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Hi all, I put up a new stream to highlight my Chair playing Battlegrounds.
The chair is at 10k MMR in Battlegrounds, it's plan is to play perhaps the worst hero, Professor Putricide, every time it sees it. Not because it knows how to play it. Chair has no idea what the strat to win with this hero is. But it is, I believe, the only hero Chair has yet to win with.
A human will be around to try to translate the thoughts of the Chair.
Please Follow, Like(is that a thing on twitch?) and Subscribe to motivate the Chair to keep at it.
Plan is to start steaming between 8pm-9pm most nights.
It currently sees it has 1 viewer and is so sad about that.
Please follow to be notified of when the Chair goes live!
Human only talks a lot when he sees viewers talking in the chat room.
What the hell did I just read?
You just read the mind of a person who still cares about Hearthstone.
This mind was broken well before Hearthstone came along.