I post videos on my YouTube channel relating to a variety of card games, with a primary focus on Hearthstone! Due to College and other life responsibilities, I am not a full-time content creator, however I occasionally post what I consider unique and quality content.
What you can expect to find on my channel:
- Expansion Legendary Entrance Videos
- Custom Hearthstone Expansion/Card Idea Videos
- Engaging Edited Hearthstone Gameplay Videos
If you like any of the videos you see below, please subscribe to both this thread and my YouTube channel! I would greatly appreciate it
The final part of my theorycraft mini-series for Murder at Castle Nathria is up! If you missed a video or are looking for a specific class's theorycrafts, the full playlist is linked below!
Heya everyone, Night here!
I post videos on my YouTube channel relating to a variety of card games, with a primary focus on Hearthstone! Due to College and other life responsibilities, I am not a full-time content creator, however I occasionally post what I consider unique and quality content.
What you can expect to find on my channel:
- Expansion Legendary Entrance Videos
- Custom Hearthstone Expansion/Card Idea Videos
- Engaging Edited Hearthstone Gameplay Videos
If you like any of the videos you see below, please subscribe to both this thread and my YouTube channel! I would greatly appreciate it
NightDrawn's YouTube Channel
Out of death, comes life.
Let your ears feast on the new Scholomance Academy full legendary entrances!
Out of death, comes life.
My fav Infiltrator Lilian
Rattlegore seems very soothing to hear too every turn.
Listen to and meet your new fellow students at Scholomance Academy!
Out of death, comes life.
Stop self promoting on this website.
Do you hear the catchy tunes and ominous vibes of the Darkmoon Faire? Check out the full legendary entrances here!
Out of death, comes life.
Listen to the cheers and cries of your fellow fairgoers at the Darkmoon Faire!
Out of death, comes life.
WHAAAA, LEGENDARY! Check out these new Core Set full legendary entrances here!
Out of death, comes life.
Steel yourself, prospective challengers! Hear the battlecries of all Forged in the Barrens legendary entrances here!
Out of death, comes life.
Check out Part 1 of my new theorycraft mini-series for Murder at Castle Nathria!
Out of death, comes life.
The final part of my theorycraft mini-series for Murder at Castle Nathria is up! If you missed a video or are looking for a specific class's theorycrafts, the full playlist is linked below!
Check out the full playlist here for all 10 classes and their theorycrafts!
Out of death, comes life.