Playing Quest Yogg Rogue against Evolve Shaman. He continues to load up the board with big minions, I somehow keep finding ways to remove them. He ignores my small minions and proceeds to hit me in the face, turn after turn, eventually taking me down to 3 life. Basically unless I find a clear and some healing / armor, I'm as good as dead once he finds his second Bogspine.
Just as all hope is looking lost, I cast an Evocation I had been hanging onto, looking for freezes or useful secrets, but instead find a Flamestrike! And thanks to his absolute unwillingness to trade in his favor on previous turns, I'm able to get his board down to 4 health and clear him out. Next turn he hero power passes with one card in hand (probably Desert Hare), finally allowing me the room to pop off a big Edwin. He concedes.
Definitely the most stressful matchup in the current meta, given you have no idea what you'll be dealing with (same could be said against Quest Rogue I guess, but random cards are not as powerful as mana cheating/evolving). Really makes you miss Vanish in standard, but games like that are the reason quest rogue is worth playing.
I got a golden Sir Finley of the Sands from a pack at the beginning of this year. I'm not a Paladin player but I could not bring myself to disenchant the little fellow.
After coming back as a returning player I picked the free Paladin deck and put together some kind of Pure Paladin Murloc/Dragon/Mech/Libram deck. Even though I only win about 1 in every 3 games, I'm having more fun with this game than I can remember.
Doing some achievements and for Forbidden Jutsu (summon 10+ cost minion with shadow clone) i made a stupid deck with a lot of card draw, sea giants and Silas Darkmoon, chances for success ~2%.
First opponent playing big resurrect priest, summoning round 5 a scrapyard colossus and no need for all this complex strategy. In the end i also won the game, sometimes lucky.
Playing ETC warrior against a secret face hunter (not HL). He gets me down to 6 health (he has 25), with an Eaglehorn Bow, a 3/3 strider and a 2/1 demon companion on the board, plus one secret. I have the ETC combo in hand, but he doesn't have enough health on the board to kill him. Still, it's my only play besides conceding. Maybe he's playing Snipe, in which case it's gg, but I go for it because worst case allows me to hang on for another turn, since I'd at least clear his board. I play the combo, attack broom into strider, and it summons another 3/3 strider from Pack Tactics! Enough to put the combo over the line and win.
Moral of the story: never concede, unless you have a 0.0% chance of winning. You never know.
OTK'ing greedy decks is the best feeling ever, playing DH spell otk with yogg as a panic button, been pretty fun. Plays more like a control deck, which is pretty fun and a nice change from the aggro playstyle.
Perhaps an Olive branch from Blizzard? After the fuckery that was yesterday, they bestowed upon me two golden legendary cards from my free packs today.
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Grammar is the difference between knowing your crap, and knowing you’re crap.
Big thumbs up to the evolve shaman player i just played in D3 who could have sent my Colossus back to hand by attacking with the Sakhet Sapper it had evolved, probably winning the game, but decided to save it in order to evolve again. Absolute big brain mastery, thanks for the win.
I'm playing this meme deck where the main gimmick is that half the cards do something helpful to your opponent. The absolutely unbelievable part is that it's not even a losing deck, I've won against discard warlock and a secret mage, and the only reason why I lost against one of my opponents was because K'thir Ritualist gave them a Griftah, which in turn gave them a Spellbreaker to silence my taunt minion. (Naturally, the last game I mentioned ended with us both using the "Happy feast of Winter's Veil" emote)
Pretty certain this was my most exciting battlegrounds game of 2020. I had two khadgar early on. Trippled murlocs into a mama bear, then a cats into more mama bears. Got a very decent beast build going. Somehow decided to keep golden Khadgar around and picked up a rivendare along the way as it fit the build. Then got two dread admiral eliza just thrown at me as well. Saw an opening, took the risk, and knocked out three big statted elemental builds in the endgame. The only thing I never got was defender of argus.
My APM sucks, so I gave up on Khadgar builds a while ago. Today I was tired to begin with, and somehow I managed to do it...
Also, apparently this was my first time placing first as Aranna.
Just had a fun game in wild. I played Dragon Priest and my opponent played the new C'Thun Warrior. During the game I got my win condition by discovering Thoughtsteal through Firetree Witchdoctor in the middle of the game and Temporus I don't remember how later on.
So the last turns he has very little cards left in the deck and played 2 of the C'Thun pieces cards. So it goes like this:
1: Me - Temporus 2: Him #1 - plays the 2 C'thun cards 3: Him #2 - doesn't draw the C'Thun so plays Dragonqueen Alexstrasza and some dragon 4: Me #1: I play Murozond the Infinite and Thoughtsteal - I steal C'Thun 5: Me #2: I attack with the minions and play C'Thun - WIN
I was really lucky with the discovery but I'm really proud of myself of how I was able to figure out a win with what I got.
After weeks on grinding I FINALLY managed The Dalaran Heist C5.
