After doing my research I found out that the pink 'stuff' that appeared onto hearthstone cards must, in fact, have been coronavirus. It has through hearthstone spread across the globe and infected all computers. And because too few people played hearthstone with plastic gloves on they got infected through their computer. Thus coronavirus is Hearthstone's fault and I expect a total of 3 packs from each expansion to be given to all coronavirus victims.
Heya ,Hearthstone players
I would like to get some more active players on my account who are playing Hs.
For playing friendlies ,Communicating ,discussing etc .
Also I would like to start a Friendly community for open series Tourney best of 3 for fun for the people who are interested,
Kind regards,
sure I'll add you <3
After doing my research I found out that the pink 'stuff' that appeared onto hearthstone cards must, in fact, have been coronavirus.
It has through hearthstone spread across the globe and infected all computers. And because too few people played hearthstone with plastic gloves on they got infected through their computer. Thus coronavirus is Hearthstone's fault and I expect a total of 3 packs from each expansion to be given to all coronavirus victims.
This is the only truth.
jk ofc.
I'll add you too :)
Annoy-o-Tron: deathriddle: 'Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye'
My battle tag is Fely#.... Can you find all the digits after the #. They're hidden amongst my profile, it's like an easter egg hunt.
<3.14159265359 you!
Now Stop checking my spoilers!
Bonus Spoiler
Nice , the more the merrier :P