General Discussion

Talk about anything and everything hearthstone!
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Twist Tierlist (My opinion) >>
by Master_Roxas
22 7,791
Congrats Blizzard, You did it. >>
by DadamE
9 1,349
LF Help with the Replicator-inator Event Quest >>
by Ahyoka
7 1,384
Hearth Arena and Potential Influence >>
by MomoUk
0 443
LF Help with the Replicator-inator Quest NA >>
by JoeHoboWitness
0 230
Why do some classes always take the worst beating? >>
by fabjx71
21 3,929
Downloads on mobile >>
by CoKrokToPrd
1 432
Hearthstone is in a horrible spot right now >>
by DarkTrench
4 1,265
Mini-set change anything? >>
by Randyrhoads
8 2,242
Fate splitter bug >>
by lv426a11
2 434
It's just me or there is no reason to grind for legend each month? >>
by BananaBot
10 2,229
HS is such a sassy app... >>
by Leave_It
0 337
Shop always closed >>
by NCFortune
6 2,331
Why are there so many bots in Hearthstone these days? >>
by HearthpwnGuruMaster
1 446
Battlegrounds current meta tips >>
by RolandofGilead84
3 5,075
Which loaner deck to choose in the current meta? >>
by Hiezu
3 27,765
Dealing with rage and the feeling of "unfairness" >>
by BiscuitChan
9 1,776
Petition to make Healing Totem heal your hero. >>
by Potatotree
5 1,140
No more counter against Reno decks >>
by olestuga
16 4,579
False Disciple >>
by CoKrokToPrd
3 784
New Weekly Quest Requirements >>
by GravyNSauce
39 5,518
New rules for discover >>
by sanchogrande
5 1,204
How to win against priest? >>
by CoKrokToPrd
9 746
Anyone else unable to login to Arena? >>
2 1,384
Hearthstone Won't start >>
by Dinomaniak8642
2 299