If there is disagreement over the strength of a deck, the deck in question is banned and you 2 start this particular leg over
If the 2 of you can’t find agreement: I will be online to check 1 deck of each player: The match then becomes a Best of 1 leg (game)
70% means you play with 2 decks that you feel like are at 70% of the strength of a netdeck (So, no HealZoo, no Aligner Druid, no face Mage, no Even-/Cubelock, no Spell-/Recruit Hunter, no Wock, no Kingsbane/mill rogue, nothing that feels too strong or oppressive/ you regularly see on ladder)
MEMES and homebrews are Highly appreciated
Have at least 3 decks ready in case you 2 can’t reach agreement on power level
First prize: Eternal Glory
Please post your tag; I’ll make the brackets before the 21st.
i am also in the “real casual network” and the blizzard friend group so i know the rules. Do i need to post 3 decklists here?
I think it will be something like this:
hand rogue, magnet deathrattle hunter, and odd mage.
sadly i dont have enough dust to make even funnier decks like elekk+deck of wonder or burgle rogue or yogg hunter, but this is the best i could make. (I am mostly dependant of what i get from packs)
have to work that day... :( otherwise i would have played...
as a sidenote, more like a tip... check the netdecks, ban a couple of cards that are heavily played in those decks, so there will be no disagreement over the strengt of a deck...
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
To live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffer!
Damm I would have played Control Paladin, Odd Combo Shaman (Alex, Elettra, Lava Burst×2, Lighning Bolt ×2 plus many Wrath of Air Totem) and the Wonderful Wizard of Odd if only wasn't Wild...
Why not making it Standard, so that anyone can partecipate?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"The flow of time is always cruel... its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it... A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days..."
Best of 3 legs simply means best of 3 games/ Bo3 conquest (No last hero standing) .
So first player to win 2 games, wins the match.
Wild format technically means standard and wild; Point was to give everybody the chance to use all his/her cards, i.e. wild also (I myself will be playing at least 1 standard and 1 wild deck) .
Of course, wild is stronger than std on the whole, but winning isn’t really the biggest point in our tnmt. Having fun is.
It’s not difficult to convert your std deck to a wild one. To the best of my knowledge, the 1 thing u have to do, is craft One wild card. I recommend Piloted Shredder, flexible card and common. So, u go to your collection, type in piloted shredder. The manager asks u if u want to check it out in the wild collection. And voilà, u can convert all your std decks to wild ones now, if u so please.
And thus accept and issue wild challenges from/to your friends.
Hello, hello, hello! I'm in. CuSO4ek#21526 Also think it's better to ban some OP cards like psychmelon, jade idol, happy ghoul, BARNES in Priest etc. Concerning aggromage it's a bit more difficult, cuz ban of Aluneth is not fun, its cool card to play in right deck) So mb it is the only archetype to ban)
"The flow of time is always cruel... its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it... A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days..."
Hello, hello, hello! I'm in. CuSO4ek#21526 Also think it's better to ban some OP cards like psychmelon, jade idol, happy ghoul, BARNES in Priest etc. Concerning aggromage it's a bit more difficult, cuz ban of Aluneth is not fun, its cool card to play in right deck) So mb it is the only archetype to ban)
Hey Cuso ek, u could be right with banning certain cards, but I’m not convinced yet. Look, when u ban happy ghoul/soularium/keleseth, u are still “allowing” participants to run Zoo but then with some substitutions.
While Zoo might be too strong for our tourny.
It might be even cooler to truly see “new” decks/interactions or golden oldies/stuff we haven’t seen in ages. I don’t think Zoo would qualify in that respect.
But, with that said, it might very well happen that the 2nd installment of our little tourny will be exactly that: some cards banned. Don’t know yet :P .
Hey guys,
special tribute to KSM_Maverick.
There’ll be a tournament. For all of us.
Please post your tag; I’ll make the brackets before the 21st.
Thanks to all of u memers!
LordPacifier #2319
Okay can i join? ilja615#2558
i am also in the “real casual network” and the blizzard friend group so i know the rules. Do i need to post 3 decklists here?
