I'm doing a lot of Battlegrounds streaming at the moment and I'm really enjoying the new patch.
Today I'm going to be queuing with viewers on my stream. This is a good opportunity to learn how to optimally play the new patch together with people of all rankings. We should get a lot of interesting situations showing up. I know a lot of you guys like to try some fancy plays XD
Feel free to come and join the fun if you want to speed up your learning of the new patch or if you just want to see yourself on stream - that's also fine!
Hello one and all!
I'm doing a lot of Battlegrounds streaming at the moment and I'm really enjoying the new patch.
Today I'm going to be queuing with viewers on my stream. This is a good opportunity to learn how to optimally play the new patch together with people of all rankings. We should get a lot of interesting situations showing up. I know a lot of you guys like to try some fancy plays XD
Feel free to come and join the fun if you want to speed up your learning of the new patch or if you just want to see yourself on stream - that's also fine!
Live now @ https://www.twitch.tv/dominategame_hs I hope to see you guys soon,
Live now