Some of you may already know me from my posts and decks here, especially the Crusher Shaman deck. Tonight I'm going to kick off my stream by playing a mech variant of that Crusher Shaman deck on ladder. On stream I'll talk about my thought process in both playing and deckbuilding, and in the future I'll try whatever out of meta decks I'm experimenting with. I'll be starting in 5-10 minutes. I look forward to seeing some of you here:
Before the stream starts, if you have any questions, you can ask them here. Also, this would be a good place for feedback/suggestions. My set up is pretty spartan right now, and I'm new to streaming, so I could use plenty of advice.
Wow, I wish I'd seen this earlier! Didn't catch your stream, but followed your channel and I look forward to watching in the future! Let me know if you need any help with Twitch or OBS stuff.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Retired streamer and Hearthstone journalist @Shevvek
Sadly I had to bail way early because of connection problems. I did a test run a couple of days ago for a couple hours without running into any problems, so I guess it was just bad luck? My connection isn't great sadly. If you have me favorited, you should get some warning before I try again.
It is reminiscent of my season 2 Crusher Paladin, but updated for GvG. I'm up to rank 5 and I'm going to see how much more I can climb. My Internet seems to be better today, but I am at the mercy of the NA servers. Hopefully I'll get to show you how the deck works.
Hello Hearthpwn! Streaming again tonight (nowish) with the above tempo divine shield paladin. At rank 3 and hoping to make a good push toward legend. As usual, I'll talk about deck choices and discuss my plays. Hope to see you there!
Saw you play against Deernadia. Shame your stream isn't up would loved to watch both sides. I loved your read into earth shocking chow even though you still lost, seemed like some bad luck on draws. Priest is always hard to beat as shaman. hope your stream is up more often!
The mech version of Crusher Shaman is very vulnerable to priest. She played it well though, carefully managing her resources. By the time I got my Ancestral Spirit + Earth Elemental combo down, she had plenty of board to take it down with, even without Shadow Word: Death.
Once Lava Shock comes out, I will definitely stream some Crusher Shaman using it.
Streaming Crusher Silent Druid in a few moments. Currently ranked 163 NA, so there should be some good matches. I'll be testing out a few substitutions recommended by Hearthpwners and Redditors.
Continuing my exploration of the [Topsy Turvy OTK]( archetype today at Rank 5. 62% win rate with the deck recently, and showing some potential with recent card choices. Check out some epic one-hit kills on the climb to legend.
Hi everyone! Crusher here. I like to brew off-meta decks and test out ideas on a chill, strategy focused stream. Been playing since beta, and had a number of brewed decks go viral including "Crusher Shaman".
Today I'm refining a Stormwind Knight style Topsy Turvy OTK deck. Piloted it from rank 10 to rank 5 and trying onward to legend. Believe it can be made competitive. Come join and chat.
Hi everyone! Crusher here and recovered from Covid-19. I like to brew off-meta decks and test out ideas on a chill, strategy focused stream. Been playing since beta, and had a number of brewed decks go viral including "Crusher Shaman".
Today I'm refining an aggressive Silence Priest build that does a lot of my favorite things, build pull off combos for tempo, build big minions, and duplicate them. Piloted it into Diamond so far early in this season, and pushing my way to legend.
Chill stream focused on strategy, brewing, and card choices.
Hi everyone! Crusher here and recovered from Covid-19. I like to brew off-meta decks and test out ideas on a chill, strategy focused stream. Been playing since beta, and had a number of brewed decks go viral including "Crusher Shaman".
Today I'm pushing an aggressive Silence Priest (58% win rate so far in diamond 5-1) to legend that does a lot of my favorite things, pulling off combos for tempo, building big minions, and duplicating them. Piloted it to Diamond rank 1 so far this season, and making the legend push tonight.
Chill stream focused on strategy, brewing, and card choices.
Streaming Crusher Silent Priest at legend after posting a guide. Going over hsreplay stats now that everyone has tried it and trying to refine it based on feedback I received and the numbers.
Hello Hearthpwn!
Some of you may already know me from my posts and decks here, especially the Crusher Shaman deck. Tonight I'm going to kick off my stream by playing a mech variant of that Crusher Shaman deck on ladder. On stream I'll talk about my thought process in both playing and deckbuilding, and in the future I'll try whatever out of meta decks I'm experimenting with. I'll be starting in 5-10 minutes. I look forward to seeing some of you here:
Before the stream starts, if you have any questions, you can ask them here. Also, this would be a good place for feedback/suggestions. My set up is pretty spartan right now, and I'm new to streaming, so I could use plenty of advice.
