I just went 5-1 with my homebrew token heal druid beating 3 tempo rogues, a miracle mage, secret hunter, and a bomb hunter. It actually stomped the hell out of all three rogues. Kidding aside it seems like it's actually kind of good? Predatory Instincts into Crystal Stag (the only beast) is a hell of a curve that impacts the board strongly to make up for the lack of tempo on turn 4, it also is very anti sap. The heals means you usually beat aggressive decks and overwhelm them with a board eventually. It is probably worse against warrior but I haven't had a chance to test that yet. If you think about it, about 1/3rd of the standard token druid list are shitty cards that you have to play to generate tokens, so you just replace that with heal package.
Also Keeper Stalladris can snowball incredibly hard if it lives more than a turn. It lived long enough here to play two power of the wild, wrath, and a Crystal Power. Fucking V A L U E.
I just went 5-1 with my homebrew token heal druid beating 3 tempo rogues, a miracle mage, secret hunter, and a bomb hunter. It actually stomped the hell out of all three rogues. Kidding aside it seems like it's actually kind of good? Predatory Instincts into Crystal Stag (the only beast) is a hell of a curve that impacts the board strongly to make up for the lack of tempo on turn 4, it also is very anti sap. The heals means you usually beat aggressive decks and overwhelm them with a board eventually. It is probably worse against warrior but I haven't had a chance to test that yet. If you think about it, about 1/3rd of the standard token druid list are shitty cards that you have to play to generate tokens, so you just replace that with heal package.
Also Keeper Stalladris can snowball incredibly hard if it lives more than a turn. It lived long enough here to play two power of the wild, wrath, and a Crystal Power. Fucking V A L U E.
There's nothing better than beating a Mech Hunter with a Khadgar Mage deck! Especially when that Hunter player BM's you with a "Well Played" at pretty much the earliest possible moment in the game that he could emote to me. I wonder if he knew the matchup favored the Hunter 76% of the time and that's why he did the BM emote, but regardless he lost!
yeah I have it as a one off, it's not that bad really. all the heals in the deck are 3+ so if it draws a card it's worth it, and it's cheap enough to throw down when you play a heal thing and it has a decent amount of health. people try really hard to kill it too, a fucking rogue hit it with his waggle pick, lol.
It's not even the weirdest/worst card i have in the deck. i'm running a Pumpkin Peasant as a one off but i'm probably going to take that out, mostly just put it in for the lulz. Minions that heal/have lifesteal don't give you a ton to choose from which is the biggest challenge in the deck. Might go for a Hench-Clan Hag or two since it would curve into zilliax.
My my, how good it feels to beat a cocky control warrior that kept spamming and BMing the whole game. Got to BM him back at the end and kill him with a topdeck <3
Mirror match with Big Warrior, you're both in fatigue, and somehow your last minion standing has 8 lifesteal...feels good. My opponent was cocky as fuck too, thinking he had me with a 16/16 Alexstrasza (buffed by Emeriss). Thankfully I was saving my Omega Devastator for that.
Oh man, Secret Hunter is quite the meta breaker. 30-17 with the deck (64%), and I've been slaughtering Rogues on my way up the ladder. I'm currently 12-2 against Rogues, as they just don't know how to deal with all those secrets. Feels good, man...feels good.
always feels good to beat a BMing netdeck miracle rogue :)
Current homebrew variations of decks:
Made Rank 10 for the first time :)
I just went 5-1 with my homebrew token heal druid beating 3 tempo rogues, a miracle mage, secret hunter, and a bomb hunter. It actually stomped the hell out of all three rogues. Kidding aside it seems like it's actually kind of good? Predatory Instincts into Crystal Stag (the only beast) is a hell of a curve that impacts the board strongly to make up for the lack of tempo on turn 4, it also is very anti sap. The heals means you usually beat aggressive decks and overwhelm them with a board eventually. It is probably worse against warrior but I haven't had a chance to test that yet. If you think about it, about 1/3rd of the standard token druid list are shitty cards that you have to play to generate tokens, so you just replace that with heal package.
