I am going crazy with this game or myself... I have most of the best decks completed or almost (expect for warrior and paladin, I think), and I am losing and losing and losing.. can't get over 3 stars on rank 5. It's getting really frustrating because I never had such low WRs... It's not even 50% or 40%!... I must be doing something really wrong will all decks I play or my opponents always get the perfect hand to counter everything I do! I usually start very well and then when I am about to win, say 25hp vs 5hp, my opponent counters and I lose the game anyway. I am trying mostly the Tempo Rogue decks and, for example, I made a 12/12 Edwin on turn 2 and my opponent, also rogue, just plays EVIL and get a silencer from priest (zero mana). Boom. Another time, a 10/10 Edwin.. first card he plays? An Hex. This particular game was 30-1 oh HP, and I almost lost it anyway!!! Sorry if I sound salty but it's just sad, idk... I watch great players playing these decks and it's so easy for them. For me just nothing works... :\ Sorry for the super long post... lol Thanks!
I am going crazy with this game or myself... I have most of the best decks completed or almost (expect for warrior and paladin, I think), and I am losing and losing and losing.. can't get over 3 stars on rank 5. It's getting really frustrating because I never had such low WRs... It's not even 50% or 40%!... I must be doing something really wrong will all decks I play or my opponents always get the perfect hand to counter everything I do! I usually start very well and then when I am about to win, say 25hp vs 5hp, my opponent counters and I lose the game anyway. I am trying mostly the Tempo Rogue decks and, for example, I made a 12/12 Edwin on turn 2 and my opponent, also rogue, just plays EVIL and get a silencer from priest (zero mana). Boom. Another time, a 10/10 Edwin.. first card he plays? An Hex. This particular game was 30-1 oh HP, and I almost lost it anyway!!! Sorry if I sound salty but it's just sad, idk... I watch great players playing these decks and it's so easy for them. For me just nothing works... :\ Sorry for the super long post... lol Thanks!
Oh, and my battletag: LordNelson#21418 (EU)