It's been a while since I've had this much fun with this game, since the last nerfs I'm facing a wide variety of decks, and honestly I don't see almost anything unbalanced, I'm having good experiences playing with several decks, especially burn shaman, control paladin/warrior and some mage decks, good job devs, but please fix that Brann+Azshara and Nellie bug.
Playing for 4 last dys with big spell mage and watching with amusement how all top streamers just pounced on it right afters nerfs went live and discover little life pleasures like playing parrot after 0 mana rune turn 6...
So the nerfs hit, I open my collection and disenchant my golden Cariel, and start looking for substitutes for my Highlander Paladin. My eyes hit Protect the Innocent, and I start wondering whether I ever put that in my Healadin list.
I open my folder of HS decks and navigate to paladin decks. Healadin, last edited in 2021, Tempo Healadin, last edited in 2020, etc. and looking through different iterations of this deck, I indeed find no Protect the Innocent. Time to fix that: choosing the tempo version of the deck, I throw Injured Blademasters in with Rally!, and head straight for ranked.
The match opens with my opponent playing priest. I, however, pay little mind to this, focusing more on my own mana curve. I keep Injured Tol'vir and Corpsetaker, throwing Crystalsmith Kangor and Wickerflame Burnbristle back in the deck to keep the Corpsetaker active. Opponent, curiously, skips turn 1 - most priests at lower ranks play some quest decks - I coin out the Tol'vir and heal it with Flash of Light the next turn, while my opponent plays Kobold Sandtrooper and the usual reborn and resurrect stuff. I start thinking I may have a chance at winning, as long as Xyrella, the Devout doesn't OTK me.
While I skip my turn 3 hoping I hadn't drawn all my 4-drops, the opponent goes for a curveball: Selfish Shellfish. Healing my way out of this may not be an option, but I'm still a tempo deck, so maybe the game isn't over yet. I decide to play my Corpsetaker sooner rather than later, lest I might draw the very activators for it I decided to not keep in mulligan. Shard of the Naaru negates both my plans to stop the Shellfish from hitting me and to restore the damage taken thus far, and things keep getting more worrying by the minute: both Embalming Ritual and Grave Rune get cast on the Shellfish, while my Call to Arms seriously lowrolls with two Injured Kvaldirs and a Mistress of Mixtures.
It is only on turn 6 that my luck seems to turn: I topdeck the long awaited Protect the Innocent! Furthermore, a silver lining appears to my last turn, as while I don't have mana to cast Flash of Light to activate PtI, I can trade with the Mistress. In a rather rude manner, of course, the aforementioned Shellfish introduce themselves to the 5/5 Defenders.
The situation is, at this point, that I at least have the card advantage, if nothing else. My hand is full, and both my Blademasters get milled so Rally is near useless now, but my opponent seems to be lacking in draw engines of their own. As an occasional player of Mill Priest myself, I'm familiar with the issue. Due to the card advantage I have, I have double Zandalari Templars and Lesser Pearl Spellstones ready to go, and behind these taunts I manage to stick Crystalsmith Kangor. A couple turns forward, it's time to drop High Priest Thekal - the armor will be necessary at any moment.
As a side note, some of you will be wondering, did I also drop my Molten Giants at this point, and the answer is no, because that is simply not the game plan with this deck. Thekal exists to enable my healing and get me armor, and the goal is to be at full health for most of the game, so Molten Giants would be literally unplayable and dead draws in most matches.
With Kangor safe behind taunts and board control irreversibly on my side, it is now the opponent that assumes the defensive role. Good ol' Bloodmage Thalnos + Spirit Lash maybe buys them a turn while looking for their Xyrella, but I now have plenty of armor to go with a good amount of health as well. Four dead Shellfish should mean I don't die immediately even in fatigue, but how many Sandtroopers were there? Three? I get my answer when the opponent drops the Xyrella at 16 health - I have 21 attack showing.