Twitch: CrusherHS, Youtube Channel: Hearthstone Crusher
Season 2, 12: Divine Tempo Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 48, 80)
Season 3: Ancestral Control Shaman (Peak NA Legend Rank: 777)
Season 6: Handmage (Peak NA Legend Rank: 301)
Season 7: Deathrattle Aggro Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 135)
Season 10: Deathrattle Tempo Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 335)
Season 15: Inner Fire Combo Priest (Peak NA Legend Rank: 1315)
Season 22: Silent Hybrid Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 138)
and more...
Wow, I wish I'd seen this earlier! Didn't catch your stream, but followed your channel and I look forward to watching in the future! Let me know if you need any help with Twitch or OBS stuff.
Retired streamer and Hearthstone journalist @Shevvek
Sadly I had to bail way early because of connection problems. I did a test run a couple of days ago for a couple hours without running into any problems, so I guess it was just bad luck? My connection isn't great sadly. If you have me favorited, you should get some warning before I try again.
Twitch: CrusherHS, Youtube Channel: Hearthstone Crusher
Season 2, 12: Divine Tempo Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 48, 80)
Season 3: Ancestral Control Shaman (Peak NA Legend Rank: 777)
Season 6: Handmage (Peak NA Legend Rank: 301)
Season 7: Deathrattle Aggro Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 135)
Season 10: Deathrattle Tempo Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 335)
Season 15: Inner Fire Combo Priest (Peak NA Legend Rank: 1315)
Season 22: Silent Hybrid Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 138)
and more...
Hello everyone! I'm streaming again tonight. I'll be running a divine shield tempo Paladin as listed below.
It is reminiscent of my season 2 Crusher Paladin, but updated for GvG. I'm up to rank 5 and I'm going to see how much more I can climb. My Internet seems to be better today, but I am at the mercy of the NA servers. Hopefully I'll get to show you how the deck works.
Twitch: CrusherHS, Youtube Channel: Hearthstone Crusher
Season 2, 12: Divine Tempo Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 48, 80)
Season 3: Ancestral Control Shaman (Peak NA Legend Rank: 777)
Season 6: Handmage (Peak NA Legend Rank: 301)
Season 7: Deathrattle Aggro Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 135)
Season 10: Deathrattle Tempo Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 335)
Season 15: Inner Fire Combo Priest (Peak NA Legend Rank: 1315)
Season 22: Silent Hybrid Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 138)
and more...
Hello Hearthpwn! Streaming again tonight (nowish) with the above tempo divine shield paladin. At rank 3 and hoping to make a good push toward legend. As usual, I'll talk about deck choices and discuss my plays. Hope to see you there!
Twitch: CrusherHS, Youtube Channel: Hearthstone Crusher
Season 2, 12: Divine Tempo Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 48, 80)
Season 3: Ancestral Control Shaman (Peak NA Legend Rank: 777)
Season 6: Handmage (Peak NA Legend Rank: 301)
Season 7: Deathrattle Aggro Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 135)
Season 10: Deathrattle Tempo Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 335)
Season 15: Inner Fire Combo Priest (Peak NA Legend Rank: 1315)
Season 22: Silent Hybrid Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 138)
and more...
Saw you play against Deernadia. Shame your stream isn't up would loved to watch both sides. I loved your read into earth shocking chow even though you still lost, seemed like some bad luck on draws. Priest is always hard to beat as shaman. hope your stream is up more often!
The mech version of Crusher Shaman is very vulnerable to priest. She played it well though, carefully managing her resources. By the time I got my Ancestral Spirit + Earth Elemental combo down, she had plenty of board to take it down with, even without Shadow Word: Death.
Once Lava Shock comes out, I will definitely stream some Crusher Shaman using it.
Twitch: CrusherHS, Youtube Channel: Hearthstone Crusher
Season 2, 12: Divine Tempo Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 48, 80)
Season 3: Ancestral Control Shaman (Peak NA Legend Rank: 777)
Season 6: Handmage (Peak NA Legend Rank: 301)
Season 7: Deathrattle Aggro Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 135)
Season 10: Deathrattle Tempo Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 335)
Season 15: Inner Fire Combo Priest (Peak NA Legend Rank: 1315)
Season 22: Silent Hybrid Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 138)
and more...
