This appears to be a great idea and I am glad the OP took the initiative to set this up. I have both ladder and non ladder decks so I would be interested in this.
This appears to be a great idea and I am glad the OP took the initiative to set this up. I have both ladder and non ladder decks so I would be interested in this.
Is this for Wild or Standard or both?
This is for both,
just some players will prefer only std and others also wilds (i don't care, i just use a std deck)
Hang on. Who determines what decks are allowed here? Considered one man's meme is another man's top tier, there's a heck of a lot of subjective opinion involved.
For example, I see Mecathun decks as the ultimate memey type of deck - yet some would consider them top tier which I would disagree. And let's assume they aren't - the best way to combat them is to use a high-aggro deck or similar, which are definitely top tier. So removing decks you just happen not to like means other decks that others hate will become forefront instead.
It's a slippery slope...
I think i've addressed this kind of query before but i'll reiterate:
What you've described would be a problem if you were still queueing in casual where you have no control over who you queue against or what they play. But you're not in casual. You're here with friends.
This means that instead of hitting CASUAL - GO and facing your 17th top tier meta opponent in a row you hit up someone on your friendslist from this thread or join the discord and go from there.
YOU: Hey, up for a few games?
ESTEEMED COLLEAGUE: Sure, im running sillypally with all weapons and no minions. What are you playing?
YOU: I saw a ridiculous shaman deck that plays only minions that look like they taste nice. Let's go!
You see there isn't really a risk of you having a massive disagreement about power level or meme vs meta unless one of you are lying, or neither of you know how to speak.
New Tavern Brawl in the Discord - Female Minions Only!
You may use spells, but any minions you use must be female. If you can't make a good argument that a minion is female (like slimes or sexually ambiguous animals/elementals etc.) then you can't use it.
Try not to just fill a deck with all spells though - we do want some funny interactions happening.
What an amazing idea!! Thats exactly what ive been looking for the whole time. Im a wild only player and I wanna have fun with meme decks or play control decks with non popular cards and try out new combos/synergies. But usually end up dying to meta decks and aggro in both wild casual mode and wild ranked mode. I can only play such decks with my good ol Inkeeper xD other than that i sometimes meet people like myself in some games and add them, and we play together after. But i thought there isnt that many people around in my reach.. until i found this site.
so excited to be a part of this activity. Please add me, we'll have fun wild time :) i also like helping others complete their quests, so feel free to ask for help.
Server: EU Lethalblow#2453 online most of the time :)
Also, just installed Discord; could it be that the invitation for the “real casual play network” isn’t valid anymore? Can’t seem to find my way in :( .
Nevertheless, thanx a bunch for the great initiative!
If there is disagreement over the strength of a deck, the deck in question is banned and you 2 start this particular leg over
If the 2 of you can’t find agreement: I will be online to check 1 deck of each player: The match then becomes a Best of 1 leg (game)
70% means you play with 2 decks that you feel like are at 70% of the strength of a netdeck (So, no HealZoo, no Aligner Druid, no face Mage, no Even-/Cubelock, no Spell-/Recruit Hunter, no Wock, no Kingsbane/mill rogue, nothing that feels too strong or oppressive/ you regularly see on ladder)
MEMES and homebrews are Highly appreciated
Have at least 3 decks ready in case you 2 can’t reach agreement on power level
First prize: Eternal Glory
Please post your tag; I’ll make the brackets before the 21st.
Nicodemus300#1588 NA
Lol i figured cause it's not super optimized but it has some serious potential. Ixilid into mulchmuncher is pretty killer.
Also I had a pretty bad draw lol
Proud member of the real casual play network
Hit rank 15 with a homebrew back in the KOFT days.
There's all my notable achievements.
I often try playing Topsy Priest on my phone. Apparently I hate my life... XD
Lol i do too.
Proud member of the real casual play network
Hit rank 15 with a homebrew back in the KOFT days.
There's all my notable achievements.
This appears to be a great idea and I am glad the OP took the initiative to set this up. I have both ladder and non ladder decks so I would be interested in this.
Is this for Wild or Standard or both?
This is for both,
just some players will prefer only std and others also wilds (i don't care, i just use a std deck)
Leper Gnome
A place for just the Timmys and Johnnys? Count me in.
I think i've addressed this kind of query before but i'll reiterate:
What you've described would be a problem if you were still queueing in casual where you have no control over who you queue against or what they play. But you're not in casual. You're here with friends.
This means that instead of hitting CASUAL - GO and facing your 17th top tier meta opponent in a row you hit up someone on your friendslist from this thread or join the discord and go from there.
YOU: Hey, up for a few games?
ESTEEMED COLLEAGUE: Sure, im running sillypally with all weapons and no minions. What are you playing?
YOU: I saw a ridiculous shaman deck that plays only minions that look like they taste nice. Let's go!
You see there isn't really a risk of you having a massive disagreement about power level or meme vs meta unless one of you are lying, or neither of you know how to speak.
EDIT: Spelling.
New Tavern Brawl in the Discord - Female Minions Only!
You may use spells, but any minions you use must be female. If you can't make a good argument that a minion is female (like slimes or sexually ambiguous animals/elementals etc.) then you can't use it.
Try not to just fill a deck with all spells though - we do want some funny interactions happening.
Join the Tavern Brawl channel and get Brewing.
Still no word on a pin.
keep it bumped and eventually it will
good luck :)
I'm not online, it's just your imagination
What an amazing idea!! Thats exactly what ive been looking for the whole time. Im a wild only player and I wanna have fun with meme decks or play control decks with non popular cards and try out new combos/synergies. But usually end up dying to meta decks and aggro in both wild casual mode and wild ranked mode. I can only play such decks with my good ol Inkeeper xD other than that i sometimes meet people like myself in some games and add them, and we play together after. But i thought there isnt that many people around in my reach.. until i found this site.
so excited to be a part of this activity. Please add me, we'll have fun wild time :) i also like helping others complete their quests, so feel free to ask for help.
Server: EU Lethalblow#2453 online most of the time :)
Hey Maverick and all, wonderful idea, thanx!
Please add me to the list of participants:
Also, just installed Discord; could it be that the invitation for the “real casual play network” isn’t valid anymore? Can’t seem to find my way in :( .
Nevertheless, thanx a bunch for the great initiative!
Hey guys,
special tribute to KSM_Maverick.
There’ll be a tournament. For all of us.
Please post your tag; I’ll make the brackets before the 21st.
Thanks to all of u memers!
LordPacifier #2319
Can I join this, I am just a free to play and want to do something other than competitive.
My name is thrashntrash#11542 Na and superbeastyb#1960 NA
Also I like to homebrew decks, so be ready for some stupidity
Just your average off-metamancer here.
Also a member of the real casual play network
You can add me, too. PowerOfCheez#1873 on all three servers.
Would love to resurrect some old favorite decks that power creep has invalidated (well, not they they were terribly competitive to begin with, lol).
"Its beyond my control." - Viscount Valmont, as played by John Malkovich, Dangerous Liaisons
Hey thrasnthrash and powerofcheese, great u wanna join!
Thrash, I am sorry, it’s on EU...
power, I’ll add u ingame and in the brackets for sunday, very gladly so. Resurrect those oldies/ good ol’ memories! :P
Please, going forward, inscribe yourself in the dedicated thread:
Count me in! The idea is great.
Battle tag: MCMitta #2600. EU server.
How does it work with discord? And how do you plan on making the tourney? Do you have some information about that.
Check out my latest deck creation: Big beasts Druid!
Sure mc mitta!
Gonna add u to the tourny bracket, thanx for participating ^^ .
All the info:
NA mostly Lemushki #1729