I watched some of zeddy videos and most of his videos if not all is about Nerf this Nerf that in all of his titles . Is this normal ? Do people actually watch him? Or he just try to get more followers
Ask yourself honestly whether there are certain decks that you personally hate and want to get nerfed... There is at least a few, if not a lot.
He is just the voice for majority of this community, who mostly complains for nerf and such, ofc he cannot satisfy how everyone wants for the nerfs, but at least he is doing something. Yes he is not perfect, no one likes to hear complaints all the time. But thanks to him and other streamers that bring up the powercreep level in the game, Dev team now dedicates to do balance changes more often, don't you want that?
He is just the voice for majority of this community, who mostly complains for nerf and such, ofc he cannot satisfy how everyone wants for the nerfs, but at least he is doing something. Yes he is not perfect, no one likes to hear complaints all the time. But thanks to him and other streamers that bring up the powercreep level in the game, Dev team now dedicates to do balance changes more often, don't you want that?
No, he claims to be the voice but at 55k he hardly is. He is also not "at least doing something" because he plays Oprah and blankets everything with nerf this, nerf that and then tries to claim it as an achievement when changes happen.
Expansions are being worked on a year ahead and yes, more frequent balance changes are good - but Zeddy had probably no impact on any of that.
His catchline is "Let's get salty!" and that tells you everything about his persona, the content and also his viewers. It's a salt thread in video format. It's validation for those who can't move on.
I watched some of zeddy videos and most of his videos if not all is about Nerf this Nerf that in all of his titles . Is this normal ? Do people actually watch him? Or he just try to get more followers
I'm no longer interested into this game as I was some years ago, so I don't watch him (I don't watch any streamer at all), but other people do. Fortunately, different people have different tastes, not everyone likes to watch the same kind of content over and over again all the time.
My favorite Hearthstone streamers used to be Day9, Noxious and Kripparrian. For me, Noxious was the logical person, Day9 the funny guy and Kripparrian the salty one. God bless diversity, bro! ;)
Once your Bills and Life are dependant on Youtube Content producing at Age 40 .... you'll see where you'd end up with that example.
Are you telling us that he should be ashamed of doing what he does? Do you understand that if we were all the same and followed society's will all the time there would have been no progress at all in any area? Thanks god many people out there don't think the same as you or all of us would be sheep,
Ask yourself honestly whether there are certain decks that you personally hate and want to get nerfed... There is at least a few, if not a lot.
He is just the voice for majority of this community, who mostly complains for nerf and such, ofc he cannot satisfy how everyone wants for the nerfs, but at least he is doing something. Yes he is not perfect, no one likes to hear complaints all the time. But thanks to him and other streamers that bring up the powercreep level in the game, Dev team now dedicates to do balance changes more often, don't you want that?
Actually his last video is asking to nerf Druid and that depends on some games he played on theorycrafti so that's probably wrong there is no data that this deck should be nerfed , so that's not voice of people .you can't play deck for 1 or2 hours and ask for nerf plus you still didn't see the capabilities of other decks. So no I don't want nerf comes before testing
His last video was called something like "druid is OP, needs nerf", where he plays druid and laughs at how hard he wrecks his opponent during an event.... He has a returning video where he yells "Blizzzuuuuurd" while he looks at how bad the discounts/offers are, and he says "stay salty" in the end of all his videos.
Maybe the guy also uses a little bit of irony here and there? :)
Tbf every streamer I've seen (not many in all fairness) has said the same thing about the new druid deck, if you're talking about the token one. So there's a good chance that the dragon will actually end up getting nerfed to 8 or denathrius to start at 1 damage or something at some point.
I've only watched zeddy a couple of times but I think he sometimes plays a satirical version of himself like that Boogie guy way back in the day. But sometimes I think he means it... Although he does seem like someone I'd actually watch on a live stream just in hopes of seeing him finally snapping and having a full on breakdown over the announcement of 4 yearly expansions or something
I was watching some theorycraft vids to see what new cards play out like and landed on a skeleton mage one and he does whine so much and then wins the game with equally as cheesy stuff. He seems really predatory in that he has an echo chamber community of people who love to bitch and hate on the game (and yet still play it?), and that's the whole reason why he's popular.
