Usual Play Times: night time in USA Level of Experience: (Beginner) Preferred Heroes: Hunter shamn I’m Looking For: (Practice Partner) Tell us something about you: i like to watch my frnds replays!
Region: EU Usual Play Times: Whenever I have spare time, usually at night time Level of Experience: Advanced, atleast top 1000 legend every month in standard, sometimes go for legend in wild too. Preferred Heroes: Anything non aggro, mostly priest/warlock/paladin lately I’m Looking For: Chill people to spectate whenever I don't feel like playing myself ;) Tell us something about you: I like to help people that are stuck on ladder (I'm not anywhere near pro level so dont expect miracles haha). Helped several friends reach legend already.
Region: EU Usual Play Times: Everyday , very active Level of Experience: Advanced I guess , had been playing for months Preferred Heroes: Main Warlock , second Hunter I’m Looking For: Looking for friends to keep my friend list active . Would be great if I could find myself a teacher ^0^
Region: EU Usual Play Times: Afternoon / Night but also while I'm in class (University 2nd year currently) Level of Experience: Haven't played in months but now I'm back (Best rank ~1000 legend atm hovering around rank 10 looking for the perfect deck) Preferred Heroes: Anything but currently I'm playing alot of ODD Warrior/Paladin (Back in the day I was a Control Warrior and Midrange Hunter type of guy) I’m Looking For: People to spectate due to I'm still adapting to the meta / Quests
Battletag: Jet#2682 Region: EU Usual Play Times: Usually at evening; almost in any time on the weekend Level of Experience: Intermediate. Usually I'm ending a season playing at rank 2 - legend in wild and rank 8-5 in standard Preferred Heroes: I prefer aggro and midrange decks cos of fast wins and losses so in current meta it's Paladin, Hunter, Warlock and Mage I’m Looking For: Active players to spectate and amaze how rapidly they're climbing in the ladder
Region: NA Usual Play Times: Random time Level of Experience: I just started playing again, was able to get to rank 2 but Im far from legend Preferred Heroes: I mainly play priest, I’m Looking For: I don't have any play friend adding some for quest and stuff would help feel free to just chat :) Tell us something about you: I love pinball and boardgames :)
Region: EU Usual Play Times: Any time of the day Level of Experience:Intermediate I think Preferred Heroes: Hunter, Paladin, Warlock I’m Looking For: Just friends, quest trades sometimes Tell us something about you: I've been playing HS for a year now... Highest rank I've reached is rank 3.
I think I already posted here before...but here goes....
Battletag: Faustivious#1539
Region: US Usual Play Times: On and off all day and night. I'm home all day everyday. Level of Experience: Been playing HS since closed beta, Nov. 2013. Have every card back possible (missing a few tourney backs) Preferred Heroes: ALL...Shaman the least played though. I’m Looking For: Just people to be friendly with. Tell us something about you: Worked for U.P.S. for over 24+ years. Gaming since the '70's (all types..Board/PC/Console/Pen & Paper/Card). Started playing M:TG in late 1993. Love playing guitar. I'm married with 6 kids (5 grown, 1 still under 18 yrs old(17). Ran/run a HS tourney site (HEARTHMIND.NET) since June 2014. I play all blizzard games except RTS games....never like that gaming style. FPS is my second least favorite, yet I totally dig Overwatch.
Region: EU Usual Play Times: +2 Time Zone, no usual time of playing Level of Experience: Advanced Preferred Heroes: Warlock, Shaman, Warrior I’m Looking For: To randomly spectate people, especially homebrewers (i enjoy it more than streams) or exchange theorycrafting ideas Tell us something about you: Wild player. Never a meta slave
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Battletag: Meowlzebub#11258
Region: EU/NA
Play Times: Afternoon/Evening Pacific
Level: Beginner
Looking for: Friends to spectate/trade 80g
Battletag: Mitch#1743
Region: US (I play Whenever I'm free)
Experience: Intermediate. Been playing for a while but my highest rank is 9
Preferred Heros: Rouge, Shaman, Priest
Looking for: More friends to play with
About me: I like playing fun decks more than what's in the meta
Region: U.S
Usual play times: I play around noonish usually
Level of experince: I would say advanced even though my best rank is 13, I just dont play ranked that much
Preferred heros: I've always liked preist and warrior
Looking for: buds to have fun with and goof around with.
Tell us something about you: my name is actually spelled wrong on purpose.
Battletag: Riya#11536
Region: (US)
Usual Play Times: night time in USA
Level of Experience: (Beginner)
Preferred Heroes: Hunter shamn
I’m Looking For: (Practice Partner)
Tell us something about you: i like to watch my frnds replays!
