The beauty of hearthstone is RNG :). It guarentees that no match is the same. As a main rogue player i always have crazy swings with lackey's and now wand thief! Yet the end result is almost always the same.. meaning that I win;)
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Experimental/hardcore rogue player.If you have any questions, comments, etc about rogues Contact me!
I hope you will step by and say hi!Maybe give me some tips on how to improve my gameplay.Let’s win some hearthstone games and in a way you haven’t seen before!Good I've been a poker i will I've been a poker professional years, streaming of my own mo day!//Mads
Hey guys!
I always wanted to stream for entertainment and to show that it’s possible to play online games even with disabilities!
I hope you will step by and say hi!
Maybe give me some tips on how to improve my gameplay.
Let’s win some hearthstone games in a way you haven’t seen before!
Good day!
Welcome to Hearthpwn, and good luck building your stream!
Thank you Danjo! :-)
Just went online - Come say hi! =)
Time to go online again - let's win guys :D
The beauty of hearthstone is RNG :). It guarentees that no match is the same. As a main rogue player i always have crazy swings with lackey's and now wand thief! Yet the end result is almost always the same.. meaning that I win;)
Experimental/hardcore rogue player.If you have any questions, comments, etc about rogues Contact me!
Hey guys!
I always wanted to stream for entertainment and to show that it’s possible to play online games even with disabilities!
I hope you will step by and say hi!
Maybe give me some tips on how to improve my gameplay.
Let’s win some hearthstone poker and
Age of Empires II Definitive Edition
games in a way you haven’t seen before!
Good day!
I hope you will step by and say hi!Maybe give me some tips on how to improve my gameplay.Let’s win some hearthstone games and in a way you haven’t seen before!Good I've been a poker i will I've been a poker professional years, streaming of my own mo day!//Mads
Hey guys!
I always wanted to stream for entertainment and to show that it’s possible to play online games even with disabilities!
I hope you will step by and say hi!
Maybe give me some tips on how to improve my gameplay.
Let’s win some hearthstone games in a way you haven’t seen before!
Good day!
Hey guys!
I always wanted to stream for entertainment and to show that it’s possible to play online games even with disabilities!
I hope you will step by and say hi!
Maybe give me some tips on how to improve my gameplay.
Let’s win some hearthstone games in a way you haven’t seen before!
Good day!
Hey guys!
I always wanted to stream for entertainment and to show that it’s possible to play online games even with disabilities!
I hope you will step by and say hi!
Maybe give me some tips on how to improve my gameplay.
Let’s win some hearthstone games in a way you haven’t seen before!
Good day!