Also Keeper Stalladris can snowball incredibly hard if it lives more than a turn. It lived long enough here to play two power of the wild, wrath, and a Crystal Power. Fucking V A L U E.
That Soup Vendor tho very ballsy lol
When your opponents witches lackey upgrades his own card to a doomsayer, insta concede
There's nothing better than beating a Mech Hunter with a Khadgar Mage deck! Especially when that Hunter player BM's you with a "Well Played" at pretty much the earliest possible moment in the game that he could emote to me. I wonder if he knew the matchup favored the Hunter 76% of the time and that's why he did the BM emote, but regardless he lost!
yeah I have it as a one off, it's not that bad really. all the heals in the deck are 3+ so if it draws a card it's worth it, and it's cheap enough to throw down when you play a heal thing and it has a decent amount of health. people try really hard to kill it too, a fucking rogue hit it with his waggle pick, lol.
It's not even the weirdest/worst card i have in the deck. i'm running a Pumpkin Peasant as a one off but i'm probably going to take that out, mostly just put it in for the lulz. Minions that heal/have lifesteal don't give you a ton to choose from which is the biggest challenge in the deck. Might go for a Hench-Clan Hag or two since it would curve into zilliax.
My my, how good it feels to beat a cocky control warrior that kept spamming and BMing the whole game. Got to BM him back at the end and kill him with a topdeck <3
tfw you have board control vs murloc shaman and they drop Deathwing,
and you rip the BGH you've been holding all game.
insta concede lol
Kaladin's RoS Set Review
Join me at Out of Cards!
if you know me, you know that I'm:
a) a crappy player
b) hate conrol war
So in the last game I burned Dr Balance first.
and than my creature won brawl two times in a row:
Not to say that I swinged back from single digit hp. It was so cool that opponent even sent me a friend invite, I politely declined.
P.S. Oh, yeah, I also opened Tirion Fordring – that's why I put up pal deck. And it's descent, IMHO.
If it's stupid but it works, is it actually stupid?
...Probably yeah. It still worked though XD
Winning!? Nah dawg *Meme-ing!*!! (but also winning)
Mirror match with Big Warrior, you're both in fatigue, and somehow your last minion standing has 8 lifesteal...feels good. My opponent was cocky as fuck too, thinking he had me with a 16/16 Alexstrasza (buffed by Emeriss). Thankfully I was saving my Omega Devastator for that.
The true mistress of shadows.
Casually playing meme Dragon Priest in Wild when I encounter a Bomb Warrior with the Standard deck. Feelsgoodman.
PS: Still had like 4-5 bombs left in my deck after 5 or so detonated.
TFW you find lethal vs tempo rogue
Kaladin's RoS Set Review
Join me at Out of Cards!
Oh man, Secret Hunter is quite the meta breaker. 30-17 with the deck (64%), and I've been slaughtering Rogues on my way up the ladder. I'm currently 12-2 against Rogues, as they just don't know how to deal with all those secrets. Feels good, man...feels good.
8 Bombs couldnt stop Control Shaman.
Finally, mega windfury was useful 😎
I finally found the way how to get maximum satisfaction from playing control.
Whenever i see priest, i concede turn 0.
Whenever i see rouge, if he plays nothing turn 3, i concede - it must be mill rouge.
Now I can spend 100% time in this game exactly how i would like to spend it.
Rafaam giving me Khadgar and 2 Jan'alai. Two turns later 4 Ragnaros' on the board.
Next game managed to use Lord Jaraxxus to finish off a Token Druid. Satisfying.
This deck farmea warriors, your bombs I pass through the eggs. Feelsgoodman
My minion survives the Brawl and that the egg would have been broken
My opponent starts doing BM, ropping and concede. THE BEST DECK against Warrior