Start of Year: Provoke the failure of 3 expansions, force nerfs on otherwise balanced cards, bring deckbuilding to an all-time low and get rotated one year earlier for being such a threat to the game's health. - Genn and Baku's historical entry on the White Book of Shit Design, shortly before retiring unpunished
Not necessarily, but if you play only standard there's nothing wrong with that. All are welcome here (except for netdecks)
Oh, no. What I play is mainly Wild (and all my janky decks are Wild too). I was just wondering if I could join with strictly Wild decks.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Start of Year: Provoke the failure of 3 expansions, force nerfs on otherwise balanced cards, bring deckbuilding to an all-time low and get rotated one year earlier for being such a threat to the game's health. - Genn and Baku's historical entry on the White Book of Shit Design, shortly before retiring unpunished
Start of Year: Provoke the failure of 3 expansions, force nerfs on otherwise balanced cards, bring deckbuilding to an all-time low and get rotated one year earlier for being such a threat to the game's health. - Genn and Baku's historical entry on the White Book of Shit Design, shortly before retiring unpunished
a) @mods, can we get a pin now that this idea has attracted enough attention?
b) I so much wish they would unnerf Yogg-Saron, Hope's End just for real casual games. I can see why people playing tournaments or Ranked wouldn't approve of it but who would actually become salty due to a clown fiesta in Tavern Brawl or Casual?
b) I so much wish they would unnerf Yogg-Saron, Hope's End just for real casual games. I can see why people playing tournaments or Ranked wouldn't approve of it but who would actually become salty due to a clown fiesta in Tavern Brawl or Casual?
I absolutely agree. That would be amazing. Indeed if there would be a completely seperated mode just for having fun they could probably do all sorts of great things. Like in Tavern Brawl some of the things should be easy to implement. For example the starting Health and Mana should just be a number you can edit and adjusting the editor so you can make up to a 60-card deck (there is this technical limitation, so no unlimited decks unfortunately) or include cards from multiple classes should also be not so difficult. And of course there could be so much more like you start with a specific Hero or Hero Power and including uncollectible cards in your deck (for example Scroll of Wonder).
Unfortunately they are still very many "competitive" people around and it seems to me we are just a small minority. I just saw here on the front page again: "Offmeta decks with above average winrate you should give a go" and this is actually from Blizzard. When they first started this series I thought "offmeta" might be interesting and fun, but no those decks are from Legend Rank and this sort of post is rather meant for "competitive" people. And with so much "competitive attitude" around it doesn't make any sense to make such a game mode. Also it's probably a lot of work and if they can't make money from it it won't happen anyways. But just like with Tavern Brawl if enough people like this casual experience they might do it so those players stay to buy packs. But currently I think we have way too much "competitive people" around that play Ranked and such.
But yes, I really hope for such a mode and would even pay money to get access. For now the best seems to make some small remarks for those competitive people, like if someone complains again to point out that that's just the way competition works and if you don't like it how about just playing with your friends for fun. Maybe one day there will be enough people around that just want to have fun and not just win, because the moment you win the game ends and isn't that just boring? There should be a goal and games shouldn't take too long, but there is this great saying that also applies here: "The journey is its own reward."
Dude, this is an amazing idea. THIS is what could bring players new an old back into the game. Right now the only thing we have is just Whizbang the Wonderful 1v1's
"I have seen worlds bathed in the Makers' flames, their denizens fading without as much as a whimper. Entire planetary systems born and razed in the time that it takes your mortal hearts to beat once. Yet all throughout, my own heart devoid of emotion... of empathy. I. Have. Felt. Nothing. A million-million lives wasted. Had they all held within them your tenacity? Had they all loved life as you do?"
"I have seen worlds bathed in the Makers' flames, their denizens fading without as much as a whimper. Entire planetary systems born and razed in the time that it takes your mortal hearts to beat once. Yet all throughout, my own heart devoid of emotion... of empathy. I. Have. Felt. Nothing. A million-million lives wasted. Had they all held within them your tenacity? Had they all loved life as you do?"
