Silence, priest ! I mean, who uses Anduin anymore anyway ? People who do not have access to alternate priest heroes, I know, I apologize. If only they could have made Tyrande a permanent alternative hero, she was free anyway.
In any case, i'd just like to find and subsequently add people as friends simply to enjoy hearthstone more ! I cannot stand the ladder or play seriously. Did the legend grind for all the first time rewards and it's just psychologically jarring. At the very least it's over now and hopefully never have to do it again, not worth the one extra pack each month. At least the ranking up to rank 5 diamond 5 is fast and easy now.
So I'd just like to find friends whom I could share fun silly games with ! From a yogg off, to fun deck building challenges, playing solo adventures together and other merry things !
Dear stranger - at this time, may you in any case, have a nice day !
ps: Oh I'm on EU btw, my ign is redridinhood#2298
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Silence, priest ! I mean, who uses Anduin anymore anyway ? People who do not have access to alternate priest heroes, I know, I apologize. If only they could have made Tyrande a permanent alternative hero, she was free anyway.
In any case, i'd just like to find and subsequently add people as friends simply to enjoy hearthstone more ! I cannot stand the ladder or play seriously. Did the legend grind for all the first time rewards and it's just psychologically jarring. At the very least it's over now and hopefully never have to do it again, not worth the one extra pack each month. At least the ranking up to
rank 5diamond 5 is fast and easy now.So I'd just like to find friends whom I could share fun silly games with ! From a yogg off, to fun deck building challenges, playing solo adventures together and other merry things !
Dear stranger - at this time, may you in any case, have a nice day !
ps: Oh I'm on EU btw, my ign is redridinhood#2298