I lose what remains of my deck, take around 20 damage in fatigue, and the Sandtroopers almost get the rest. I'm alive, but with Xyrella's hero power, I don't have lethal either. My turn starts, and with one more fatigue drawn, I'm at 4 health. This is no issue at all for Kangor - Amber Watcher, Truesilver Champion and Burnbristle carry me back to 30. Even Truesilver Champion doesn't give me lethal, though.
So there we are: I'm up to my waist in fatigue damage, but I, very much unlike my opponent, have health, minions, and cards to work with. What can the opponent turn the tables with? The answer I didn't expect from a priest was Coldlight Oracle - forget my waistline, I'm up to my shoulders in fatigue now! 6, 7, 5 damage from hero power, and 8 - I live, at 4 health. A swift swing from Truesilver Champion closes the game while my opponent concedes mid-attack animation.
Just won an awesome arena match. For multiple turns, while nearing fatigue, my opponent was on 3 health, had the board and I was holding a useless randomly generated Ectomancy, but managed to draw out the game. Finally it came down to a 50/50, whether Baba Naga was my fourth or third last card. I won the coinflip, drew Baba Naga, activated it with Ectomancy (probably the best Ectomancy in Hearthstone history) and won.
I just crafted Theotar, the Mad Duke and in my very first game I stole Wildheart Guff . Needless to say it was a hilarious game. Completely broken, as a different class than Druid can cheat on a huge pile of mana.
I just crafted Theotar, the Mad Duke and in my very first game I stole Wildheart Guff . Needless to say it was a hilarious game. Completely broken, as a different class than Druid can cheat on a huge pile of mana.
Nice. First game I used a copy of my opponent's Theotar to steal Kel'thuzad, then he got his Kel'thuzad back with his Theotar and then I stole his Kel'thuzad back with my own Theotar. It was super funny.
So i was playing mage against quest priest, and drew theotar on turn 2 or so, so of course i did made the big brain decision of keeping theotar until they completed their quest, because at least priest cannot play xyrella on the same turn they get her.
I wait diligently, play as well as i can with pretty poor draw, while they get an extremely good quest proc rate but hardly play much of anything, and keep a very big hand that rarely gets under 8 cards at a time, so i pray more and more that i'll find my brann in time.
Finally, the moment of truth happens: they complete the quest. I have ~38 health, they have ~23, they still have a hand of 9 cards, i still don't have brann, "alright i'll just have to pray then" i think to myself.
But no, my turn, and look, this draw, it's brann, coming to my aid! I play him right away, then theotar. First attempt: 2 useless ones, and reno. Well, not what i was looking for but i'll gladly take that thank you!
Second attempt: bingo! Xyrella is mine! And no theotar, thank you, i don't want to exhange her for reno.
I skip my turn excitedly, but.. they don't play anymore. They ragequit. Oh well, whatever, i'll just play as fast as i can and hope to somehow be able to play the shard before the game ends.
My turn again, brann is still on my board, i play xyrella, shuffles 2 shards in my deck, about 20 cards left, it'll be difficult but oh well; i play a Frostweave Dungeoneer, draw two spells...
Long story short: i got the disconnect victory just before the turn i could have played it, but i did completed a priest achievement. While playing mage.
Was playing Priest in wild and came up across a Rogue who copied my deck and then reduced minions to 1 mana and then proceeded to BM me every turn and kept top decking cards to win tempo. After 5 minutes of back and forth he ran out of draw and I finished him off with a double Neptulon.
Was playing Priest in wild and came up across a Rogue who copied my deck and then reduced minions to 1 mana and then proceeded to BM me every turn and kept top decking cards to win tempo. After 5 minutes of back and forth he ran out of draw and I finished him off with a double Neptulon.
Get fucked.
