Just trying out an imp/curselock hybrid in legend, facing skelly mage. I steal his brann with topior and kill him next turn with kael>brann>denathrius. Guy adds me, i always accept them as the little nerdrages you get 9 out of 10 times are way too funny. And bingo, instantly starts ranting how i'm only legend because of implock (funny, this is my 48th legend month and i hit it with shaman this month) and how i played so bad. Guy didn't have an answer to 'i played so bad, yet you still lost, how bad must you be playing?' And just stars slinging random insults on the level of a true 12 year old, made my day before work :D
for the first time ever, I got a card I needed for a deck as I am building as one of my free cards (new set returning player bundle) I got that dragon made out of bushes, which was very happy about as it's one less card to craft for my Rank Druid.
I also got an epic I needed from one of the packs... Usually my luck is abysmal when it comes to getting cards I actually need.
Just trying out an imp/curselock hybrid in legend, facing skelly mage. I steal his brann with topior and kill him next turn with kael>brann>denathrius. Guy adds me, i always accept them as the little nerdrages you get 9 out of 10 times are way too funny. And bingo, instantly starts ranting how i'm only legend because of implock (funny, this is my 48th legend month and i hit it with shaman this month) and how i played so bad. Guy didn't have an answer to 'i played so bad, yet you still lost, how bad must you be playing?' And just stars slinging random insults on the level of a true 12 year old, made my day before work :D
I actually used to add people to tell them I love their deck and things like this... people don't usually accept as they think you're going to rage.
Had a few guys accept and then end up being my friend because they were so surprised I actually had something positive to say to them. I love getting beaten by weird combos and stuff.
Had the same happen to me as well when I beat someone with an amazing Glinda + x 2 Demon Portal combo (cheated out 4 giants for free I believe... wish I had hs-replay back then for the replay data) back in wildwoods. He was new to game and was blown away by what he just seen.
You do sometimes get some wholesome interactions... but most are probably salt, ha ha.
Ok so I'm playing last night with my new infuse Hunter deck, just getting to know the cards and stuff. so I cue into ladder about 15 times in a row, and I'm facing all these weird and wonderful decks. I thought maybe late at night the meta changes or something...
Then I realised I was cueing into the friendly mode the whole time :'D
I feel so bad... all these people playing these beautiful homebrew decks, and I'm just smashing them right up with a horrible, hunter deck.
It was funny though man, I thought I was doing really well and that I must have climbed a bunch of ranks, but no, i was on the none-ladder mode and achieved nothing.
I guess at least I completed my "play 30 infuse cards" quest. I just wish I'd been on ladder and actually learning to play the deck against other meta decks.
PS: has anyone noticed these Russian accounts in this mode, that just rope and don't play the game? are they just AFK-farming the points for the battle pass? I played Vs. at least 4 f them last night. Again as I thought I was on ladder, I was perplexed by this, and why they were just handing me victories/rank...
now I know it was in friendly mode, I understand that it was probably just AFK-farmers.
After some <50% winrate struggling at the start of the season with thief priest, ramp druid, trying to revive control warrior (huh, it was really bad) I decided to play good-old XL mage... And that was crazy and fast skyrocket into the Diamond 5! I just feeling really happy how great it can play against aggro and that pesky beast hunters ^_^
Stole a game from a quest rogue playing a druid running a ton of win conditions. Went way in the late game, beating out 6 or 7 boards of 5/5's. Game lasted about 30 turns or so before the rogue conceded with 3 health to my 112.
39-0 winrate, which is my new winstreak record. Currently helping a friend of mine reaching legend rank. The 40th game was a lose. Currently I'm at 50-1. Started a bronse, Now I'm Platinum 7
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༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ * Record holder for fastest rank 50 - legend f2p run (15:12 hours) * ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Update on my previous post. So in the end I've reached legend rank with less than 10 loses (new account so no bonus stars) which got me straight to #16 legend. Played 1 game vs the #2 but lost, which got him #1 rank. So that's pretty cool for that fella.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ * Record holder for fastest rank 50 - legend f2p run (15:12 hours) * ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Currently been trying out Clamlock in Duels, and it's been really fun. Gonna be a bit sad when the sets rotate out, because it's nice after a long game to be able to sit there for 5 minutes as your opponent takes 600 damage. Life's fun.
This is my first and last post on this website because i finally did it!
For quite some time Hearthstone felt like a burden to me because i invested a lot free time and money into the game. And because of that i couldnt really stop playing it because it felt like i am throwing away all the time and money i invested even tho i had not much fun playing the game anymore. But i finally made the final step and requested to permanently delete my account. I need to permanently delete my account even if im losing some games i buyed, because i stopped playing a couple times but just kept coming back. It felt like a addiction.
