So apparently I've hit my block as far as I can go with my own knowledge and skills at rank 10-11. After looking at the current meta and deck builds I'm fairly certain it isn't my cards and its just my own play skill. I'm looking for other players that are interested in playing each other fairly regularly and working together so we can all advance. If anyone is interested please feel free to message me your battletag. Thanks.
Also sitting at 11 constantly, Single digits seem so close. Ramp Druid, Zoo, Murlock, Aggro Mage. I can build just about everything but control warrior. But need playtest partners
So apparently I've hit my block as far as I can go with my own knowledge and skills at rank 10-11. After looking at the current meta and deck builds I'm fairly certain it isn't my cards and its just my own play skill. I'm looking for other players that are interested in playing each other fairly regularly and working together so we can all advance. If anyone is interested please feel free to message me your battletag. Thanks.
Moved to the Player and Teams Forum.
I'd be interested. Hit me up, Email,
id be happy to play
battle tag: Blackcrysis#1438
Add me - I love random skirmishes. Razor#1447
Interested as well. DaBookie #1847
I'm totally interested, i've been looking for something just like this add me for sure.
I made it to legend rank this season without spending any money on the game.
My battletag is AlexDaBoss#1990
Silentshank #1241 been going back and forth from 13-11 for a little while now. i mainly play lock, rogue, hunter, warrior
Also sitting at 11 constantly, Single digits seem so close. Ramp Druid, Zoo, Murlock, Aggro Mage. I can build just about everything but control warrior. But need playtest partners
I've sent add requests to everyone thats interested. I look forward to playing you all soon and hopefully we all can become better players ^_^