Usual Play Times: When i'm at home and rarery from work ( Romania timezone ).
Level of experience: First time i played in 2014 util 2018. Now i started again in may this year. I always hit platinum 1-2. So maybe i'm at medium level.
Preferred Heroes: Warlock, Druid and Rogue. I can play Mage and Demon Hunter too.
I'm Looking For: Players to learn something from, chat with them about HS, and everything else.
Tell us something about you: 25 years old guy from Romania. Looking for new friends to chat and play.
just starting to play again i was legend 2 seasons ago trying to go for legend this season looking for people to chat with or coop. if you like coop i'm your guy hope we can be friends
Region: EU Level of Experience: Advanced (frequently reach the legend in standard) Preferred Heroes: All I’m Looking For: Good people to be friends with and play with
Region: EU Usual Play Times: Weekdays 5PM-11PM, weekends 11PM-whenever, GMT+1 Level of Experience: playing since 2016 , 5000+ wins, several times legend in wild and standard Preferred Heroes: warlock but playing all decks I’m Looking For: friends Tell us something about you: I am a fashion student
Region: US Usual Play Times: Typically in the late evening to the early morning, 8:00 PM - 4:00 AM EST Level of Experience: A few years ago I would have considered myself an advanced player, but now I'd say I'm intermediate or worse on ladder because I pretty much exclusively play arena atm. (I hit legend one time only with a big spell mage running the DK, but haven't since.) Preferred Heroes: I have the most wins with Mage, Hunter, and Warlock, but I honestly enjoy playing any class. I wasn't playing the game at the time DH was released so I have yet to fully enjoy Illidan. I’m Looking For: Someone to occasionally play some friendly challenges with, spectate, or just chat with from time to time. Tell us something about you: I've been playing Hearthstone since the release of the League of Explorers. It's definitely one of my favorite games of all time, however I grew tired of the game after playing daily for ages and stopped playing for over a year. I stopped shortly after Saviors of Uldum released, but I have recently returned to the game, and have been enjoying Wild and Arena, with the occasional Battlegrounds or Classic game. I haven't touched Standard in ages simply because I hate the idea of some of my cards being obsolete, but I'm looking to return to it soon once I have a more expansive collection. I've spent plenty of money on the game over the years, I wouldn't consider myself a whale or anything, but I used to preorder the expansions often. Nowadays I choose not to preorder expansions since I am enjoying arena the most, and honestly, the battlepass is pretty generous if you play often. PS: Dane is my favorite HS youtuber :)
Region: Americas Usual Play Times: GMT +8, play on and off all day Level of Experience: Probably rounding up on intermediate Preferred Heroes: Paladin, hunter I’m Looking For: people to be online Tell us something about you: Canadian living in China, engineer, avid hearthstone player.
Region: US EST Usual Play Times: whenever Level of Experience: Beginner Preferred Heroes: mage and druid I’m Looking For: Friends to play with Tell us something about you: I Love watching anime and playing video games
Region: (EU) Usual Play Times: all the time Level of Experience: (average) Preferred Heroes: Hunter, priest, warrior, pally I’m Looking For: 1500xp quest buddies Tell us something about you: Something
Region: EU Usual Play Times: all day Level of Experience: average Preferred Heroes: Shaman, priest, rouge, druid, warrior I’m Looking For: 1500xp quest buddies, just friends Tell us something about you: Mrglmrglgl
Region: US - CST Usual Play Times: 9pm-12am Level of Experience: Intermediate - I used to play a lot more seriously than I do now but due I still enjoy logging in and leveling up the Rewards Track, Tavern Brawls, and laddering. Preferred Heroes: Mage, Paladin, Priest I’m Looking For: Quest Buddies - Spectate / Challenge / Chat Tell us something about you: Been playing HS off and on since launch. Older gamer with family, career, etc. I like collecting all the things. :)
Region: EU Usual Play Times: over the day - sometimes in the eveny Level of Experience: think Intermediate - had a 3 yrs break Preferred Heroes: Mage & Hunter I’m Looking For: Quest buddies, Spectate, just friends Tell us something about you: Healthcoach, Doglover, Triathete, will reach Legend for the fist time
Region: NA Usual Play Times: EST (Whenever I feel like it) Level of Experience: Intermediate - I homebrew here and there but usually copy meta decks. Preferred Heroes: Rogue, Mage, DH and a few others. I’m Looking For: Someone to spectate games since I'm into that, people to talk deckbuilding with and people to do quests with. Tell us something about you: I like to write poetry.
