an Arena player.. But Ranked is fun too... Sometimes.. When Secret Paladins don't ruin your day!
BattleTag KeatingGuy#1482
Doomsayer (health)
I'm just another one of those. You know, those who do things. Things that need to be done by those that do these things in order to do those things that don't do these things themselves. Has the word 'things' lost meaning to you already?
[Game] Name another card that has the same...
Feugen (cost)
Stalagg (attack)
The Skeleton Knight (effect/joust)
Dr. Boom (effect/battlecry)
"Nothing is eternal, everlasting and unchanging. Everything changes, everything transforms, but never loses its essence of being."
(R. Villefort)
Nefarian (card with the exact same number of words written in its effect "box")
(talking about the english wording)
Wordcount=12, so Explosive Shot (effect/adjacent)
I'm just another one of those. You know, those who do things. Things that need to be done by those that do these things in order to do those things that don't do these things themselves. Has the word 'things' lost meaning to you already?
[Game] Name another card that has the same...
Betrayal (mana cost)
Wild Growth (effect)
Mire Keeper (Attack and Health)
Maexxna (health)
Ragnaros the Firelord (cost)
Nice! :D
And to go on:
Mountain Giant (card whose name starts with 'G')
Goblin Sapper (card that can gain 3 or more attack, through any means)
Causal Hearthstone player from New Jersey
Mysterious Challenger : "Who am I? None of your business!"
Eater of Secrets: "Oh, I believe it is. You see, you are now my bitch!"