Streaming right now with Crusher Combo Priest, an inner fire priest I took to legend last season.
Twitch: CrusherHS, Youtube Channel: Hearthstone Crusher
Season 2, 12: Divine Tempo Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 48, 80)
Season 3: Ancestral Control Shaman (Peak NA Legend Rank: 777)
Season 6: Handmage (Peak NA Legend Rank: 301)
Season 7: Deathrattle Aggro Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 135)
Season 10: Deathrattle Tempo Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 335)
Season 15: Inner Fire Combo Priest (Peak NA Legend Rank: 1315)
Season 22: Silent Hybrid Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 138)
and more...
Streaming Crusher Silent Druid in a few moments. Currently ranked 163 NA, so there should be some good matches. I'll be testing out a few substitutions recommended by Hearthpwners and Redditors.
Twitch: CrusherHS, Youtube Channel: Hearthstone Crusher
Season 2, 12: Divine Tempo Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 48, 80)
Season 3: Ancestral Control Shaman (Peak NA Legend Rank: 777)
Season 6: Handmage (Peak NA Legend Rank: 301)
Season 7: Deathrattle Aggro Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 135)
Season 10: Deathrattle Tempo Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 335)
Season 15: Inner Fire Combo Priest (Peak NA Legend Rank: 1315)
Season 22: Silent Hybrid Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 138)
and more...
I am currently streaming an update to Crusher Shaman for the new WotoG meta. Currently at rank 4. Come hang out!
Twitch: CrusherHS, Youtube Channel: Hearthstone Crusher
Season 2, 12: Divine Tempo Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 48, 80)
Season 3: Ancestral Control Shaman (Peak NA Legend Rank: 777)
Season 6: Handmage (Peak NA Legend Rank: 301)
Season 7: Deathrattle Aggro Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 135)
Season 10: Deathrattle Tempo Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 335)
Season 15: Inner Fire Combo Priest (Peak NA Legend Rank: 1315)
Season 22: Silent Hybrid Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 138)
and more...
I'm streaming Crusher Control Shaman again tonight. We're rank 2 and climbing.
Twitch: CrusherHS, Youtube Channel: Hearthstone Crusher
Season 2, 12: Divine Tempo Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 48, 80)
Season 3: Ancestral Control Shaman (Peak NA Legend Rank: 777)
Season 6: Handmage (Peak NA Legend Rank: 301)
Season 7: Deathrattle Aggro Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 135)
Season 10: Deathrattle Tempo Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 335)
Season 15: Inner Fire Combo Priest (Peak NA Legend Rank: 1315)
Season 22: Silent Hybrid Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 138)
and more...
Playing some Elemental Control Shaman tonight. Currently rank 4. Come hang out.
Twitch: CrusherHS, Youtube Channel: Hearthstone Crusher
Season 2, 12: Divine Tempo Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 48, 80)
Season 3: Ancestral Control Shaman (Peak NA Legend Rank: 777)
Season 6: Handmage (Peak NA Legend Rank: 301)
Season 7: Deathrattle Aggro Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 135)
Season 10: Deathrattle Tempo Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 335)
Season 15: Inner Fire Combo Priest (Peak NA Legend Rank: 1315)
Season 22: Silent Hybrid Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 138)
and more...
Hey everyone. Getting back into Hearthstone, and trying out some Topsy Turvy OTK right now. Come see me at
Twitch: CrusherHS, Youtube Channel: Hearthstone Crusher
Season 2, 12: Divine Tempo Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 48, 80)
Season 3: Ancestral Control Shaman (Peak NA Legend Rank: 777)
Season 6: Handmage (Peak NA Legend Rank: 301)
Season 7: Deathrattle Aggro Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 135)
Season 10: Deathrattle Tempo Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 335)
Season 15: Inner Fire Combo Priest (Peak NA Legend Rank: 1315)
Season 22: Silent Hybrid Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 138)
and more...
Continuing to refine Topsy Turvy OTK. Interested in suggestions, and discussing deck brewing.
Twitch: CrusherHS, Youtube Channel: Hearthstone Crusher
Season 2, 12: Divine Tempo Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 48, 80)
Season 3: Ancestral Control Shaman (Peak NA Legend Rank: 777)
Season 6: Handmage (Peak NA Legend Rank: 301)
Season 7: Deathrattle Aggro Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 135)
Season 10: Deathrattle Tempo Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 335)
Season 15: Inner Fire Combo Priest (Peak NA Legend Rank: 1315)
Season 22: Silent Hybrid Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 138)
and more...
