It took me 2-3 years but I’ve finally reached legend *without* playing a netdeck. Holy shit, what a rush. At D5-1, all warriors are identical and my deck is tailored to deal with them. Got a lot of warriors.
Must Rogue are the same too, provided you survive the first five rounds, you win.
Anyway, living proof you don’t need to play net decks to reach legend. To some extent, playing the meta makes you predictable.
It took me 2-3 years but I’ve finally reached legend *without* playing a netdeck. Holy shit, what a rush. At D5-1, all warriors are identical and my deck is tailored to deal with them. Got a lot of warriors.
Must Rogue are the same too, provided you survive the first five rounds, you win.
Anyway, living proof you don’t need to play net decks to reach legend. To some extent, playing the meta makes you predictable.
I had the same good feeling when i first time used my hand-made mill-druid to reach legend in wild. It was WAAAAY before dew process/tony/solar eclipse non-sense. I had to use cards like Forest Guide and Grove Tender and boy it was satisfying to play deck/cards that noone ever played
I had been prepping for awhile and this dude (at 6 health) plays a yogg to steal my yogg then dupes his yogg with a killing board next turn. But, the turn before I prepped getting secret that summons a 3 cost card when he ends his turn with no mana and also got a concoction that does 3 dmg some turn before. After his turn (which he had ended with no mana) I got a 3/5 card which I promptly hit face with and used my concoction. TLDR, nice yoggs bro it'd be a shame if I didn't care and killed him anyways.
Just over three years have gone by since I originally posted this and I have completed all but one– Druid 500; currently at 114 wins, came back to 79 wins.
I have managed Legend (this week with Tree Druid)– since the post I've only played Alterac Valley through MotLK expansions and came back to the game these last two and a half weeks of December; I have since gotten Mage to Golden and Heroic Portrait (During Nathria), and Rogue is sitting pretty at 479 wins.
I did get Golden border on Demon Hunter, mostly 'cause AV – March only gave me cards for Illidan and I was on a budget so basically Fel DH and Relic was all I played except the occasional mage to get Jaina's portrait, and a budget (I lie, I had enough dust to craft the legendaries I didn't get, except Draka variants because I knew I wasn't fast enough for her) Concoction Rogue to crawl towards gold Valeera.
Seriously though, I'm sure if I had played the previous two expansions of this year I'd have all DH legendaries for the past 2 years...I'm literally just missing Prime and Halveria. The game loves giving me Demon Hunter cards.
(And I did eventually manage to save enough gold for The Amazing Reno, it was killing Galakrond that became a problem xD)
I never accept friend requests when I beat an opponent and know they feel sour as I play homebrew decks and just face meta net decks but did this time and his comment was that I was reported and to enjoy my ban. hahaha
Had some 2600 gold I initially wanted to save for the next expansion. One spontaneous craving for pack-opening dopamine later and I'm back to 0.
But holy moly, was it worth it. 5 legendaries (2 signatures which I'm a huge sucker for), 4 epic cards and 3 golden. Most lucky I've ever been and probably ever will be.
It's 28 turns long with two off-meta decks (Reno Renathal Rogue and Reno Warlock). I had never seen the former before and I don't think my opponent had seen mine as well.
I'm aware my deck is wonky but it's fun. It's still not optimized, there are a few cards which should probably be changed.
Some dude dirty rat fanottem on t2. I'll let you figured out what happened next.
I've been playing Hearthstone for 10 years, ever since its release. For a decade, I’ve been trying to reach the game’s highest rank, Legend. After years of grinding, learning, and falling short, today, for the very first time, I finally made it.
Players who hit Legend regularly might not think it’s a big deal, but to me, it’s everything. I’ve always dreamed of reaching the pinnacle, of seeing that Legend rank beside my name, and of earning the exclusive card back that symbolizes the journey. And today, I did it. After 10 years, I achieved what I once thought might be impossible.
I decided it would be fun to play big priest in twist.
2nd game I coin Barnes into Y'sharj who pulled Ragnaros - probably gave my opponent flashbacks.
