Why none said Savjz? He s a great streamer. Also Thjis, Kolento, Kripp there are a lot of fantastic streamers
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"The flow of time is always cruel... its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it... A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days..."
but i found the thread just now. and i have to make an important addition:
some people mentioned that one should watch kripp or hafu for arena. I disagree a lot. They are all insanely good. It's amazing how well Kripp does in arena, despite being sniped, playing super fast and for fun. It's not the skill that is the problem, but both kripp and hafu barely explain their thoughts. which probably is thanks to the fact that their years of experience made them not having to think anymore at all. the brain simply knows already what's the right play. that doesn't help beginners. so here is my advice for arena: shadybunny. He often ropes, which makes watching him a time consuming thing. a run easily takes 3h. but he is regularly in the top10 of arena rankings and he really really explains things to his audience. that's his thing. things that are obvious to him, he points out over and over and over again. vinecleaver plagues the meta? every time he faces paladin, despite him knowing it by hard, he reminds the audience: we gotta play around vinecleaver. mage trick since the introduction of arena: play a secret like counterspell on turn 6. your opponent considers that it might be mirror image, plays something small, realizes it is not, playes another small minion. your turn 7: flamestrike. he doesn't get tired explaining everything again and again. why to mulligan cards X and Y? let's tell the audience. which is great for anyone who is not averaging 7+ wins in arena.
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Cross-server challenge-a-friend quest trading:
If you play primarily on NA, but also on EU, then maybe you are interested in cross-server trading? Whenever I get the 80g quest on NA I would love to give it away and get it on EU in return. If you'd like a long-lasting trade routine, drop me a message here on hearthpwn!
Yogg-Saron challenge: Whenever you encounter a Yogg Saron player - concede in honor and send a friend request. It takes balls to play a card that usually results in your own death. :D
Rdu is very entertaining, explain a lot about the strategy and game mechanic to the viewers. Im f2p and learned a lot. I highly recommend if somebody want to learn the ladder deck strategies.
Kibler and Thijs is good and they play with fun, good to see some fresh decks.
And Wowhobbs. If u want to see some off meta selfmade decks, totally worth to check.
my personal favorite is regiskillbin because he is just a lot of fun. he hardly ever gets salty or angry. and just watching him makes me feel happy. :)
Totally agree! Im not an arena player, but shadybunny really helps to understand arena mechanics and drafts, i mostly like when playing coop with educated collins
I watched a lot Trump ... But i didnt improve at all from hes lessons . I watch Dane . ATM hes my favourite HS streamer . Hes desicions are perfect thats why hes so good at the game .
+1 on shadybunny (and Collins) as the best arena streamer with education value. To me Kripp is the most entertaining, but I think you will not only learn very little by watching him, but also pick up a few bad habits (like playing super fast, which cost him too, but will cost you more).
For ladder, haven't seen him mentioned, but if you like hunter, deathstar_v3 is a specialist. For rogue there is J_Alexander, these guys play these classes exclusively and are experts. Other streamers watch them for tips.
Pwnyhof for a while, Trump and Firebat mostly with a smattering of RegisKilbin and BoarControl.
I find Princess Kibler to be a little precious and Kripparian to be a Salt Mine (but his skill at Arena is not in doubt)
Although I learnt mostly from Trump at the start. Watching him steamroller Total Biscuit in his WTF is Hearthstone? video made me want to play the game.
I feel like i learned the most just watching HCTs, but then again I barely watch streamers, just check vods if it's a deck i want some of the finer details of piloting.
I do like RDU and j4ckiechan to try to mention some streamers who aren't mentioned as much in this thread.
Wowhobbs is who I watch most of the time. I like the fact that he is brewing his own decks and he seems like he is a fairly average player and a regular guy and that is something I can relate to. Thijis is a good player, I watch him sometimes. I watch Kibler but I don't like his classical music, I am tired of hearthstone music as well so I cant win. Also he seems like he has a high and mighty personality and I am not really into that. I guess I understand he had success in Magic and now also in hearthstone so maybe there is a reason for it. He does seem to take the game not too seriously so that's good, having a sense of humor is kind of required in this game. I do like me some toast every once in a while. Kripp is good for a laugh and to see how arena works, something that I am terrible at.
Why none said Savjz? He s a great streamer. Also Thjis, Kolento, Kripp there are a lot of fantastic streamers
"The flow of time is always cruel... its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it... A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days..."
For Ladder Kibler, Thijs & Alliestrasza and for Arena Amaz.
Since i watch those streams regular, my missplays on both modes decreased drasticaly and i draft far better on Arena.
Want to discuss my predictions or suggestions with me personaly?