That must have felt good :)
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Finished 1st place for the first time in BG

It's been a while since I've had this much fun with this game, since the last nerfs I'm facing a wide variety of decks, and honestly I don't see almost anything unbalanced, I'm having good experiences playing with several decks, especially burn shaman, control paladin/warrior and some mage decks, good job devs, but please fix that Brann+Azshara and Nellie bug.
I lost, but look at all those Colossi.
This guy roped me every turn with 0 wins in arena. Thought was gonna lose.
Taintheart Tormenter drawn by Varian, King of Stormwind, generated by The Fires of Zin-Azshari generated by Hench-Clan Burglar.
After a nerf-wracking 25 mins control warrior vs control warrior match I finally made it to my first time being in the top 1000 legend.
you are right
Playing for 4 last dys with big spell mage and watching with amusement how all top streamers just pounced on it right afters nerfs went live and discover little life pleasures like playing parrot after 0 mana rune turn 6...
So the nerfs hit, I open my collection and disenchant my golden Cariel, and start looking for substitutes for my Highlander Paladin. My eyes hit Protect the Innocent, and I start wondering whether I ever put that in my Healadin list.
I open my folder of HS decks and navigate to paladin decks. Healadin, last edited in 2021, Tempo Healadin, last edited in 2020, etc. and looking through different iterations of this deck, I indeed find no Protect the Innocent. Time to fix that: choosing the tempo version of the deck, I throw Injured Blademasters in with Rally!, and head straight for ranked.
The match opens with my opponent playing priest. I, however, pay little mind to this, focusing more on my own mana curve. I keep Injured Tol'vir and Corpsetaker, throwing Crystalsmith Kangor and Wickerflame Burnbristle back in the deck to keep the Corpsetaker active. Opponent, curiously, skips turn 1 - most priests at lower ranks play some quest decks - I coin out the Tol'vir and heal it with Flash of Light the next turn, while my opponent plays Kobold Sandtrooper and the usual reborn and resurrect stuff. I start thinking I may have a chance at winning, as long as Xyrella, the Devout doesn't OTK me.
While I skip my turn 3 hoping I hadn't drawn all my 4-drops, the opponent goes for a curveball: Selfish Shellfish. Healing my way out of this may not be an option, but I'm still a tempo deck, so maybe the game isn't over yet. I decide to play my Corpsetaker sooner rather than later, lest I might draw the very activators for it I decided to not keep in mulligan. Shard of the Naaru negates both my plans to stop the Shellfish from hitting me and to restore the damage taken thus far, and things keep getting more worrying by the minute: both Embalming Ritual and Grave Rune get cast on the Shellfish, while my Call to Arms seriously lowrolls with two Injured Kvaldirs and a Mistress of Mixtures.
It is only on turn 6 that my luck seems to turn: I topdeck the long awaited Protect the Innocent! Furthermore, a silver lining appears to my last turn, as while I don't have mana to cast Flash of Light to activate PtI, I can trade with the Mistress. In a rather rude manner, of course, the aforementioned Shellfish introduce themselves to the 5/5 Defenders.
The situation is, at this point, that I at least have the card advantage, if nothing else. My hand is full, and both my Blademasters get milled so Rally is near useless now, but my opponent seems to be lacking in draw engines of their own. As an occasional player of Mill Priest myself, I'm familiar with the issue. Due to the card advantage I have, I have double Zandalari Templars and Lesser Pearl Spellstones ready to go, and behind these taunts I manage to stick Crystalsmith Kangor. A couple turns forward, it's time to drop High Priest Thekal - the armor will be necessary at any moment.
As a side note, some of you will be wondering, did I also drop my Molten Giants at this point, and the answer is no, because that is simply not the game plan with this deck. Thekal exists to enable my healing and get me armor, and the goal is to be at full health for most of the game, so Molten Giants would be literally unplayable and dead draws in most matches.