I think it will be something like this:
hand rogue, magnet deathrattle hunter, and odd mage.
sadly i dont have enough dust to make even funnier decks like elekk+deck of wonder or burgle rogue or yogg hunter, but this is the best i could make. (I am mostly dependant of what i get from packs)
hey ilja, cool that you are in!
You don’t have to post decklists, none at all, just surprise your adversary on tournament day with your memes :) .
Awesome!! I would love to join..
Lethalblow#2453 EU
have to work that day... :( otherwise i would have played...
as a sidenote, more like a tip... check the netdecks, ban a couple of cards that are heavily played in those decks, so there will be no disagreement over the strengt of a deck...
To live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffer!
I'm in, Stock#21764 . Also, what does "Best of 3 legs" means? BO3 conquest? Highlander?
Damm I would have played Control Paladin, Odd Combo Shaman (Alex, Elettra, Lava Burst×2, Lighning Bolt ×2 plus many Wrath of Air Totem) and the Wonderful Wizard of Odd if only wasn't Wild...
Why not making it Standard, so that anyone can partecipate?
"The flow of time is always cruel... its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it... A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days..."
I mean, technically all Standart decks are Wild, so i guess its OK?
ilja, lethalblow, inbouto, xNanoks, Stock, Pumpkin, welcome welcome.
It’s so cool you are playing the 21st. :D
Best of 3 legs simply means best of 3 games/ Bo3 conquest (No last hero standing) .
So first player to win 2 games, wins the match.
Wild format technically means standard and wild; Point was to give everybody the chance to use all his/her cards, i.e. wild also (I myself will be playing at least 1 standard and 1 wild deck) .
Of course, wild is stronger than std on the whole, but winning isn’t really the biggest point in our tnmt. Having fun is.
Great idea Josse / Lordpacifier !
Count me in
Great Breaker, welcome. And thanx *blushy face*
@ xNanoks, Pumpkin:
It’s not difficult to convert your std deck to a wild one. To the best of my knowledge, the 1 thing u have to do, is craft One wild card. I recommend Piloted Shredder, flexible card and common. So, u go to your collection, type in piloted shredder. The manager asks u if u want to check it out in the wild collection. And voilà, u can convert all your std decks to wild ones now, if u so please.
And thus accept and issue wild challenges from/to your friends.
Seems fun to try and play, so be ready for my terrible homebrews
I'm superbeastyb#1960
edit: put the account with no cards in it lol
Just your average off-metamancer here.
Also a member of the real casual play network https://www.hearthpwn.com/forums/hearthstone-general/general-discussion/222850-new-third-game-mode-real-casual-play-network
great you’re in, love it. Friendrequest is headed your way. I for one am so hyped for Your terrible homebrews ^^ .
@ Stock_speaketh: Seems I’m not able to befriend you. Are u in EU server?
Hello, hello, hello! I'm in. CuSO4ek#21526
Also think it's better to ban some OP cards like psychmelon, jade idol, happy ghoul, BARNES in Priest etc. Concerning aggromage it's a bit more difficult, cuz ban of Aluneth is not fun, its cool card to play in right deck) So mb it is the only archetype to ban)
Hope u are there Cookie!
Werkse - have a nice work day.
Ah but it's NA only. Damn again
"The flow of time is always cruel... its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it... A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days..."
No dear Pumpkin, it’s EU only, u can find all the info in the first post.
Oh man, i didnt notice the Eu only so you can remove me then
Just your average off-metamancer here.
Also a member of the real casual play network https://www.hearthpwn.com/forums/hearthstone-general/general-discussion/222850-new-third-game-mode-real-casual-play-network
Hey Cuso ek, u could be right with banning certain cards, but I’m not convinced yet. Look, when u ban happy ghoul/soularium/keleseth, u are still “allowing” participants to run Zoo but then with some substitutions.
While Zoo might be too strong for our tourny.
It might be even cooler to truly see “new” decks/interactions or golden oldies/stuff we haven’t seen in ages. I don’t think Zoo would qualify in that respect.
But, with that said, it might very well happen that the 2nd installment of our little tourny will be exactly that: some cards banned. Don’t know yet :P .
Awwwww, that’s too bad...... :(