In the skeleton mage video he repeatedly whines about a libram paladin cheating so much mana every turn (lightrays, devout pupils etc) while playing a deck that literally freezes the big minions for 10 turns in a row with ice block up, then wins with a kaelthas+brann+kelthuzad OTK. The deck he was playing must have felt horse shit for the paladin against him, but nah his was the fair deck and he had every right to complain about the paladin deck without admitting the infinite board freezes weren't stupid itself.
(opinion from someone who doesn't watch him regularly) I think he may have started genuinely grumpy and/or "salty", but now has just introspected this persona. After all, that's how he made his name, and his followers like this way. Probably he does, too.
Zeddy is the guy who delivers the salt some ppl need (as Kripp does not do that anymore, he doesnt play any non-BGs). His videos are clickbait, begging for subs, announcing giveaway etc. It makes sense because thats his life, thats how he is makng money, it doesnt matter if he has dislikes, every reaction (upvote, downvote, comment) is promoting his channel. Often times, he does go over the top, making an issue way bigger than it actually is, but some stuff is just true.
For example the major game-breaking bugs, when Nellie-bug was around I completly stopped playing constructed (because I usually play 4 hours a day on my tablet while I am doing cardio), but on tablet/mobile, restarting the game is equal to losing immediately. Took long time to fix it, excuses were like, patches are huge effort yadda yadda, well how about coding a function to disable specific cards without releasing a patch?
In the past there were (personal) attacks on people n stuff. To be fair, at least he is adressing some issues, the way he does that is just not okay. On the other hand you have content creators who seem to completly avoid critic of Blizzard, as they just want to have a good relationship to get some Card Reveal, Event Invites etc. In the past, the old community manager of HS sucked (Chris or so), he even blocked Zeddy lol. Remember when Savjz was blacklisted from Blizz because Chris and Savjz wife had a disagreement?
Zeddy is a middle aged, simgle man whonplays a childrens card game every day. He has alot of reasons to be a bitter, salty old man! LOL I think he wishes he worked for Blizzard, and thats why you see him salty and bitter in all his videos. Hes perpetually pissed off at the world, always complaining, and never really positive.
Hes managaed to keep a few thousand followers, but I think he hasnt gained or lost viewers in years. Just a steady state of salt. He even says i in his videos " Lets get salty"
Hearthstone players csan be very passionate about the game. Its easy to get stuck in this realm of complaining, and being salty about design choices, card design etc...in HS. I know I was there for a year or two. When Blizzard startred making broken cards, changing the meta etc...I complained every day for a season. But I got over it after realizing what I was doing. I dont think Zeddy has done this self reflection yet, and if he has, he just prefers to be salty and portray this grumpy vibe.
I honestly think nobody has more love for the game then Zeddy, but this bitching is kind of his businessmodel. He can't stop it or his fanbase walks out.
As a subscriber to Zeddy, this is how i interpret his personality with the whole nerf everything view on things.
Zeddy is a casual gamer, not exactly a pro player who is technically forced to praise the game. He gets frustrated like everyone else and voices his opinion on it. He really started to grow about 2 years ago for this "I was blacklisted by Blizzard" era, and he was. He showed proof that he was blocked by a lot of the development team. However last year he and Blizzard came to an agreement and now everything is fine between them. I do believe the duels reveal was his first or second so he's kind of new to it all.
I've been to a couple of his streams and he complains there too, but his community teases him for it, he teases back, etc. I would say Zeddy is [wrestling reference incoming] like the CM Punk or Stone Cold Steve Austin of the Hearthstone content creator community, always speaking out against things that are dominating the meta game, and sometimes it can seem like that's all he does but it isnt. He's genuinely a good guy who won't bullshit you and that's very respectable, think of him as the voice of the voiceless for Hearthstone.
I will admit though, some things he rants about can get to be a little much, and you won't agree but in all honesty, that's fine. If a creator isn't for you, then no need to call him out on a forum like this where he's likely not going to see it. Just don't subscribe and move on. (He also grows because of giveaways out of his pocket, so there's that.)
TL;DR: Zeddy is very outspoken and can seem like an angry troll who got attention because of giveaways, but he's been through a lot, and has layers, like an onion.
