Streaming a finalized version of Crusher Silent Priest with a couple different cards from the original one I posted, Octosari and Mortuary Machine. I took a version of this deck to legend from Diamond Rank 5, and am going to be streaming it on legend ladder. Going over deck choices and strategy and generally looking for a chill, fun stream. Come hang out at
Streaming a finalized version of Crusher Silent Priest with a couple different cards from the original one I posted, Octosari and Mortuary Machine. I took a version of this deck to legend from Diamond Rank 5, and am going to be streaming it on legend ladder. Going over deck choices and strategy and generally looking for a chill, fun stream. Come hang out at
Twitch: CrusherHS, Youtube Channel: Hearthstone Crusher
Season 2, 12: Divine Tempo Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 48, 80)
Season 3: Ancestral Control Shaman (Peak NA Legend Rank: 777)
Season 6: Handmage (Peak NA Legend Rank: 301)
Season 7: Deathrattle Aggro Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 135)
Season 10: Deathrattle Tempo Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 335)
Season 15: Inner Fire Combo Priest (Peak NA Legend Rank: 1315)
Season 22: Silent Hybrid Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 138)
and more...
Hi Crusher here. Brewing off meta decks to take to legend and streaming right now. Rapidly climbing with Silence Priest at Rank 1 diamond, using Japetto Joybuzz: Crusher Silent Priest. Come hang out and talk about deck building and strategy:
Twitch: CrusherHS, Youtube Channel: Hearthstone Crusher
Season 2, 12: Divine Tempo Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 48, 80)
Season 3: Ancestral Control Shaman (Peak NA Legend Rank: 777)
Season 6: Handmage (Peak NA Legend Rank: 301)
Season 7: Deathrattle Aggro Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 135)
Season 10: Deathrattle Tempo Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 335)
Season 15: Inner Fire Combo Priest (Peak NA Legend Rank: 1315)
Season 22: Silent Hybrid Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 138)
and more...