I am a f2p HS and am trying to get better. I will soon buy packs, and make good decks without net-decking. I am stuck at rank 20-19 and need some training from people who are experienced. Also some people to practice with would be appreciated so I can test myself against good players.
I am a f2p HS and am trying to get better. I will soon buy packs, and make good decks without net-decking. I am stuck at rank 20-19 and need some training from people who are experienced. Also some people to practice with would be appreciated so I can test myself against good players.
Just your average off-metamancer here.
Also a member of the real casual play network https://www.hearthpwn.com/forums/hearthstone-general/general-discussion/222850-new-third-game-mode-real-casual-play-network