It took me 2-3 years but I’ve finally reached legend *without* playing a netdeck. Holy shit, what a rush. At D5-1, all warriors are identical and my deck is tailored to deal with them. Got a lot of warriors.
Must Rogue are the same too, provided you survive the first five rounds, you win.
Anyway, living proof you don’t need to play net decks to reach legend. To some extent, playing the meta makes you predictable.
I had the same good feeling when i first time used my hand-made mill-druid to reach legend in wild.
It was WAAAAY before dew process/tony/solar eclipse non-sense.
I had to use cards like Forest Guide and Grove Tender and boy it was satisfying to play deck/cards that noone ever played
Transformed a 21 attack C'thun into a squirrel.
I had been prepping for awhile and this dude (at 6 health) plays a yogg to steal my yogg then dupes his yogg with a killing board next turn. But, the turn before I prepped getting secret that summons a 3 cost card when he ends his turn with no mana and also got a concoction that does 3 dmg some turn before. After his turn (which he had ended with no mana) I got a 3/5 card which I promptly hit face with and used my concoction. TLDR, nice yoggs bro it'd be a shame if I didn't care and killed him anyways.
Seeing a bunch of brewmaster/evacute warlock, so playing blood dk to counter, to increase my total life total.
Just over three years have gone by since I originally posted this and I have completed all but one– Druid 500; currently at 114 wins, came back to 79 wins.
I have managed Legend (this week with Tree Druid)– since the post I've only played Alterac Valley through MotLK expansions and came back to the game these last two and a half weeks of December; I have since gotten Mage to Golden and Heroic Portrait (During Nathria), and Rogue is sitting pretty at 479 wins.
I did get Golden border on Demon Hunter, mostly 'cause AV – March only gave me cards for Illidan and I was on a budget so basically Fel DH and Relic was all I played except the occasional mage to get Jaina's portrait, and a budget (I lie, I had enough dust to craft the legendaries I didn't get, except Draka variants because I knew I wasn't fast enough for her) Concoction Rogue to crawl towards gold Valeera.
Seriously though, I'm sure if I had played the previous two expansions of this year I'd have all DH legendaries for the past 2 years...I'm literally just missing Prime and Halveria. The game loves giving me Demon Hunter cards.
(And I did eventually manage to save enough gold for The Amazing Reno, it was killing Galakrond that became a problem xD)
Turn 11 win playing Thorim for the 2nd time

I never accept friend requests when I beat an opponent and know they feel sour as I play homebrew decks and just face meta net decks but did this time and his comment was that I was reported and to enjoy my ban. hahaha
Dead Game.
Blizzard completely destroy this game.
Full of cheating.
1000 wins with all classes baby, let's gooooooooooooo
Having a blast playing Discard Questline Lock in Wild. Always fun to see Plague DKs blow themselves up.
Keep playing against the worst paladins I've ever seen. Lol.
Had some 2600 gold I initially wanted to save for the next expansion. One spontaneous craving for pack-opening dopamine later and I'm back to 0.
But holy moly, was it worth it. 5 legendaries (2 signatures which I'm a huge sucker for), 4 epic cards and 3 golden. Most lucky I've ever been and probably ever will be.
Do you guys want to watch an interesting game?
It's 28 turns long with two off-meta decks (Reno Renathal Rogue and Reno Warlock). I had never seen the former before and I don't think my opponent had seen mine as well.
I'm aware my deck is wonky but it's fun. It's still not optimized, there are a few cards which should probably be changed.
Some dude dirty rat fanottem on t2. I'll let you figured out what happened next.
I've been playing Hearthstone for 10 years, ever since its release. For a decade, I’ve been trying to reach the game’s highest rank, Legend. After years of grinding, learning, and falling short, today, for the very first time, I finally made it.
Players who hit Legend regularly might not think it’s a big deal, but to me, it’s everything. I’ve always dreamed of reaching the pinnacle, of seeing that Legend rank beside my name, and of earning the exclusive card back that symbolizes the journey. And today, I did it. After 10 years, I achieved what I once thought might be impossible.
My biggest beetles