Consistently hit Rank 5 (rank 3 when tryharding) but looking for someone to talk about the game and practice with to help me make the push to legend. Feel free to send invite if interested :)
I think having someone to practice/talk with regularly would be loads of help. I was pretty casual for a couple of years. This past month I've invested a lot more time into learning the meta and bettering myself. Hit Rank 5 recently. Still hoping to climb a little bit more.
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Battletag: TheChipmunk#1945
Region: US
Consistently hit Rank 5 (rank 3 when tryharding) but looking for someone to talk about the game and practice with to help me make the push to legend. Feel free to send invite if interested :)
I'm down.
Sent friend request.
I think having someone to practice/talk with regularly would be loads of help. I was pretty casual for a couple of years. This past month I've invested a lot more time into learning the meta and bettering myself. Hit Rank 5 recently. Still hoping to climb a little bit more.