At one point, I thought that he was getting better and getting more self aware. But when I asked for some info about his Giveaways (which weren't clear to me), instead of giving me the information right away, he started victimising himself. I unsubscribed right away. I don't want none of this drama.
Tbf tho, his Marvel Snap video was on point.
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I watched some of zeddy videos and most of his videos if not all is about Nerf this Nerf that in all of his titles . Is this normal ? Do people actually watch him? Or he just try to get more followers
thats the main topic of his channel
Red arrow pointing on nothing hahaha
I don't even know why Blizzard gives him reveals and all. All he does is bitch and moan and somehow that's content to people.
Ask yourself honestly whether there are certain decks that you personally hate and want to get nerfed... There is at least a few, if not a lot.
He is just the voice for majority of this community, who mostly complains for nerf and such, ofc he cannot satisfy how everyone wants for the nerfs, but at least he is doing something. Yes he is not perfect, no one likes to hear complaints all the time. But thanks to him and other streamers that bring up the powercreep level in the game, Dev team now dedicates to do balance changes more often, don't you want that?
Once your Bills and Life are dependant on Youtube Content producing at Age 40 .... you'll see where you'd end up with that example.
No, he claims to be the voice but at 55k he hardly is. He is also not "at least doing something" because he plays Oprah and blankets everything with nerf this, nerf that and then tries to claim it as an achievement when changes happen.
Expansions are being worked on a year ahead and yes, more frequent balance changes are good - but Zeddy had probably no impact on any of that.
His catchline is "Let's get salty!" and that tells you everything about his persona, the content and also his viewers. It's a salt thread in video format. It's validation for those who can't move on.
I'm no longer interested into this game as I was some years ago, so I don't watch him (I don't watch any streamer at all), but other people do. Fortunately, different people have different tastes, not everyone likes to watch the same kind of content over and over again all the time.
My favorite Hearthstone streamers used to be Day9, Noxious and Kripparrian. For me, Noxious was the logical person, Day9 the funny guy and Kripparrian the salty one. God bless diversity, bro! ;)
Are you telling us that he should be ashamed of doing what he does? Do you understand that if we were all the same and followed society's will all the time there would have been no progress at all in any area? Thanks god many people out there don't think the same as you or all of us would be sheep,
Actually his last video is asking to nerf Druid and that depends on some games he played on theorycrafti so that's probably wrong there is no data that this deck should be nerfed , so that's not voice of people .you can't play deck for 1 or2 hours and ask for nerf plus you still didn't see the capabilities of other decks. So no I don't want nerf comes before testing
His last video was called something like "druid is OP, needs nerf", where he plays druid and laughs at how hard he wrecks his opponent during an event.... He has a returning video where he yells "Blizzzuuuuurd" while he looks at how bad the discounts/offers are, and he says "stay salty" in the end of all his videos.
Maybe the guy also uses a little bit of irony here and there? :)
Tbf every streamer I've seen (not many in all fairness) has said the same thing about the new druid deck, if you're talking about the token one. So there's a good chance that the dragon will actually end up getting nerfed to 8 or denathrius to start at 1 damage or something at some point.
I've only watched zeddy a couple of times but I think he sometimes plays a satirical version of himself like that Boogie guy way back in the day. But sometimes I think he means it... Although he does seem like someone I'd actually watch on a live stream just in hopes of seeing him finally snapping and having a full on breakdown over the announcement of 4 yearly expansions or something
I was watching some theorycraft vids to see what new cards play out like and landed on a skeleton mage one and he does whine so much and then wins the game with equally as cheesy stuff. He seems really predatory in that he has an echo chamber community of people who love to bitch and hate on the game (and yet still play it?), and that's the whole reason why he's popular.
In the skeleton mage video he repeatedly whines about a libram paladin cheating so much mana every turn (lightrays, devout pupils etc) while playing a deck that literally freezes the big minions for 10 turns in a row with ice block up, then wins with a kaelthas+brann+kelthuzad OTK. The deck he was playing must have felt horse shit for the paladin against him, but nah his was the fair deck and he had every right to complain about the paladin deck without admitting the infinite board freezes weren't stupid itself.
