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Which Class are you going to play?
Poll: Which Class are you going to play?
Ended Jun 22, 2013
This thread was marked as Locked by Scorpyon.
Ended Jun 22, 2013
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I will prob start with war, my second choice is druid, I like their hero power and the OR cards are pretty sweet. I feel like war is going to be a fast striker deck and druid a late game behemoth deck for me.
warlock 4 lyfe!
I will go priest first. I have a killer velen burn deck also a hilarious control deck which is way too random so it's at 50% win rate but it's still really fun :D I will probably then go warrior even though that is my most hated class in wow I really love all the effects you can pile that triggers on dmg. And if you have enugh taunt minions you can stack up shield a lot to finish opponent with Death Wish. After that I will go for a warlock giant build and murloc druid build and quite possibly a beast hunter build. Pirate/weaponmaster warriors also looking good right now. I got defeated by a weaponmaster rogue who used no minions once so I could also go for that.
Shaman I thought would be more fun but the overloads are not fun imo. Maybe I haven't been using the proper deck for it. I havent tried out paladin or mage yet but I do what a paladin deck focused on minion summons and minion buffs.
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I'm going to shoot for playing Miracle Rogue come Beta (if things stay remotely close to what they are now). But with the rumored loss of Adrenaline Rush, the deck might not be playable anymore. It'd be a real bummer, but I'd probably just end up playing some sort of Druid build if that's the case.
if they remove adrenalin rush they would buff sprint imo so maybe it will still be viable somehow
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wish they add a death knight hero ! Arthas lich king
Which king? The Lich King or The Witch King? The Nietzsche King? Or The Itch King? Assuming it's not The B.tch King or The Twitch King or The Snitch King. Do the switch thing on The Glitch King and The Rich King to enrich spring and bring the bewitched ring to watch Stitch sing.
ok Im done now :D
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In World of Warcraft I'm a Mage, so I'm going to start off playing the class I truly love. I'm really looking forward to playing Warrior and Hunter though!
Damn, that's a lot of Horde bias.
well since i can't pick DK I guess ill go with mage cause Jaina Proudmoore is a sexy bish.
Surprised by the number of people that are going Shaman. Wonder if that's deck/hero power based or simply based on being able to play as Thrall.
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the amount of rogues I see on cockatrice I'm surprised to see them this low I thought mages or paladins would be the lowest. And seeing as how druids are so powerful right now I immagined they'd be on top.
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Seeing how I will have to try them all atleast once, that might give a bit of a feel. But as burn-decks are my favourite, I'll probs go with a mage.
Unfortunatly Warrior seems awesome, and I've been hating on Warriors in WoW since TBC-times :P
It's not all good and dandy this is based off the Warcraft universe ;D
I guess I'm going to go with the hunter. I just love Rexxar as he is one of my favorite Warcraft lore characters, and a hunter was the first class i played in WoW.
Warrior for me most likely. Or Warlock can't say 100% sure yet. I also would love to have a random option cause I dig pretty much all of the classes.
As someone already said, its too bad there isn't a Death Knight class. Arthas would be just perfect for it.. Then again so would Teron Gorefiend, hrm! I think a DK class and it's minions could be really awesome in Hearthstone either way.
I'm not sure if I was going to pick a Hunter first or a Shaman.
In WoW, I'm a Hunter, but the shaman just seems so overpowered with his easy totems.
I'll probably play them all, but warrior/hunter seems pretty fun. Closely followed by druid and shaman.
I voted for Warlock, but honestly there are a number of the classes that look fun to play. Warlock, Shaman, Warrior in particular right now - but I'm sure I'll try them all!
I did do Druid because I thought they were cool, which hurt because I played Warrior throughout my seven year WoW career. Now I think it will be priest or hunter because their play style looks more fun.
I just want to multi-shot all day long, or at least twice a game.
Demon Hunter
Holy old thread! Looking forward to this game, I foresee many hours spent playing every class.