I've been playing since Beta, but haven't had enough dust/gold/money to buy enough packs in the earlier expansions. However since playing WoW, and turning in game gold to bnet balance and buying preorders and buying more packs with gold I've been able to fill out the collection and have dust for crafting, etc. I don't recall right now if the highest I ever got was 10 or 13 with some face hunter deck many expansions ago, probably when Huntress first came out. I know arena doesn't translate as much to constructed, but I've gotten 6-11 wins most times (haven't gotten a 12).
I would like to get to Legend, to get the card back and would like help with that from a Legend player. I have 30k+ dust, 30k in repeats to dust ( I hold these for when nerfs happen to get "full" value) and 11k gold. I have 87.79% of Standard cards and 84.17% of Wild. I don't care on which I get Legend, preferably whichever is easier. I know it's asking alot to get carried/coached to Legend, would appreciate any help :)
It’s very simple to reach legend.Pick one of the top tier decks, get good with it and prepare yourself for a long journey because it’s all a big grind. Those are the three step for me and I wish you luck to reach it.
If you only care about the cardback, it's much, much easier to reach legend in wild mode than standard. Simply pick one of the top decks from a stat based tier list and you're good to go. If you are not confident with your piloting abilities, I suggest picking a deck that highrolls hard like Big priest. If you enjoy playing aggro decks, there's tons of high tier ones in wild for you to choose from too
Get ready to be fucked by RNG a lot and if you want to reach legend, you need to get over it. You will eventually get there once you figure out the best way to play your deck and the best way to deal with the high amount of RNG.
You could easily reach Legend by yourself by setting goals and upping yourself. For example, try to get rank 10 next season, rank 5 the season after that and Legend the season after that. Just play the same deck over and over again, learn the match-ups, the mulligans and the deck in your metagame. Be prepared for a grind though, as even with a high winrate, you still have to spend a lot of time grinding to get to Legend.
I've been playing since Beta, but haven't had enough dust/gold/money to buy enough packs in the earlier expansions. However since playing WoW, and turning in game gold to bnet balance and buying preorders and buying more packs with gold I've been able to fill out the collection and have dust for crafting, etc. I don't recall right now if the highest I ever got was 10 or 13 with some face hunter deck many expansions ago, probably when Huntress first came out. I know arena doesn't translate as much to constructed, but I've gotten 6-11 wins most times (haven't gotten a 12).
I would like to get to Legend, to get the card back and would like help with that from a Legend player. I have 30k+ dust, 30k in repeats to dust ( I hold these for when nerfs happen to get "full" value) and 11k gold. I have 87.79% of Standard cards and 84.17% of Wild. I don't care on which I get Legend, preferably whichever is easier. I know it's asking alot to get carried/coached to Legend, would appreciate any help :)
It’s very simple to reach legend.Pick one of the top tier decks, get good with it and prepare yourself for a long journey because it’s all a big grind. Those are the three step for me and I wish you luck to reach it.
If you only care about the cardback, it's much, much easier to reach legend in wild mode than standard. Simply pick one of the top decks from a stat based tier list and you're good to go. If you are not confident with your piloting abilities, I suggest picking a deck that highrolls hard like Big priest. If you enjoy playing aggro decks, there's tons of high tier ones in wild for you to choose from too
Legend with : S65 Freeze Mage, S57 Maly Gonk Druid, S57 "Okay" Shaman, S53 Boom-zooka Hunter, S53 Maly Tog Druid, S52 Wild Tog Druid ft.Blingtron, S50 Quest Rogue, S49 Dead Man's Warrior, S41 Wild Clown Fiesta Druid, S41 Hadronox Jade Druid, S40 Wild OTK Dragon Druid, S35 SMOrc Shaman, S33 Jade Druid, S22 Control Priest, S19 Control Priest
Whats your battletag
Get ready to be fucked by RNG a lot and if you want to reach legend, you need to get over it. You will eventually get there once you figure out the best way to play your deck and the best way to deal with the high amount of RNG.
get good at coin flips bcs that‘s all hearthstone is right now.
Battletag is Snowblade#1899
If you need help getting to legend add me my battletag is Badplayb#1230
You could easily reach Legend by yourself by setting goals and upping yourself. For example, try to get rank 10 next season, rank 5 the season after that and Legend the season after that. Just play the same deck over and over again, learn the match-ups, the mulligans and the deck in your metagame. Be prepared for a grind though, as even with a high winrate, you still have to spend a lot of time grinding to get to Legend.
Why Legend and not aim for consistent rank 5 instead.
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