Contact me via battletag: Athanor#1658 [EU]
Battletag: Moxxos#2782
Region: EU
Trade Only?: Yes, you go first.
wrong thread, @BigC1111 ... :D
but i found the thread just now. and i have to make an important addition:
some people mentioned that one should watch kripp or hafu for arena. I disagree a lot. They are all insanely good. It's amazing how well Kripp does in arena, despite being sniped, playing super fast and for fun. It's not the skill that is the problem, but both kripp and hafu barely explain their thoughts. which probably is thanks to the fact that their years of experience made them not having to think anymore at all. the brain simply knows already what's the right play.
that doesn't help beginners. so here is my advice for arena: shadybunny. He often ropes, which makes watching him a time consuming thing. a run easily takes 3h. but he is regularly in the top10 of arena rankings and he really really explains things to his audience. that's his thing. things that are obvious to him, he points out over and over and over again. vinecleaver plagues the meta? every time he faces paladin, despite him knowing it by hard, he reminds the audience: we gotta play around vinecleaver. mage trick since the introduction of arena: play a secret like counterspell on turn 6. your opponent considers that it might be mirror image, plays something small, realizes it is not, playes another small minion. your turn 7: flamestrike. he doesn't get tired explaining everything again and again. why to mulligan cards X and Y? let's tell the audience. which is great for anyone who is not averaging 7+ wins in arena.
Cross-server challenge-a-friend quest trading:
If you play primarily on NA, but also on EU, then maybe you are interested in cross-server trading? Whenever I get the 80g quest on NA I would love to give it away and get it on EU in return. If you'd like a long-lasting trade routine, drop me a message here on hearthpwn!
Yogg-Saron challenge:
Whenever you encounter a Yogg Saron player - concede in honor and send a friend request. It takes balls to play a card that usually results in your own death. :D
Rdu is very entertaining, explain a lot about the strategy and game mechanic to the viewers. Im f2p and learned a lot. I highly recommend if somebody want to learn the ladder deck strategies.
Kibler and Thijs is good and they play with fun, good to see some fresh decks.
And Wowhobbs. If u want to see some off meta selfmade decks, totally worth to check.
Theres only one trick .. craft a tier 1 deck .
I learned eons ago everything I know about arena thanks to Good ol' Sensei Kripparrian. :)
my personal favorite is regiskillbin because he is just a lot of fun. he hardly ever gets salty or angry. and just watching him makes me feel happy. :)
Rejoice, for even in death, you have become children of Thanos.
I watched your mom haHAA
Totally agree! Im not an arena player, but shadybunny really helps to understand arena mechanics and drafts, i mostly like when playing coop with educated collins
I watched a lot Trump ... But i didnt improve at all from hes lessons . I watch Dane . ATM hes my favourite HS streamer . Hes desicions are perfect thats why hes so good at the game .
+1 on shadybunny (and Collins) as the best arena streamer with education value. To me Kripp is the most entertaining, but I think you will not only learn very little by watching him, but also pick up a few bad habits (like playing super fast, which cost him too, but will cost you more).
For ladder, haven't seen him mentioned, but if you like hunter, deathstar_v3 is a specialist. For rogue there is J_Alexander, these guys play these classes exclusively and are experts. Other streamers watch them for tips.
I watch myself playing all the time.
Pwnyhof for a while, Trump and Firebat mostly with a smattering of RegisKilbin and BoarControl.
I find Princess Kibler to be a little precious and Kripparian to be a Salt Mine (but his skill at Arena is not in doubt)
Although I learnt mostly from Trump at the start. Watching him steamroller Total Biscuit in his WTF is Hearthstone? video made me want to play the game.
4/3/19 RIP Keith Flint. 😔
I feel like i learned the most just watching HCTs, but then again I barely watch streamers, just check vods if it's a deck i want some of the finer details of piloting.
I do like RDU and j4ckiechan to try to mention some streamers who aren't mentioned as much in this thread.
Wowhobbs is who I watch most of the time. I like the fact that he is brewing his own decks and he seems like he is a fairly average player and a regular guy and that is something I can relate to. Thijis is a good player, I watch him sometimes. I watch Kibler but I don't like his classical music, I am tired of hearthstone music as well so I cant win. Also he seems like he has a high and mighty personality and I am not really into that. I guess I understand he had success in Magic and now also in hearthstone so maybe there is a reason for it. He does seem to take the game not too seriously so that's good, having a sense of humor is kind of required in this game. I do like me some toast every once in a while. Kripp is good for a laugh and to see how arena works, something that I am terrible at.
I'm not dead yet!
Dekkster is the best for constructed. He thinks loud and then makes great plays.