I unlocked the Garrosh of Wrath skin the other day and haven't used any emotes yet. I generally only do that against Druids and Rogues because they've been the bane of my existence the entire time I've played the game and I feel like rubbing it when I counter their bullshit is justified. So, when I come up against a Rogue just now that tried stealth shenanigans and got shut down at every turn, he left the game. What made it for me though was using Garrosh of Wrath's "Hello" emote for the time only to find out it's "Fight on, friend". Very fitting, very satisfying. My day has been made.
I must have been on the very brink of hitting Diamond 5 like 10 times but always got pushed back a few steps back. Just in time too because my deck gets nerfed later today.
I have been rolling with Fel Jace DH for a while now and between him and Taelan it's magic. Especially when people start to struggle against the inevitable (welcome to the board Deathspeaker). Peppering Jace, Taelan and Blackthorn my three favorite cards currently.
Mech mage is fun. That mana cheating card that draws mech and discounts mechs in hands seems like it will be trouble in the future , but fun. Shark is pretty nasty discounted.
i used to play games a lot but after sometimes my pc got destroyed because it was not that strong and could not bear high end games but i had a great time playing them and it was a lovely experience so after that again i thought that ii should play more but the only problem for me to find a great and compatible PC for my gaming so i got myself a customized pc which is awesome and i improved my gaming skills and now i am loving it.
I usually have to netdeck to go from D10 to D5 each month, but I just made it with a home brew deck. Feels good! This Reno mage has been pretty fun, and it has a decent chance against Warrior, Mech Mage, and Ramp Druid.
Didn't know it was possible to have 3 Golden Wrath Weaver but with Lich Baz'hial, they were crazy.
My Unearthed Underling got to 250/250 :D
I know people think Kazakusan is a scummy card, but oh my god blowing up Pirate Warriors in Wild with Druid is delicious.
I like that Blackwater Cutlass is coded to not discount a 0 mana spell when it's traded away.
I unlocked the Garrosh of Wrath skin the other day and haven't used any emotes yet. I generally only do that against Druids and Rogues because they've been the bane of my existence the entire time I've played the game and I feel like rubbing it when I counter their bullshit is justified. So, when I come up against a Rogue just now that tried stealth shenanigans and got shut down at every turn, he left the game. What made it for me though was using Garrosh of Wrath's "Hello" emote for the time only to find out it's "Fight on, friend". Very fitting, very satisfying. My day has been made.
Reached Legend with tier 3 (or even 4) deck - Rune Wildfire Mage (with 2xDrakefire Amulet!).
It seems you can get to legend and have fun even in Druidstone (and yes, this is Druidstone, no other class is even in 1/3 as popular, sad).
OH NOOO I feel so sorry for my opponent D: but also that was pretty funny :D
Playing on my youth is getting old............. need $, see it coming! Hates asparagus. https://harrah.newgrounds.com/
TLDR: I played CW against Quest priest that BM'd me in the last turn. Kazakusan gave me Spyglass. I topdecked it and shard the priest.
Priest completed his quest. I tried my best to pressure with Onyxia to stop him from playing reward.
I Kazakusan'd to find Spyglass to steal Xyrella reward from hand.
He cleared my board and BM greeted me when he played Xyrella and drew a card, expecting me to helplessly lose the very next turn.
I actually topdeck'ed Spyglass. And got 1/6 or 7 chances to get specific card from hand...
I must have been on the very brink of hitting Diamond 5 like 10 times but always got pushed back a few steps back. Just in time too because my deck gets nerfed later today.
I got my fucking revenge on Vanndar in duels. I can die now.
Nothing tilts me as board full of 8-10 costs on turn3...
Little mouthbreather was roping to the max from turn 1 all game long, spamming emotes.
Played 3 tickatus pretty quickly but completely misstimed it, even played a kazakusan after and he still lost. That felt way too good :D
Sometimes it takes a rat to beat a rat.
Sometimes lucky, but still, most of the time unlucky :D
I have been rolling with Fel Jace DH for a while now and between him and Taelan it's magic. Especially when people start to struggle against the inevitable (welcome to the board Deathspeaker). Peppering Jace, Taelan and Blackthorn my three favorite cards currently.
I lost to a warlock who used curse of agony to shuffle my deck after I dredged.
Not upset.
Just impressed.
Mech mage is fun. That mana cheating card that draws mech and discounts mechs in hands seems like it will be trouble in the future , but fun. Shark is pretty nasty discounted.
i used to play games a lot but after sometimes my pc got destroyed because it was not that strong and could not bear high end games but i had a great time playing them and it was a lovely experience so after that again i thought that ii should play more but the only problem for me to find a great and compatible PC for my gaming so i got myself a customized pc which is awesome and i improved my gaming skills and now i am loving it.
nl_Kripp aka Kripparian subscribed to my channel !!!. He was watching me play CONTROL WARRIOR.
I usually have to netdeck to go from D10 to D5 each month, but I just made it with a home brew deck. Feels good! This Reno mage has been pretty fun, and it has a decent chance against Warrior, Mech Mage, and Ramp Druid.