Oh hell yes, I've always wanted Casual mode to be this. I recently dumped most of my random friends because they would only play net decks against me, which imo is a dick move when you just want to and only do play fun decks against friends. Save your netdecks for ladder, not against friends. Anyway don't mind the small rant, I'm DJBoom#11685 and I play pretty much solely on NA servers. I have memey wild and standard decks.
Please add the region/s you're playing in. I see your location is NYC, so it's probably NA, but in theory you could've choosen differently and also some people play on multiple servers.
I'm NA. I have a lot of ailments and commitments outside of HS but am a good sport and am happy to experiment with... err... unlikely decks.
This is only for Standard, right?
Start of Year: Provoke the failure of 3 expansions, force nerfs on otherwise balanced cards, bring deckbuilding to an all-time low and get rotated one year earlier for being such a threat to the game's health.
- Genn and Baku's historical entry on the White Book of Shit Design, shortly before retiring unpunished
Please guys,
if u wanna participate in the tourny (or read up on the latest info about it), head on over to:
Reason is: I am not 100% sure if in this case Lemushki wants to be included
- in “my” tnmt,
- or in the list Maverick gathers (which can be found in the first post of this thread) for the Real Casual Play Network.
Not necessarily, but if you play only standard there's nothing wrong with that. All are welcome here (except for netdecks)
Proud member of the real casual play network
Hit rank 15 with a homebrew back in the KOFT days.
There's all my notable achievements.
NA Battletag Camelo #11868
Count me in!
EU, Jarakal#2955
Our group is growing super fast! This is really cool
Proud member of the real casual play network
Hit rank 15 with a homebrew back in the KOFT days.
There's all my notable achievements.
Oh, no. What I play is mainly Wild (and all my janky decks are Wild too). I was just wondering if I could join with strictly Wild decks.
Start of Year: Provoke the failure of 3 expansions, force nerfs on otherwise balanced cards, bring deckbuilding to an all-time low and get rotated one year earlier for being such a threat to the game's health.
- Genn and Baku's historical entry on the White Book of Shit Design, shortly before retiring unpunished
(EU) Morkimus#2997
My janky decks are all Wild.
Start of Year: Provoke the failure of 3 expansions, force nerfs on otherwise balanced cards, bring deckbuilding to an all-time low and get rotated one year earlier for being such a threat to the game's health.
- Genn and Baku's historical entry on the White Book of Shit Design, shortly before retiring unpunished
Two suggestions:
a) @mods, can we get a pin now that this idea has attracted enough attention?
b) I so much wish they would unnerf Yogg-Saron, Hope's End just for real casual games. I can see why people playing tournaments or Ranked wouldn't approve of it but who would actually become salty due to a clown fiesta in Tavern Brawl or Casual?
Yaron#2334 EU server :)
Dude, this is an amazing idea. THIS is what could bring players new an old back into the game. Right now the only thing we have is just Whizbang the Wonderful 1v1's
Just your average off-metamancer here.
Also a member of the real casual play network
Count me in! Likafoss#1733
This space is intentionally blank.
Great idea, I want in
Question: What if I'm playing a really fine tuned strong version of a meme deck?
Follow up: Is it standard only?
What a fantastic, proactive idea. I doff my cap and am in: sm1ng#11913 on NA (Apologies for not specifying earlier).
By the Holy Light!
SilentStorm#192428 on NA.
I'm begging you.
I'll do anything, I'll play your dumb quests for hours, I'll play whatever you want.
Kaladin's RoS Set Review
Join me at Out of Cards!
Oh hell yes, I've always wanted Casual mode to be this. I recently dumped most of my random friends because they would only play net decks against me, which imo is a dick move when you just want to and only do play fun decks against friends. Save your netdecks for ladder, not against friends. Anyway don't mind the small rant, I'm DJBoom#11685 and I play pretty much solely on NA servers. I have memey wild and standard decks.
I'm NA. I have a lot of ailments and commitments outside of HS but am a good sport and am happy to experiment with... err... unlikely decks.
By the Holy Light!
Just pinning this up for a newcomers ^^
Moving into
Is the league still forming?
Regions: US
ID: MightyOwl
Blizzard #165587