General Discussion

Talk about anything and everything hearthstone!
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2 >>
by Fluxflashor
21,813 1,571,075
The Pepper Thread - Share your good vibes! >>
by craptasm
7,510 666,930
The Official Hearthstone Meme Thread >>
by Scorpyon
42 37,444
XP Achievement Guide - Forged in the Barrens >>
by JustACheetah
69 66,923
BG Cho'Gall Sticker Bugged when Doubled >>
by HarryResol
0 35
They leaked the entire expansion >>
by UnkarsThug
45 8,515
Guess the expansion theme/name >>
by Moop547
13 638
Off-meta Streamers >>
by Zizka
8 838
Skill level versus time of day >>
by Orhoz25
10 1,320
Hearthstone it's a scam game? >>
by NewHearthstoneStrategy
22 3,476
Nerf Crystallizer? >>
by fabjx
9 1,141
I must admit this replay hurts a bit >>
by RolandofGilead
1 132
Adding friend from BG duo >>
by CoKrokToPrd
4 327
how does snatch and grab work with barbaric sorceress >>
by HUmanMustard420
1 353
What is your definition of fun in HS? >>
by olestuga
32 2,895
How is that every expansion... >>
by HeilKise
23 2,332
Mythic Ragnaros the firelord bundle >>
by grokl77
12 1,128
Ragnaros skin stops special board interactions on your side >>
by crazyt4c0
12 1,248
Patch 30.4 Achievements (and how to complete them) >>
by DatMageDoe
9 2,524
I am wrongly accused of using bots >>
by BeigeHydra
40 3,628
Plagues >>
by Dragoon2k
4 842
Great new UI >>
by market_show
1 567
New cosmetic discussion. >>
by Antoha
22 1,781
This event.. >>
by olestuga
9 2,203
Can't use mercenaries mode for daily quests? >>
by RolandofGilead
9 899