Region: EU (slovakia) Usual Play Times: Sometimes during worktime, ussally at evenings Level of Experience: Legend, playing since 2014 Preferred Heroes: Everything except shaman, hunter, rogue I’m Looking For: friends to play with, i prefer control playstyle. WILD
Region: EU Usual Play Times: 15pm-11pm on weekdays though not frequently; more frequent on weekends Level of Experience:I reach legend if I try quite easily, but haven‘t had time recently/atm Preferred Heroes: Rogue, hunter; would play other decks but i‘m f2p I’m Looking For: I love spectating folks, preferably high legend of course, but every player who can reach legend is welcome; also looking for quest buddies Tell us something about you: i like maths&physics, socialism and german literature
Region: EU Usual Play Times: A few hours a day Level of Experience: Intermediate Preferred Heroes: Depends on meta I’m Looking For: Battlegrounds party & quests
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BattleTag: Viriros#2626
Region: EU/Greece
Rank: Legend
I am looking for some friendly people for all purposes
Battletag: BananaBot#2111
Region: EU
Usual Play Times: When i'm at home and rarery from work ( Romania timezone ).
Level of experience: First time i played in 2014 util 2018. Now i started again in may this year. I always hit platinum 1-2. So maybe i'm at medium level.
Preferred Heroes: Warlock, Druid and Rogue. I can play Mage and Demon Hunter too.
I'm Looking For: Players to learn something from, chat with them about HS, and everything else.
Tell us something about you: 25 years old guy from Romania. Looking for new friends to chat and play.
Battletag: Venom1099#1798
Region: North America
Usual Play Times: Most Mornings CT
Level of Experience: Intermediate
Preferred Heroes: Rogue
I’m Looking For: Friends to help complete quests and spectate
Tell us something about you: I've been playing since the iOS drop and prefer Battlegrounds.
Battletag: Chico#12761
Region: AUS
Usual Play Times: Everyday usually after 5pm
Level of Experience: Just returned a month ago.
Preferred Heroes: Paladin or priest.
I’m Looking For: Fellow aussie players
Tell us something about you: Western sydney local. Casual player
just starting to play again i was legend 2 seasons ago trying to go for legend this season looking for people to chat with or coop. if you like coop i'm your guy hope we can be friends
Battletag: Fry#2846
Region: EU
Level of Experience: Advanced (frequently reach the legend in standard)
Preferred Heroes: All
I’m Looking For: Good people to be friends with and play with
Battletag: issey#21134
Region: EU
Usual Play Times: Weekdays 5PM-11PM, weekends 11PM-whenever, GMT+1
Level of Experience: playing since 2016 , 5000+ wins, several times legend in wild and standard
Preferred Heroes: warlock but playing all decks
I’m Looking For: friends
Tell us something about you: I am a fashion student
Battletag: Insomniac#11792
Region: US
Usual Play Times: Typically in the late evening to the early morning, 8:00 PM - 4:00 AM EST
Level of Experience: A few years ago I would have considered myself an advanced player, but now I'd say I'm intermediate or worse on ladder because I pretty much exclusively play arena atm. (I hit legend one time only with a big spell mage running the DK, but haven't since.)
Preferred Heroes: I have the most wins with Mage, Hunter, and Warlock, but I honestly enjoy playing any class. I wasn't playing the game at the time DH was released so I have yet to fully enjoy Illidan.
I’m Looking For: Someone to occasionally play some friendly challenges with, spectate, or just chat with from time to time.
