General Discussion

Talk about anything and everything hearthstone!
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2 >>
by Fluxflashor
21,959 1,613,431
The Pepper Thread - Share your good vibes! >>
by craptasm
7,513 676,540
The Official Hearthstone Meme Thread >>
by Scorpyon
42 38,596
XP Achievement Guide - Forged in the Barrens >>
by JustACheetah
69 67,692
Questions - i just came back to the game after 5 years off >>
by TwoToned
1 97
Best Card From Each Expansion - Whispers of the Old Gods >>
by The_Hearthstone_Djinni
3 144
How to beat Terran Shaman? >>
by HastyKnight
7 939
Best Card From Each Expansion - The League of Explorers >>
by The_Hearthstone_Djinni
1 261
Hearthstone Youtube >>
by HastyKnight
4 500
Anyone know when's the next expansion? >>
by Seagully0
8 813
Best Card From Each Expansion - The Grand Tournament >>
by The_Hearthstone_Djinni
0 251
Best Card From Each Expansion - Blackrock Mountain >>
by The_Hearthstone_Djinni
2 327
Thoughts on Mini-Expansion? >>
29 3,741
Best Card from Each Expansion - Goblins vs. Gnomes >>
by The_Hearthstone_Djinni
7 672
Best Card from Each Expansion - Curse of Naxxramas >>
by The_Hearthstone_Djinni
1 390
Quest watch friend to win a game >>
by user-100406316
0 200
Best Card from Each Hearthstone Expansion - Classic >>
by The_Hearthstone_Djinni
0 277
Best Card from Each Hearthstone Expansion - Basic >>
by The_Hearthstone_Djinni
5 694
Why didn't this work? >>
by PDaniel2001
6 650
Protoss quest bug? >>
by HastyKnight
2 478
how does drawing cards work? >>
by Golden_Zero
2 392
Groovy cat and Artanis interaction >>
by lv426a11
3 676
Shudderblock and The Exodar >>
by fabjx
2 805
Why is this still happening? >>
by olestuga
3 413
So where is it all leading? >>
by Xssx
8 1,286