Maybe someone reading this in a similar situation can find some encouragement to do the final step and quit, Only if you dont enjoy the game and it feels like your are addicted of course.
Excuse me my english, but i am not a native speaker
Played against a Druid who pretty much had lethal on board.
Was playing as Tempo Triple Frost DK then I managed to get a bunch of Frostwyrm's Fury from Lady Deathwhisper and Frost Strikes. I managed to board lock him with freezes while slowly building up my board for lethal. I'll admit that the freezing was a bit toxic but so is having 10+ mana and using Brann Bronzebeard and Sire Denathrius to regain all of his health and put me at 3 hp.
Happy to say that I won.
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Was friends with Paladin, now Death Knights are my homies.
Even though Triple Blood Death Knight isn't as hot as Triple Frost or even Triple Unholy, it feels so satisfying to win once in a while.
This is especially true if you're fighting Dragon Paladin who has literally played so much of their Discover cards and buffed them up with Lightforged Cariel's stupidly good hero power. I outlast their Astalor, the Flamebringer after they nearly got me dead so many times due to their insane early game.
Remember how I mentioned that stupid hero power, Blessing of Queens? Well they were able to use it so many times that they tried to use a 27/26 Mr. Smite to try to kill me. It almost killed me but luckily I had a board and 25 corpses to use with my Corpse Explosion.
He died to fatigue. Deserved it for the interactive charge minion at the end.
How did you manage to survive the late game against their Kazakusan cards? Usually that's the point where i lose this matchup because i can't deal with all the additional value. Or did your opponent play it too early?
I used your deck which helped me survive their insane curve and surprisingly they didn't have Kazakusan or even The Countess in their deck. Their win condition was literally Astalor Bloodsworn or continously buffing Mr. Smite.
Thanks for it and for Kazakusan, you really can't beat that honestly unless you snipe it. Even if you did, they could easily discover it again. Good luck beating them, I've been fighting a lot of Paladins lately.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Was friends with Paladin, now Death Knights are my homies.
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Just trying out an imp/curselock hybrid in legend, facing skelly mage. I steal his brann with topior and kill him next turn with kael>brann>denathrius.
Guy adds me, i always accept them as the little nerdrages you get 9 out of 10 times are way too funny. And bingo, instantly starts ranting how i'm only legend because of implock (funny, this is my 48th legend month and i hit it with shaman this month) and how i played so bad.
Guy didn't have an answer to 'i played so bad, yet you still lost, how bad must you be playing?' And just stars slinging random insults on the level of a true 12 year old, made my day before work :D
for the first time ever, I got a card I needed for a deck as I am building as one of my free cards (new set returning player bundle) I got that dragon made out of bushes, which was very happy about as it's one less card to craft for my Rank Druid.
I also got an epic I needed from one of the packs... Usually my luck is abysmal when it comes to getting cards I actually need.
I actually used to add people to tell them I love their deck and things like this... people don't usually accept as they think you're going to rage.
Had a few guys accept and then end up being my friend because they were so surprised I actually had something positive to say to them. I love getting beaten by weird combos and stuff.
Had the same happen to me as well when I beat someone with an amazing Glinda + x 2 Demon Portal combo (cheated out 4 giants for free I believe... wish I had hs-replay back then for the replay data) back in wildwoods. He was new to game and was blown away by what he just seen.
You do sometimes get some wholesome interactions... but most are probably salt, ha ha.
Ha, ha.
Ok so I'm playing last night with my new infuse Hunter deck, just getting to know the cards and stuff. so I cue into ladder about 15 times in a row, and I'm facing all these weird and wonderful decks. I thought maybe late at night the meta changes or something...
Then I realised I was cueing into the friendly mode the whole time :'D
I feel so bad... all these people playing these beautiful homebrew decks, and I'm just smashing them right up with a horrible, hunter deck.
It was funny though man, I thought I was doing really well and that I must have climbed a bunch of ranks, but no, i was on the none-ladder mode and achieved nothing.
I guess at least I completed my "play 30 infuse cards" quest. I just wish I'd been on ladder and actually learning to play the deck against other meta decks.
PS: has anyone noticed these Russian accounts in this mode, that just rope and don't play the game? are they just AFK-farming the points for the battle pass? I played Vs. at least 4 f them last night. Again as I thought I was on ladder, I was perplexed by this, and why they were just handing me victories/rank...
now I know it was in friendly mode, I understand that it was probably just AFK-farmers.