Tell us something about you: I've been playing Hearthstone since the release of the League of Explorers. It's definitely one of my favorite games of all time, however I grew tired of the game after playing daily for ages and stopped playing for over a year. I stopped shortly after Saviors of Uldum released, but I have recently returned to the game, and have been enjoying Wild and Arena, with the occasional Battlegrounds or Classic game. I haven't touched Standard in ages simply because I hate the idea of some of my cards being obsolete, but I'm looking to return to it soon once I have a more expansive collection. I've spent plenty of money on the game over the years, I wouldn't consider myself a whale or anything, but I used to preorder the expansions often. Nowadays I choose not to preorder expansions since I am enjoying arena the most, and honestly, the battlepass is pretty generous if you play often. PS: Dane is my favorite HS youtuber :)
Battletag: Bear#14442
Region: Americas
Usual Play Times: GMT +8, play on and off all day
Level of Experience: Probably rounding up on intermediate
Preferred Heroes: Paladin, hunter
I’m Looking For: people to be online
Tell us something about you: Canadian living in China, engineer, avid hearthstone player.
Battletag: shay45#1631
Region: US EST
Usual Play Times: whenever
Level of Experience: Beginner
Preferred Heroes: mage and druid
I’m Looking For: Friends to play with
Tell us something about you: I Love watching anime and playing video games
BattleTag: Time#15780
NA server
I'm an active daily player. I'm happy to be friend to everybody. Let's connect and play together!
NA server
Battletag: Avalanche#21363
Region: (EU)
Usual Play Times: all the time
Level of Experience: (average)
Preferred Heroes: Hunter, priest, warrior, pally
I’m Looking For: 1500xp quest buddies
Tell us something about you: Something
Battletag: Ronin#2379
Region: EU
Usual Play Times: all day
Level of Experience: average
Preferred Heroes: Shaman, priest, rouge, druid, warrior
I’m Looking For: 1500xp quest buddies, just friends
Tell us something about you: Mrglmrglgl
Battletag: Exodactyl#1144
Region: US - CST
Usual Play Times: 9pm-12am
Level of Experience: Intermediate - I used to play a lot more seriously than I do now but due I still enjoy logging in and leveling up the Rewards Track, Tavern Brawls, and laddering.
Preferred Heroes: Mage, Paladin, Priest
I’m Looking For: Quest Buddies - Spectate / Challenge / Chat
Tell us something about you: Been playing HS off and on since launch. Older gamer with family, career, etc. I like collecting all the things. :)
Battletag: Aarany#2830
Region: EU
Usual Play Times: over the day - sometimes in the eveny
Level of Experience: think Intermediate - had a 3 yrs break
Preferred Heroes: Mage & Hunter
I’m Looking For: Quest buddies, Spectate, just friends
Tell us something about you: Healthcoach, Doglover, Triathete, will reach Legend for the fist time
Battletag: JulianStorm#11231
Region: NA
Usual Play Times: EST (Whenever I feel like it)
Level of Experience: Intermediate - I homebrew here and there but usually copy meta decks.
Preferred Heroes: Rogue, Mage, DH and a few others.
I’m Looking For: Someone to spectate games since I'm into that, people to talk deckbuilding with and people to do quests with.
Tell us something about you: I like to write poetry.
Battletag: Jza#1499
Region: NA
Usual Play Times: Varies
Level of Experience: Playing for a couple of months
Preferred Heroes: Shaman
I’m Looking For: Friends, quest buddies
Battletag: Edm0185#2700
Region: EU (slovakia)
Usual Play Times: Sometimes during worktime, ussally at evenings
Level of Experience: Legend, playing since 2014
Preferred Heroes: Everything except shaman, hunter, rogue
I’m Looking For: friends to play with, i prefer control playstyle. WILD
Battletag: Hundefvkker#2461
Region: EU
Usual Play Times: 15pm-11pm on weekdays though not frequently; more frequent on weekends
Level of Experience:I reach legend if I try quite easily, but haven‘t had time recently/atm
Preferred Heroes: Rogue, hunter; would play other decks but i‘m f2p
I’m Looking For: I love spectating folks, preferably high legend of course, but every player who can reach legend is welcome; also looking for quest buddies
Tell us something about you: i like maths&physics, socialism and german literature
Battletag: AlegE#2893
Region: EU
Usual Play Times: A few hours a day
Level of Experience: Intermediate
Preferred Heroes: Depends on meta
I’m Looking For: Battlegrounds party & quests