I truly will never understand why Discard is considered a bad bucket for Dalaran Heist chapter 5 and not what it is at best, little over average to barely good, after over 100+ attempts with multiple different strats ranging from big druid with Robes/Scepter and blood flood with Captured Flag and tokens, to Paladin STB with a rare double flag, to Mage with Robes/Scepter and a ton of Rags with Banana Splits or the wonky Rogue Stargazer Joink! Robes/Scepter I went with a couple of times, I always lost on Norrona or the odd Vargoth.
I tried a few other strategies with Warlock using Cloaked Moltens + Mal'ganis or board flood with Flag, all of it all lost to the same bosses(sometimes even the lone nelf and her treants or boss 5) but Discard? took me 1 attempt with a full version of it, trying to target the Doomguards or Knights with the Banana Split(Managed combo every game and for Khadgar) for big boys not easily removed by mages and most other classes the bosses are, with those 3/4 lifesteal taunts "If you discard add two to your hand" or the "add 2/2 and return to your hand if discarded" the quest doesn't hinder you, and provides a steady source minions for the extra 4 who rely heavily on spells that you either need to bait with or soak up missiles. Granted I didn't play reward on Khadgar but that's cause I already a board he couldn't get rid off that was dealing just fine with the 2/3's.
That moment when you find a Big Priest that trash emotes the hell out of you, you don't find your Devolve and Hex...
yet you manage to take down wave after wave of Vargoths, Bloods of G'huun and 10 mana taunt giants with your reno shaman until the opponent reachs fatigue, has no cards left, and you still can throw more cards in the game and are at full Health.
I really like beating those shamans with my old god druid.
I can feel them rage from here when they play the most broken stuff and still lose to Druid. Feels so good. Must be raging: NoT FaIR 9 mAnA TuRN 5, urrrrrrr.
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Playing Quest Yogg Rogue against Evolve Shaman. He continues to load up the board with big minions, I somehow keep finding ways to remove them. He ignores my small minions and proceeds to hit me in the face, turn after turn, eventually taking me down to 3 life. Basically unless I find a clear and some healing / armor, I'm as good as dead once he finds his second Bogspine.
Just as all hope is looking lost, I cast an Evocation I had been hanging onto, looking for freezes or useful secrets, but instead find a Flamestrike! And thanks to his absolute unwillingness to trade in his favor on previous turns, I'm able to get his board down to 4 health and clear him out. Next turn he hero power passes with one card in hand (probably Desert Hare), finally allowing me the room to pop off a big Edwin. He concedes.
Definitely the most stressful matchup in the current meta, given you have no idea what you'll be dealing with (same could be said against Quest Rogue I guess, but random cards are not as powerful as mana cheating/evolving). Really makes you miss Vanish in standard, but games like that are the reason quest rogue is worth playing.
I got a golden Sir Finley of the Sands from a pack at the beginning of this year. I'm not a Paladin player but I could not bring myself to disenchant the little fellow.
After coming back as a returning player I picked the free Paladin deck and put together some kind of Pure Paladin Murloc/Dragon/Mech/Libram deck. Even though I only win about 1 in every 3 games, I'm having more fun with this game than I can remember.
Another ez legend. I only lost 3 games from diamond 5.
Doing some achievements and for Forbidden Jutsu (summon 10+ cost minion with shadow clone) i made a stupid deck with a lot of card draw, sea giants and Silas Darkmoon, chances for success ~2%.
First opponent playing big resurrect priest, summoning round 5 a scrapyard colossus and no need for all this complex strategy. In the end i also won the game, sometimes lucky.
All Skill, No Luck
Playing ETC warrior against a secret face hunter (not HL). He gets me down to 6 health (he has 25), with an Eaglehorn Bow, a 3/3 strider and a 2/1 demon companion on the board, plus one secret. I have the ETC combo in hand, but he doesn't have enough health on the board to kill him. Still, it's my only play besides conceding. Maybe he's playing Snipe, in which case it's gg, but I go for it because worst case allows me to hang on for another turn, since I'd at least clear his board. I play the combo, attack broom into strider, and it summons another 3/3 strider from Pack Tactics! Enough to put the combo over the line and win.
Moral of the story: never concede, unless you have a 0.0% chance of winning. You never know.
OTK'ing greedy decks is the best feeling ever, playing DH spell otk with yogg as a panic button, been pretty fun. Plays more like a control deck, which is pretty fun and a nice change from the aggro playstyle.
I got a golden legendary from the "Sorry we fucked up" packs! Inara Stormcrash which is nice because she's playable in aggro shaman
Perhaps an Olive branch from Blizzard? After the fuckery that was yesterday, they bestowed upon me two golden legendary cards from my free packs today.
Grammar is the difference between knowing your crap, and knowing you’re crap.
A .gif is worth a thousand words.
Big thumbs up to the evolve shaman player i just played in D3 who could have sent my Colossus back to hand by attacking with the Sakhet Sapper it had evolved, probably winning the game, but decided to save it in order to evolve again. Absolute big brain mastery, thanks for the win.
Just got lethal with Nat Pagel.