Continuing my exploration of the [Topsy Turvy OTK]( archetype today at Rank 5. 62% win rate with the deck recently, and showing some potential with recent card choices. Check out some epic one-hit kills on the climb to legend.
Twitch: CrusherHS, Youtube Channel: Hearthstone Crusher
Season 2, 12: Divine Tempo Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 48, 80)
Season 3: Ancestral Control Shaman (Peak NA Legend Rank: 777)
Season 6: Handmage (Peak NA Legend Rank: 301)
Season 7: Deathrattle Aggro Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 135)
Season 10: Deathrattle Tempo Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 335)
Season 15: Inner Fire Combo Priest (Peak NA Legend Rank: 1315)
Season 22: Silent Hybrid Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 138)
and more...
Twitch: CrusherHS, Youtube Channel: Hearthstone Crusher
Season 2, 12: Divine Tempo Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 48, 80)
Season 3: Ancestral Control Shaman (Peak NA Legend Rank: 777)
Season 6: Handmage (Peak NA Legend Rank: 301)
Season 7: Deathrattle Aggro Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 135)
Season 10: Deathrattle Tempo Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 335)
Season 15: Inner Fire Combo Priest (Peak NA Legend Rank: 1315)
Season 22: Silent Hybrid Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 138)
and more...
Going for my 1000th priest win with this Topsy Turvy OTK deck (give or take a card):
Twitch: CrusherHS, Youtube Channel: Hearthstone Crusher
Season 2, 12: Divine Tempo Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 48, 80)
Season 3: Ancestral Control Shaman (Peak NA Legend Rank: 777)
Season 6: Handmage (Peak NA Legend Rank: 301)
Season 7: Deathrattle Aggro Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 135)
Season 10: Deathrattle Tempo Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 335)
Season 15: Inner Fire Combo Priest (Peak NA Legend Rank: 1315)
Season 22: Silent Hybrid Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 138)
and more...
Today I'm refining an aggressive Silence Priest build that does a lot of my favorite things, build pull off combos for tempo, build big minions, and duplicate them. Piloted it into Diamond so far early in this season, and pushing my way to legend.
Twitch: CrusherHS, Youtube Channel: Hearthstone Crusher
Season 2, 12: Divine Tempo Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 48, 80)
Season 3: Ancestral Control Shaman (Peak NA Legend Rank: 777)
Season 6: Handmage (Peak NA Legend Rank: 301)
Season 7: Deathrattle Aggro Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 135)
Season 10: Deathrattle Tempo Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 335)
Season 15: Inner Fire Combo Priest (Peak NA Legend Rank: 1315)
Season 22: Silent Hybrid Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 138)
and more...
Today I'm pushing an aggressive Silence Priest (58% win rate so far in diamond 5-1) to legend that does a lot of my favorite things, pulling off combos for tempo, building big minions, and duplicating them. Piloted it to Diamond rank 1 so far this season, and making the legend push tonight.
Twitch: CrusherHS, Youtube Channel: Hearthstone Crusher
Season 2, 12: Divine Tempo Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 48, 80)
Season 3: Ancestral Control Shaman (Peak NA Legend Rank: 777)
Season 6: Handmage (Peak NA Legend Rank: 301)
Season 7: Deathrattle Aggro Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 135)
Season 10: Deathrattle Tempo Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 335)
Season 15: Inner Fire Combo Priest (Peak NA Legend Rank: 1315)
Season 22: Silent Hybrid Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 138)
and more...
Streaming Crusher Silent Priest at legend after posting a guide. Going over hsreplay stats now that everyone has tried it and trying to refine it based on feedback I received and the numbers.
Twitch: CrusherHS, Youtube Channel: Hearthstone Crusher
Season 2, 12: Divine Tempo Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 48, 80)
Season 3: Ancestral Control Shaman (Peak NA Legend Rank: 777)
Season 6: Handmage (Peak NA Legend Rank: 301)
Season 7: Deathrattle Aggro Paladin (Peak NA Legend Rank: 135)
Season 10: Deathrattle Tempo Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 335)
Season 15: Inner Fire Combo Priest (Peak NA Legend Rank: 1315)
Season 22: Silent Hybrid Druid (Peak NA Legend Rank: 138)
and more...