Finally got my last golden portrait/Hero Power!
The current iteration of thief rogue in standard is my favorite deck.
It's really inoffensive and versatile.
After some <50% winrate struggling at the start of the season with thief priest, ramp druid, trying to revive control warrior (huh, it was really bad) I decided to play good-old XL mage... And that was crazy and fast skyrocket into the Diamond 5! I just feeling really happy how great it can play against aggro and that pesky beast hunters ^_^
Stole a game from a quest rogue playing a druid running a ton of win conditions. Went way in the late game, beating out 6 or 7 boards of 5/5's. Game lasted about 30 turns or so before the rogue conceded with 3 health to my 112.
After long streak of loses and not having fun in BGs, this happened.
39-0 winrate, which is my new winstreak record. Currently helping a friend of mine reaching legend rank. The 40th game was a lose. Currently I'm at 50-1. Started a bronse, Now I'm Platinum 7
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ * Record holder for fastest rank 50 - legend f2p run (15:12 hours) * ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Update on my previous post. So in the end I've reached legend rank with less than 10 loses (new account so no bonus stars) which got me straight to #16 legend. Played 1 game vs the #2 but lost, which got him #1 rank. So that's pretty cool for that fella.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ * Record holder for fastest rank 50 - legend f2p run (15:12 hours) * ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Cho Show again

EU 11/2015+ , f2p 03/2021+: DK 63 / DH 205 /Dr 277 / Hu 733 / Ma 6666 / Pa 1072 / Pr 1165 / Ro 1791 / Sh 1303 / Wl 707 / Wr 664
Currently been trying out Clamlock in Duels, and it's been really fun. Gonna be a bit sad when the sets rotate out, because it's nice after a long game to be able to sit there for 5 minutes as your opponent takes 600 damage. Life's fun.
This is my first and last post on this website because i finally did it!
For quite some time Hearthstone felt like a burden to me because i invested a lot free time and money into the game. And because of that i couldnt really stop playing it because it felt like i am throwing away all the time and money i invested even tho i had not much fun playing the game anymore. But i finally made the final step and requested to permanently delete my account. I need to permanently delete my account even if im losing some games i buyed, because i stopped playing a couple times but just kept coming back. It felt like a addiction.
Maybe someone reading this in a similar situation can find some encouragement to do the final step and quit, Only if you dont enjoy the game and it feels like your are addicted of course.
Excuse me my english, but i am not a native speaker
Thanks for reading and have a nice day
You ever been able to drop Cold Blood on Lady S'theno?
It feels reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaallllllllllllyyyyyy good.
Shame my 50hp opponent didn't feel the same way.
Pic related is the goodest I've felt in a looooooong time when playing this game.
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
Played against a Druid who pretty much had lethal on board.
Was playing as Tempo Triple Frost DK then I managed to get a bunch of Frostwyrm's Fury from Lady Deathwhisper and Frost Strikes. I managed to board lock him with freezes while slowly building up my board for lethal. I'll admit that the freezing was a bit toxic but so is having 10+ mana and using Brann Bronzebeard and Sire Denathrius to regain all of his health and put me at 3 hp.
Happy to say that I won.
Was friends with Paladin, now Death Knights are my homies.
Even though Triple Blood Death Knight isn't as hot as Triple Frost or even Triple Unholy, it feels so satisfying to win once in a while.
This is especially true if you're fighting Dragon Paladin who has literally played so much of their Discover cards and buffed them up with Lightforged Cariel's stupidly good hero power. I outlast their Astalor, the Flamebringer after they nearly got me dead so many times due to their insane early game.
Remember how I mentioned that stupid hero power, Blessing of Queens? Well they were able to use it so many times that they tried to use a 27/26 Mr. Smite to try to kill me. It almost killed me but luckily I had a board and 25 corpses to use with my Corpse Explosion.
He died to fatigue. Deserved it for the interactive charge minion at the end.
Was friends with Paladin, now Death Knights are my homies.
Wow, that's awesome!
How did you manage to survive the late game against their Kazakusan cards? Usually that's the point where i lose this matchup because i can't deal with all the additional value. Or did your opponent play it too early?
I used your deck which helped me survive their insane curve and surprisingly they didn't have Kazakusan or even The Countess in their deck. Their win condition was literally Astalor Bloodsworn or continously buffing Mr. Smite.
Thanks for it and for Kazakusan, you really can't beat that honestly unless you snipe it. Even if you did, they could easily discover it again. Good luck beating them, I've been fighting a lot of Paladins lately.
Was friends with Paladin, now Death Knights are my homies.