Battletag: Justaaa#2317
Region: EU
Usual Play Times: Whenever I have spare time, usually at night time
Level of Experience: Advanced, atleast top 1000 legend every month in standard, sometimes go for legend in wild too.
Preferred Heroes: Anything non aggro, mostly priest/warlock/paladin lately
I’m Looking For: Chill people to spectate whenever I don't feel like playing myself ;)
Tell us something about you: I like to help people that are stuck on ladder (I'm not anywhere near pro level so dont expect miracles haha). Helped several friends reach legend already.
Battletag: BlancHorn#1568
Region: EU
Usual Play Times: Everyday , very active
Level of Experience: Advanced I guess , had been playing for months
Preferred Heroes: Main Warlock , second Hunter
I’m Looking For: Looking for friends to keep my friend list active . Would be great if I could find myself a teacher ^0^
Battletag: SunnyMoney21#1489
Region: Canada
Play Times: Afternoon/Evening Pacific
Level: Beginner
Looking for: Friends to spectate/trade
Battletag: WrÓx#2307
Region: EU
Usual Play Times: Afternoon / Night but also while I'm in class (University 2nd year currently)
Level of Experience: Haven't played in months but now I'm back (Best rank ~1000 legend atm hovering around rank 10 looking for the perfect deck)
Preferred Heroes: Anything but currently I'm playing alot of ODD Warrior/Paladin (Back in the day I was a Control Warrior and Midrange Hunter type of guy)
I’m Looking For: People to spectate due to I'm still adapting to the meta / Quests
Battletag: Jet#2682
Region: EU
Usual Play Times: Usually at evening; almost in any time on the weekend
Level of Experience: Intermediate. Usually I'm ending a season playing at rank 2 - legend in wild and rank 8-5 in standard
Preferred Heroes: I prefer aggro and midrange decks cos of fast wins and losses so in current meta it's Paladin, Hunter, Warlock and Mage
I’m Looking For: Active players to spectate and amaze how rapidly they're climbing in the ladder
Battletag: Archimede#1620
Region: NA
Usual Play Times: Random time
Level of Experience: I just started playing again, was able to get to rank 2 but Im far from legend
Preferred Heroes: I mainly play priest,
I’m Looking For: I don't have any play friend adding some for quest and stuff would help feel free to just chat :)
Tell us something about you: I love pinball and boardgames :)
Battletag: Talijanic#2757
Region: EU
Usual Play Times: Any time of the day
Level of Experience:Intermediate I think
Preferred Heroes: Hunter, Paladin, Warlock
I’m Looking For: Just friends, quest trades sometimes
Tell us something about you: I've been playing HS for a year now... Highest rank I've reached is rank 3.
Feel free to add me :)
Battletag: yeah2see#1509
Region: America
Play Times: Evening/Midnight
Level: Intermediate
Looking for: People to spectate when I'm bored
Lordcheesus #11740
U.S server.
I log in at least once every couple of days and for the most part play home brew decks unless I'm practicing a meta deck to rank with.
Battletag: Nikos#2479
Region: EU
I’m Looking For: People to spectate for quest. I don't mind being spectated for the quest too.
Battletag: CallMeDaddi#11694
Region: NA
I think I already posted here before...but here goes....
Battletag: Faustivious#1539
Region: US
Usual Play Times: On and off all day and night. I'm home all day everyday.
Level of Experience: Been playing HS since closed beta, Nov. 2013. Have every card back possible (missing a few tourney backs)
Preferred Heroes: ALL...Shaman the least played though.
I’m Looking For: Just people to be friendly with.
Tell us something about you: Worked for U.P.S. for over 24+ years. Gaming since the '70's (all types..Board/PC/Console/Pen & Paper/Card). Started playing M:TG in late 1993. Love playing guitar. I'm married with 6 kids (5 grown, 1 still under 18 yrs old(17). Ran/run a HS tourney site (HEARTHMIND.NET) since June 2014. I play all blizzard games except RTS games....never like that gaming style. FPS is my second least favorite, yet I totally dig Overwatch.
"The world outside is so big, but it's safe in my domain
Because to you I'm just a number and a clever screen name..."
Battletag: norkaiser#2328
Region: EU
Usual Play Times: +2 Time Zone, no usual time of playing
Level of Experience: Advanced
Preferred Heroes: Warlock, Shaman, Warrior
I’m Looking For: To randomly spectate people, especially homebrewers (i enjoy it more than streams) or exchange theorycrafting ideas
Tell us something about you: Wild player. Never a meta slave