With Kangor safe behind taunts and board control irreversibly on my side, it is now the opponent that assumes the defensive role. Good ol' Bloodmage Thalnos + Spirit Lash maybe buys them a turn while looking for their Xyrella, but I now have plenty of armor to go with a good amount of health as well. Four dead Shellfish should mean I don't die immediately even in fatigue, but how many Sandtroopers were there? Three? I get my answer when the opponent drops the Xyrella at 16 health - I have 21 attack showing.
I lose what remains of my deck, take around 20 damage in fatigue, and the Sandtroopers almost get the rest. I'm alive, but with Xyrella's hero power, I don't have lethal either. My turn starts, and with one more fatigue drawn, I'm at 4 health. This is no issue at all for Kangor - Amber Watcher, Truesilver Champion and Burnbristle carry me back to 30. Even Truesilver Champion doesn't give me lethal, though.
So there we are: I'm up to my waist in fatigue damage, but I, very much unlike my opponent, have health, minions, and cards to work with. What can the opponent turn the tables with? The answer I didn't expect from a priest was Coldlight Oracle - forget my waistline, I'm up to my shoulders in fatigue now! 6, 7, 5 damage from hero power, and 8 - I live, at 4 health. A swift swing from Truesilver Champion closes the game while my opponent concedes mid-attack animation.
Just won an awesome arena match. For multiple turns, while nearing fatigue, my opponent was on 3 health, had the board and I was holding a useless randomly generated Ectomancy, but managed to draw out the game. Finally it came down to a 50/50, whether Baba Naga was my fourth or third last card. I won the coinflip, drew Baba Naga, activated it with Ectomancy (probably the best Ectomancy in Hearthstone history) and won.
Ceterum censeo classum magi esse delendam.
Finally got to Legend after 5 years with Wild quest priest (Renathal/Reno Jackson).
Not sure if hyped yet.
Fuck yeah, 7th time Legend and with the deck I've had the most fun playing in forever. Feels so fuckin' good.
This was funny
I just crafted Theotar, the Mad Duke and in my very first game I stole Wildheart Guff .
Needless to say it was a hilarious game. Completely broken, as a different class than Druid can cheat on a huge pile of mana. site dead???
Nice. First game I used a copy of my opponent's Theotar to steal Kel'thuzad, then he got his Kel'thuzad back with his Theotar and then I stole his Kel'thuzad back with my own Theotar. It was super funny.
This happened
So i was playing mage against quest priest, and drew theotar on turn 2 or so, so of course i did made the big brain decision of keeping theotar until they completed their quest, because at least priest cannot play xyrella on the same turn they get her.
I wait diligently, play as well as i can with pretty poor draw, while they get an extremely good quest proc rate but hardly play much of anything, and keep a very big hand that rarely gets under 8 cards at a time, so i pray more and more that i'll find my brann in time.
Finally, the moment of truth happens: they complete the quest. I have ~38 health, they have ~23, they still have a hand of 9 cards, i still don't have brann, "alright i'll just have to pray then" i think to myself.
But no, my turn, and look, this draw, it's brann, coming to my aid! I play him right away, then theotar. First attempt: 2 useless ones, and reno. Well, not what i was looking for but i'll gladly take that thank you!
Second attempt: bingo! Xyrella is mine! And no theotar, thank you, i don't want to exhange her for reno.
I skip my turn excitedly, but.. they don't play anymore. They ragequit. Oh well, whatever, i'll just play as fast as i can and hope to somehow be able to play the shard before the game ends.
My turn again, brann is still on my board, i play xyrella, shuffles 2 shards in my deck, about 20 cards left, it'll be difficult but oh well; i play a Frostweave Dungeoneer, draw two spells...
Long story short: i got the disconnect victory just before the turn i could have played it, but i did completed a priest achievement. While playing mage.
Was playing Priest in wild and came up across a Rogue who copied my deck and then reduced minions to 1 mana and then proceeded to BM me every turn and kept top decking cards to win tempo. After 5 minutes of back and forth he ran out of draw and I finished him off with a double Neptulon.
Get fucked.
That must have felt good :)