(opinion from someone who doesn't watch him regularly) I think he may have started genuinely grumpy and/or "salty", but now has just introspected this persona. After all, that's how he made his name, and his followers like this way. Probably he does, too.
That’s exactly it, tbh some people are more overdramatic about zeddys videos than zeddy is about the current state of druid.
Zeddy is the guy who delivers the salt some ppl need (as Kripp does not do that anymore, he doesnt play any non-BGs). His videos are clickbait, begging for subs, announcing giveaway etc. It makes sense because thats his life, thats how he is makng money, it doesnt matter if he has dislikes, every reaction (upvote, downvote, comment) is promoting his channel. Often times, he does go over the top, making an issue way bigger than it actually is, but some stuff is just true.
For example the major game-breaking bugs, when Nellie-bug was around I completly stopped playing constructed (because I usually play 4 hours a day on my tablet while I am doing cardio), but on tablet/mobile, restarting the game is equal to losing immediately. Took long time to fix it, excuses were like, patches are huge effort yadda yadda, well how about coding a function to disable specific cards without releasing a patch?
In the past there were (personal) attacks on people n stuff. To be fair, at least he is adressing some issues, the way he does that is just not okay. On the other hand you have content creators who seem to completly avoid critic of Blizzard, as they just want to have a good relationship to get some Card Reveal, Event Invites etc. In the past, the old community manager of HS sucked (Chris or so), he even blocked Zeddy lol. Remember when Savjz was blacklisted from Blizz because Chris and Savjz wife had a disagreement?
Zeddy is a middle aged, simgle man whonplays a childrens card game every day. He has alot of reasons to be a bitter, salty old man! LOL I think he wishes he worked for Blizzard, and thats why you see him salty and bitter in all his videos. Hes perpetually pissed off at the world, always complaining, and never really positive.
Hes managaed to keep a few thousand followers, but I think he hasnt gained or lost viewers in years. Just a steady state of salt. He even says i in his videos " Lets get salty"
Hearthstone players csan be very passionate about the game. Its easy to get stuck in this realm of complaining, and being salty about design choices, card design etc...in HS. I know I was there for a year or two. When Blizzard startred making broken cards, changing the meta etc...I complained every day for a season. But I got over it after realizing what I was doing. I dont think Zeddy has done this self reflection yet, and if he has, he just prefers to be salty and portray this grumpy vibe.
Its working!
I honestly think nobody has more love for the game then Zeddy, but this bitching is kind of his businessmodel. He can't stop it or his fanbase walks out.
As a subscriber to Zeddy, this is how i interpret his personality with the whole nerf everything view on things.
Zeddy is a casual gamer, not exactly a pro player who is technically forced to praise the game. He gets frustrated like everyone else and voices his opinion on it. He really started to grow about 2 years ago for this "I was blacklisted by Blizzard" era, and he was. He showed proof that he was blocked by a lot of the development team. However last year he and Blizzard came to an agreement and now everything is fine between them. I do believe the duels reveal was his first or second so he's kind of new to it all.
I've been to a couple of his streams and he complains there too, but his community teases him for it, he teases back, etc. I would say Zeddy is [wrestling reference incoming] like the CM Punk or Stone Cold Steve Austin of the Hearthstone content creator community, always speaking out against things that are dominating the meta game, and sometimes it can seem like that's all he does but it isnt. He's genuinely a good guy who won't bullshit you and that's very respectable, think of him as the voice of the voiceless for Hearthstone.
I will admit though, some things he rants about can get to be a little much, and you won't agree but in all honesty, that's fine. If a creator isn't for you, then no need to call him out on a forum like this where he's likely not going to see it. Just don't subscribe and move on. (He also grows because of giveaways out of his pocket, so there's that.)
TL;DR: Zeddy is very outspoken and can seem like an angry troll who got attention because of giveaways, but he's been through a lot, and has layers, like an onion.
At one point, I thought that he was getting better and getting more self aware. But when I asked for some info about his Giveaways (which weren't clear to me), instead of giving me the information right away, he started victimising himself. I unsubscribed right away. I don't want none of this drama.
Tbf tho, his Marvel Snap video was on point.