Galavant Animation
I'm playing this meme deck where the main gimmick is that half the cards do something helpful to your opponent. The absolutely unbelievable part is that it's not even a losing deck, I've won against discard warlock and a secret mage, and the only reason why I lost against one of my opponents was because K'thir Ritualist gave them a Griftah, which in turn gave them a Spellbreaker to silence my taunt minion. (Naturally, the last game I mentioned ended with us both using the "Happy feast of Winter's Veil" emote)
50/50 winrate in casual so far
# 1x (1) Biology Project
# 1x (1) Mistress of Mixtures
# 2x (2) Booty Bay Bookie
# 1x (2) Stonesplinter Trogg
# 1x (3) Arcane Golem
# 1x (3) Deathlord
# 2x (3) Generous Mummy
# 1x (3) Jade Blossom
# 2x (3) K'thir Ritualist
# 1x (3) Witching Hour
# 1x (4) Daring Reporter
# 2x (4) Hoarding Dragon
# 2x (4) Oaken Summons
# 2x (4) Soldier of Fortune
# 2x (4) Zul'Drak Ritualist
# 1x (5) Burgly Bully
# 1x (5) Duskfallen Aviana
# 2x (5) Guild Recruiter
# 2x (5) Ogremancer
# 2x (8) Grizzled Guardian
Wait what am I supposed to write here again
After countless of games as totem shaman i finally hit the godly hand felt so good.
Finding lethal off a Solarian Prime who casts Puzzle Box when Tickatus has burned all your high value cards is just the best.
Pretty certain this was my most exciting battlegrounds game of 2020. I had two khadgar early on. Trippled murlocs into a mama bear, then a cats into more mama bears. Got a very decent beast build going. Somehow decided to keep golden Khadgar around and picked up a rivendare along the way as it fit the build. Then got two dread admiral eliza just thrown at me as well. Saw an opening, took the risk, and knocked out three big statted elemental builds in the endgame. The only thing I never got was defender of argus.
My APM sucks, so I gave up on Khadgar builds a while ago. Today I was tired to begin with, and somehow I managed to do it...
Also, apparently this was my first time placing first as Aranna.
Just drafted the sickest deck ever.. This only can go wrong.. :O
Just had a fun game in wild. I played Dragon Priest and my opponent played the new C'Thun Warrior. During the game I got my win condition by discovering Thoughtsteal through Firetree Witchdoctor in the middle of the game and Temporus I don't remember how later on.
So the last turns he has very little cards left in the deck and played 2 of the C'Thun pieces cards. So it goes like this:
1: Me - Temporus
2: Him #1 - plays the 2 C'thun cards
3: Him #2 - doesn't draw the C'Thun so plays Dragonqueen Alexstrasza and some dragon
4: Me #1: I play Murozond the Infinite and Thoughtsteal - I steal C'Thun
5: Me #2: I attack with the minions and play C'Thun - WIN
I was really lucky with the discovery but I'm really proud of myself of how I was able to figure out a win with what I got.
After weeks on grinding I FINALLY managed The Dalaran Heist C5.
I truly will never understand why Discard is considered a bad bucket for Dalaran Heist chapter 5 and not what it is at best, little over average to barely good, after over 100+ attempts with multiple different strats ranging from big druid with Robes/Scepter and blood flood with Captured Flag and tokens, to Paladin STB with a rare double flag, to Mage with Robes/Scepter and a ton of Rags with Banana Splits or the wonky Rogue Stargazer Joink! Robes/Scepter I went with a couple of times, I always lost on Norrona or the odd Vargoth.
I tried a few other strategies with Warlock using Cloaked Moltens + Mal'ganis or board flood with Flag, all of it all lost to the same bosses(sometimes even the lone nelf and her treants or boss 5) but Discard? took me 1 attempt with a full version of it, trying to target the Doomguards or Knights with the Banana Split(Managed combo every game and for Khadgar) for big boys not easily removed by mages and most other classes the bosses are, with those 3/4 lifesteal taunts "If you discard add two to your hand" or the "add 2/2 and return to your hand if discarded" the quest doesn't hinder you, and provides a steady source minions for the extra 4 who rely heavily on spells that you either need to bait with or soak up missiles. Granted I didn't play reward on Khadgar but that's cause I already a board he couldn't get rid off that was dealing just fine with the 2/3's.
That moment when you find a Big Priest that trash emotes the hell out of you, you don't find your Devolve and Hex...
yet you manage to take down wave after wave of Vargoths, Bloods of G'huun and 10 mana taunt giants with your reno shaman until the opponent reachs fatigue, has no cards left, and you still can throw more cards in the game and are at full Health.
Click to see my Hearthstone projects:
I would like to thank Hearthstone and the Queens Gambit for reintroducing me to Chess.
If you want a game of skill and creativity play chess. If you want a fruit machine with microtransactions play Hearthstone.
I really like beating those shamans with my old god druid.
I can feel them rage from here when they play the most broken stuff and still lose to Druid. Feels so good. Must be raging: NoT FaIR 9 mAnA TuRN 5, urrrrrrr.